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New Gun Control Idea: Take Guns from Senior Citizens


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John Hopkins Universitys Shannon Frattaroli sees danger in gun ownership among senior citizens, and pointed out Thursday that Californias Gun Violence Restraining Orders (GVROs) provide a way that families can have guns confiscated from older relatives.

Senior citizens have been among the most adamant Second Amendment advocates in recent years, such as the late Otis McDonald (above), who challenged Chicagos handgun ban at the U.S. Supreme Court and won.


But Frattaroli, who works at the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, has expressed concern over what an grandparent with a gun might do to him or herself via suicide, or the danger that may befall a grandchild who finds the gun.


According to New America Media, Frattaroli said:


So much of the dialogue around guns in this country has been around crime, and lately, mass shootings. And the older population is not part of that. But when you look at the suicide issue, its impossible to ignore older Americans. With that in mind, any conversation about guns has to include a conversation [about] gun ownership among older adults. Theres definitely more to be done on that issue in the United States.


She indicates lawmakers in many states have enacted laws requiring older Americans to show proficiency before being allowed to continue driving, but points out that laws requiring proficiency in firearms are not a topic of discussion. Instead, such citizens continue to own guns and cite self-defense as a common reason for so doing.


But Frattaroli believes the dangers posed by armed older citizens far outweighs any safety they otherwise gain by owning firearms. She said:


Older adults need to consider the risk whether an actual home invasion is likely to occur, versus the likelihood that the [older] person would use that gun to do harm to themselves, or a grandchild would find that gun, or they would harm someone coming into the home whos not there for a home invasion, someone there for a legitimate purpose like a caretaker.


rest of story at link

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LOL, because this is HUGE issue right. Old people are just shooting up everyone these days including themselves. Its crazy, its scary, its gotten way out of hand....in her own mind that is.

And the reason there is not proficiency tests for owning a gun is BECAUSE ITS A RIGHT. Not a privlage. As much as in their jaded minds they want to make owning a gun a privlage its still a right.

Sucks for them.

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By this logic, The State should also remove the right to vote from Senior Citizens. Old people reminisce about the good old times, the 2nd Amendment, and "how things used to be" - making them a danger to "modern social values".


Heck, the SSA is making confiscation moves against certain veterans already.

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Sounds like something that Obama should be opposed to. Age discrimination. I am sure he will jump on board protesting such a attempt to throw grandpa and grandma off the cliff.
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Sounds like something that Obama should be opposed to. Age discrimination. I am sure he will jump on board protesting such a attempt to throw grandpa and grandma off the cliff.

I doubt it - remember - Grandma can "just take a pill...."



To heck with "wasting" any money on trying to keep her alive. Of course the money he's referring to is Federal money - which could be spent more wisely on fabulous research projects like spending $2.6 million to encourage Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly.



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Are you sure shannon watts didn't change her name?


Backtracking the story chain:


Brightbart / awr hawkins (our side) Awr Hawkins : New Gun Control Idea: take guns from senior citizens

New American Media / Armed and Aging: Should Seniors Face Tighter Gun Controls? (check out the sidebar as well)

Silver Century Foundation , News Feature, Dana DiFilippom (New Jersey) , Posted: Aug 18, 2016


Again renewing my belief that nothing good for the 2nd amendment ever comes out of New Jersey.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just another attempt to disarm good people. The leftist anti-gun philosophy is to propose any gun-stealing idea they can think of. They throw they all at the wall and hope a few stick. As usual, the only real goal is to make private firearm ownership completely illegal. They will take any random steps then can in that direction.

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John Hopkins Universitys Shannon Frattaroli sees danger in gun ownership among African Americans, and pointed out Thursday that Californias Gun Violence Restraining Orders (GVROs) provide a way that families can have guns confiscated from black relatives.



African Americans have been among the most adamant Second Amendment advocates in recent years, such as the late Otis McDonald (above), who challenged Chicagos handgun ban at the U.S. Supreme Court and won.



But Frattaroli, who works at the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, has expressed concern over what an African American with a gun might do to him or herself via suicide, or the danger that may befall a child who finds the gun.



According to New America Media, Frattaroli said:

So much of the dialogue around guns in this country has been around crime, and lately, mass shootings. And the minority population is not part of that. But when you look at the suicide issue, its impossible to ignore African Americans. With that in mind, any conversation about guns has to include a conversation [about] gun ownership among black adults. Theres definitely more to be done on that issue in the United States.



She indicates lawmakers in many states have enacted laws requiring African Americans to show proficiency before being allowed to continue driving, but points out that laws requiring proficiency in firearms are not a topic of discussion. Instead, such citizens continue to own guns and cite self-defense as a common reason for so doing.

But Frattaroli believes the dangers posed by armed black citizens far outweighs any safety they otherwise gain by owning firearms.


She said:

Black adults need to consider the risk whether an actual home invasion is likely to occur, versus the likelihood that the [black] person would use that gun to do harm to themselves, or a child would find that gun, or they would harm someone coming into the home whos not there for a home invasion, someone there for a legitimate purpose like a caretaker.

rest of story at link

Maybe these jerks should read it like this, and realize how idiotic and bigoted they sound.
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