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New FOID/CCL Cards Beginning 1-1-2022

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On 2/17/2022 at 1:15 PM, 1700715 said:

Guys,  I think there is confusion on the new FOID/CCL  that definitely needs to be clarified.  I am aware of the combining of FOID &CCL cards but considering that CCL expires every 5 yrs & the FOID every 10yrs.  How do they keep that updated? If you don't renew your CCL and your FOID remains valid you end up having a FOID that says you have a CCL when you don't.  I think what they meant is that your foid will indicate whether or not you also have a CCL . I think we will still be issued separate CCL cards.   I have recently renewed my FOID  & my CCL is valid til 2024.  If the new FOID card is supposed to be a combined FOID/CCL wouldn't we be told that our old CCL card should be destroyed upon receipt of our new FOID/CCL combo card?  Aren't we told to destroy our old FOID card when receive our new Foid card?  Let's hope it gets fixed/clarified sooner than later.

Sounds plausible. We need to hear from people who applied for a new FOID and CCL at the same time. 

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I renewed my FOID card on 12-20-2021 . Mine was going to expire 6-1-2022 . I received the new one on 2-11-22 which seemed quick unlike the way some have  had to deal with.  As stated it has no issue or expiration dates. It does have the additional AL number but it has a letter Y listed under the indicator field and not CCL as I thought it was to have! So any ideas what this is or is it possible it will change when I renew my CCl in two more years ? 

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On 2/17/2022 at 4:13 PM, dcar_roll said:

it has a letter Y listed under the indicator field and not CCL as I thought it was to have!



It looks our cards may have been in the same "batch" as my card has the same characteristics. 2 questions-


1) What are the last eight digits of your AL? This is the date that the card is issued. The last eight digits of mine are 01282022. On the ISP website, the FOID expiration should be 10 years after the date imbedded in the AL number. This appears to be the issued/ printed date.


2) On your card, is there reference in red on the bottom of the card to a concealed weapon? On my card it states that "This does not authorize the carrying of a concealed weapon"


Reason being here is that I it appears that some cards may have been printed in error with contradictory information. I have been working (as best I can) with the ISP to get a resolution to the issue. Currently there are three other card with an issue like this, but any information you provide would be helpful.

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On 12/19/2021 at 9:06 AM, Molly B. said:

The ISP conducted a webinar this past week with IL licensed firearm dealers to give them a heads-up on the new FOID/CCL cards to be issued after 1-1-2022.


Notes of interest:


4. New cards will have an additional number at the bottom of the card for added security.

I got one of the new cards today. There is no additional number(s) at the bottom of the card. There is at the top  though. Along with the FOID number and an indictor that for me says CCL

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On 2/15/2022 at 7:07 PM, Stats said:



Now, would this impact an individual? in reality, I am not sure. Maybe local law enforcement (Illinois) would use LEADS and know what to expect (and ignore the language on the bottom of the card) . As for other states that might accept the Illinois CCL, I do not know. Maybe the out of state agency would have electronic access to the CCL information. Or maybe, just maybe, the out of state law enforcement agent would see the wording and detain an individual further to research the situation. I am really hoping that the ISP holds up to its' directors pledge to make things easier on the good guys. Maybe we are not there yet. Or maybe law abiding "cardholders" are not really the good guys. (Makes you think)





This is exactly what I am concerned about when I mentioned this confusing an out of state LEO. 

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On 2/19/2022 at 4:07 PM, Slicko622 said:

So I got my combo FOID/CCL in the upper right where it says indicator. It says (Indicator : Y )does this mean it is my Combo and I’m legal to carry. I’ve noticed the samples on here says Indicator : CCL. So would just like clarification on that if someone has any please. 


Yes the Y means you have a CCL. You can carry.  Can you show us what the bottom of your card says about carrying. 

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On 2/19/2022 at 4:07 PM, Slicko622 said:

So I got my combo FOID/CCL in the upper right where it says indicator. It says (Indicator : Y )does this mean it is my Combo and I’m legal to carry. I’ve noticed the samples on here says Indicator : CCL. So would just like clarification on that if someone has any please. 


The early issue cards had the Y instead of CCL as an indicator. That has now been rectified so all cards going forward will have the CCL.  ISP has said the cards with the Y indicator are acceptable.


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On 2/20/2022 at 9:09 AM, captdan said:

The early issue cards had the Y instead of CCL as an indicator. That has now been rectified so all cards going forward will have the CCL.  ISP has said the cards with the Y indicator are acceptable.


I’m sure in Illinois.

But how about other states?

Nothing on my new card states CCL.

just: indicator Y

I could see this causing a potential problem with other states we can carry in.

BTW thank you for clarifying this mystery.👍🏻

Would be great to understand where you got your info. as I’m new around here…. But have lurked for years.


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No problem. Info came directly from ISP and they have been made aware of the possible pitfalls you mentioned. I will try to post when  a new solution is offered. My thoughts only, I wold like to see new cards printed to replace those early cards with the "Y" indicator. That is my solution only and has not been mentioned by ISP. Time will tell.


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If one is to travel and intends to carry out of state, I am highly recommending to my students to get a FL and or AZ licenses to avoid any issues with an out of state LEO not understanding out stupid combined cards. 

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I have FL, AZ and Utah. Which all arrived on or before their specified time frame to process.


Also sent an email to isp.askfoidandccl@illinois.gov letting them know about the Y issue with my card.


Figured if they hear from enough of us they might take action and issue corrected cards.


Thx again for the information.


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On 2/22/2022 at 10:25 AM, Jeepdude said:

Indeed would like a new card with the CCL noted. Hopefully they are aware of who received the cards with a Y.


I was able to talk to a representative from the ISP about the issue, solution, and a way to potentially monitor the situation.



The overall issue is two fold. One, is the indicator on some cards may say "Y" where it should say "CCL". This was a programming error. Issue two is that on the bottom of some cards (where the FOID "cardholder" also has an active CCL) the wording on the bottom of the card states: This does not authorize the carrying of a concealed weapon. This is incorrect. This issue was caused by the use of an "incorrect card blank".



This ISP is currently reviewing previous cards issued. If it is noted that the cards have one or both of the issues (for FOID/CCL combined cards) the ISP is going to reissue the cards. This process may take some time. After the cards have been printed, the ISP says to allow 30-45 days for mailing.


Potential Monitoring:

As the cards are going through the "reissuance process", you might be able to monitor some of the progress. If you go to your ISP online account, you might note that the print date (Of the CCL Card) has changed. If this date has changed, it should signify that your card will be reissued, printed, and mailed to you. Once again, it may take 30-45 days to mail. (For a real life experience, my CCL says it was printed on 2/14/2022- where (my renewal) was printed in August, 2021. I am still waiting from my new card in the mail.) 


Recap/ Suggestion:

I had an issue with my card. I am lucky enough to live in somewhat close proximity to one of the ISP kiosks. The representative was not only helpful but extremely knowledge able about all of the moving pieces and she gave me an update on the situation. She stated that this may impact several (many) cards, and was hopefully that the ISP would communicate more, to a larger audience,  as to an update and the number of cards impacted. With any luck, the ISP should be able to rectify the situation without any further intervention from the "cardholder". If,

after an extended period of time and you do not see any action, you may need to reach out to the ISP to remedy the situation.


Good luck to all who have been effected!

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and the backlog gets worse...  we had first piece checks by inspectors for all new setup of machines, They have a print and check everything off before you just hit the go button. perhaps they could have posted a test card here and saves thousands of dollars, untold delay times, and got it right the first time. Now what if the SC agrees they are uncon? Okay reissue again......................................

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On 2/22/2022 at 2:35 PM, Stats said:


I was able to talk to a representative from the ISP about the issue, solution, and a way to potentially monitor the situation.



The overall issue is two fold. One, is the indicator on some cards may say "Y" where it should say "CCL". This was a programming error. Issue two is that on the bottom of some cards (where the FOID "cardholder" also has an active CCL) the wording on the bottom of the card states: This does not authorize the carrying of a concealed weapon. This is incorrect. This issue was caused by the use of an "incorrect card blank".



This ISP is currently reviewing previous cards issued. If it is noted that the cards have one or both of the issues (for FOID/CCL combined cards) the ISP is going to reissue the cards. This process may take some time. After the cards have been printed, the ISP says to allow 30-45 days for mailing.


Potential Monitoring:

As the cards are going through the "reissuance process", you might be able to monitor some of the progress. If you go to your ISP online account, you might note that the print date (Of the CCL Card) has changed. If this date has changed, it should signify that your card will be reissued, printed, and mailed to you. Once again, it may take 30-45 days to mail. (For a real life experience, my CCL says it was printed on 2/14/2022- where (my renewal) was printed in August, 2021. I am still waiting from my new card in the mail.) 


Recap/ Suggestion:

I had an issue with my card. I am lucky enough to live in somewhat close proximity to one of the ISP kiosks. The representative was not only helpful but extremely knowledge able about all of the moving pieces and she gave me an update on the situation. She stated that this may impact several (many) cards, and was hopefully that the ISP would communicate more, to a larger audience,  as to an update and the number of cards impacted. With any luck, the ISP should be able to rectify the situation without any further intervention from the "cardholder". If,

after an extended period of time and you do not see any action, you may need to reach out to the ISP to remedy the situation.


Good luck to all who have been effected!


Thanks for this update. I'm still waiting over a year now for my CCL renewal, so maybe my new card will be correct whenever they decide to look at my renewal.

Edited by Rmac702
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I sent for address change on Dec 30th 2021 and my Dashboard shows the following. I still have not received my card. I assume I will be in the bucket with the cards that have the issues as discussed in this thread but does my Dashboard for the CCL look correct? Shows still under review but the card was sent for printing. Also no expiration date for the CCL. Something doesn't look right.




Your card is valid. If your card was recently issued, it is on its way to you. Please allow time for printing and mailing. Please contact our office if you have not received the card within 45 days of the issue date.
Changes to the FOID and FCCL Acts that took effect January 1, 2022, and rules adopted implementing these changes, require FOID and FCCL cardholders to submit renewal applications prior to the expiration of their card to remain valid. Additionally, while the Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamation in response to the COVID 19 pandemic remains in effect, if a cardholder submits a renewal application after the expiration date of the card, their expired card will be reset to valid while the application is processed so long as the FOID Card is not subject to revocation pursuant to the provisions of Section 8 or Section 8.2 of the FOID Act or the FCCL is not subject to revocation pursuant to the provisions of Section 70 of the FCCL Act.


Name and/or Address Change
Under Review
Your submission successfully completed the background review and has been sent to await printing.
Your Application Number
About the Process
Upon receipt of a qualified application, the Illinois State Police (ISP) will issue or deny the applicant within the timeframes set forth in statute and administrative rules.  See our Frequently Asked Questions at https://www.ispfsb.com/ for more details.  During the review process, ISP will send notifications on key status changes to the supplied email address and send correspondence in the U.S. mail to the applicant’s mailing address.  If the application is approved, the ISP will prepare, print and send the FOID or CCL card to the applicant’s mailing address.
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Well, I goofed up.


Not having received the FOID in the mail  by 2-20-2022 (with a printing date of 2-1-2022) I reported it LOST, and paid $5 for a replacement.


Today the FOID showed up, 2-24-2022.  The FIRST FOID, which shows a mailed meter date of 2-18-2022....


oh well...


btw, it has the "Indicator" notation in the upper right corner.  Printed 2-1-2022, mailed 2-18-2022.


well, we'll see what the replacement looks like, numbers etc....


edit - Replacement has postal meter date of March 9, 2022.

Edited by markthesignguy
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