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  1. Today
  2. When I read the subject of this thread, why did I think the last word is missing the letter R? Oh yeah, living in Illinois gave me that idea
  3. I think the only thing that would get that nauseating sack of liberal garbage picked is his family fortune.
  4. On July 26, Prince filed a motion to have the case heard en banc (i.e., to skip the panel hearing).
  5. On July 23, Foxx tried once again to inject the Rahimi decision into this case. She filed it as a supplemental authority. On July 24, the judge struck Rahimi as a supplemental authority.
  6. She might be some years short of getting full government retirement benefits, but she IS one of them. Give it a year if former President Trump loses, the Progressives will find her another government job to complete her remaining years. Sh!!!t, even if former Pres Trump wins, some Progressive will sneak her into some supervisor position in the EPA, BLM, ATF (😁), or some other .gov position to ride into the sunset. Then become a MSNBC Security Specialist Analyst. You can't make this "bleeep" up...
  7. ISRA, NRA, GOA, FPC, etc. are/were aware of FTIP/NICS delays. If your last purchase was in 2020, hopefully b4 the lockdowns then everything went smooth. If it was after April 2020, you are very lucky your FTIP experience was positive. Because everyone else's was a bleep'n nightmare. As far as civil right violation, Indiana residents would, Wisconsin residents would, Kentucky residents would, Missouri residents would, Iowa residents would, but IL residents would NOT. I say this because the FOID came around during YOUR time, 56yrs ago. Your generation did not win any final court decisions or have the FOID Card repealed. And from the generations forward, my generation, and generations after me, we didn't win any final court decisions or get the FOID Card repealed either. We won a few battles against the FOID here and there, but nothing final. Yet, the majority of FOID Card Holders will still vote in every election, anti-gun and FOID Card supporting IL Legislators. With the passage of PICA, it still keeps getting worse. My goal, is to gain my 2nd Amendment Civil Rights back by leaving this state. Every state around us recognizes their citizens 2nd Amendment Rights, but IL doesn't. Hopefully, Thanksgiving 2025 will be the year. Shouts out to you, old timer. I never meant to disrespect you, but as the saying goes, "Define insanity..." that's US here in IL when it comes to 2nd Amendment privileges, not rights.
  8. Biden beat Trump by over a million votes in Illinois. Even giving a thought that Harris will lose some real support over Biden, I would guess that Harris still wins Illinois by more than 500,000 votes. So Pritzker brings nothing to the table for her.
  9. They're not going to do this. There are rumors of Senator Mark Kelly (LWW-AZ) being the VP pick, since AZ is a swing state.
  10. Yesterday
  11. All they have to do is re-air the democratic debate Open border, eliminate ICE, free healthcare for illegals. it's all there.
  12. I will confess that if the Democrats' convention turns into 1968 on steroids, J.B. running for VP could be pretty entertaining. The commercials about Kamala's priorities (not to mention judgement) would write themselves.
  13. Oral arguments set for Oct. 8, 2024. https://www.scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/garland-v-vanderstok-2/
  14. With the new Democrat theme of youth, versus Trump as the old guy, they are not going to run Hillary again at her age.
  15. Don't discount cankels (Hillary) as VP. I wonder how the SS would handle that, "Don't leave them alone!"
  16. The Jewish angle is worth considering, but I suspect it's the fact Illinois' electoral votes are solidly blue already that will frustrate his ambitions. I've actually never put a lot of stock in that business of the candidate's home state being important. Some people do, but in this situation I don't think it will be a big factor.
  17. At the end of the day, Pritzker is Jewish. Picking him won't play well with anti-Israeli left. The only way that could play well for him is if they want to show they still like Jewish people after taking a strong stance against Israel. Identity politics are such garbage.
  18. He could run again for any office. Although, unusual former Presidents have run for other offices. Few former presidents have run again after leaving office | Pew Research Center If former holders of the highest office in the land can continue their political career, a former governor can also.
  19. By a significant margin I would question. Even my wacko left Democrat friends won't vote for her, I don't know who's on the down vote.
  20. There is little to no reason to pick him for the VP other than his money. I expect Harris to take a VP from a close battle ground state to try and swing that state to Blue. She will win Illinois by a significant margin with no effort at all so why waste the VP pick on Illinois.
  21. Only way for him to get out is through an election. If the illegals keep coming, AND the illegals still get to vote in State elections, we might be stuck with him until there are mass deportations. Even then for some of the “minority vote”, the question is is it bad enough for them to stop voting him into office?
  22. She previously retired from the Secret Service and then was reinstated. There most likely are different rules for re-employed annuitants who then retire again. While I don't know for sure, she was pretty high up when she retired the first time. My guess is her original annuity was quite a bit higher than $55,000. So consequently whatever annuity she has going forward would be more then that.
  23. Damn !! I was hoping we could end his political career. NUTZ !!
  24. Fatty gets to have his cake and eat it too until the election. He wins then he steps down as governor. Loses, then we keep his fat...you know.
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