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Molly B.

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  1. My understanding is that law enforcement cannot prosecute the named plaintiffs for carrying as described by the judge. It would be wise to carry the judge's order but I do not think it is required. However, to be sure, I would recommend the plaintiffs ask their attorney.
  2. If the review board requests a response from you, we have some helpful suggestions at this link: https://illinoiscarry.com/forum/index.php?/topic/66414-responding-to-ccl-review-board-request-for-statement/
  3. https://www.thecentersquare.com/illinois/article_5370e416-8025-11ef-82a1-47bf2f272bd1.html Illinois apologizes for implying judge’s transit carry ruling brings ‘safety implications’ – Center Square
  4. The break has been nice, I hope you had an opportunity to enjoy it. Thank you for all your hard work!
  5. Dear Defender of Gun Rights, The 2024 Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC) is this weekend, but if you can't make it to San Diego in person, don't fret - the event will be livestreamed! Just in case your plans changed and you can make it to San Diego, walk-in registration is definitely welcome - bring your friends and family! This year's GRPC will feature presentations from some of the most prominent figures in 2A advocacy, including Congressman Darrell Issa, YouTube influencer Jared Yanis (Guns and Gadgets), SIG SAUER’s Tom Taylor, and many, many more. A complete list of speakers can be found here.  Please feel free to forward this email to anyone you think might be interested in hearing from the nation's top Second Amendment advocates and scholars! GRPC LIVESTREAM INFO: For those who can't make it to GRPC but would like to view the presentations, livestream info is below. The event will also be simulcast on SAF's YouTube channel when the conference starts each day. Saturday link Sunday link SAF's YouTube channel GRPC 2024 AGENDA:    Click HERE for a full agenda of the weekend's presentations! GRPC SPONSORS: Thank you to the sponsor's making this year's GRPC possible: SIG SAUER, Kali Key, Silencer Shop, Taurus, Magpul, Lipsey's and Blackout Coffee. Adam Kraut SAF Executive Director
  6. The state files an appeal of district court’s order granting partial summary judgment to Plaintiffs. 115 - Notice of Appeal.pdf
  7. IL Supreme Court sidesteps ruling on FOID card revocations while charged with felony but not convicted, says plaintiffs lacked standing because FOID cards have been reinstated. OPINION ¶ 1 In ruling on cross-motions for summary judgment, the circuit court of Madison County declared that section 8(n) of the Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) Card Act (FOID Card Act) (430 ILCS 65/8(n) (West 2016)) was unconstitutional “as applied to persons charged with a felony but not yet convicted of a felony” and enjoined the suspension of FOID cards as to those persons. Because the circuit court’s judgment invalidated a state statute, the appeal was taken directly to this court. For the reasons that follow, we find that plaintiffs lacked standing when they filed the action, so we vacate the circuit court’s judgment and remand with directions to dismiss the action. Davis v. Yenchko, 2024 IL 129751 IL Supreme Court.pdf
  8. McGlynn says important case. Expects filings on history and tradition. Says when Case started he questioned where this will go. He said to tour east st. Louis. Sacred sites all around. Says important to recognize. People sustained losses. On 8th street, there was a hospital where he was born. Projects image from 1970, looking south, shows burned areas from riot. A man's house was burned for being black. Sacred site. End of court parking lot was old Broadway theater. Word got out of black families hiding. Burned down. Nobody escaped. During course of riots, 100 blacks armed were shooting back and rioters said that's not fair, went to national guard and complained. Guard gave safe passage across eades bridge. Another area, line of demarcation. Points to picture, arrow of building surrounded by debris, building is court we're in now. Says it looks like Vietnam. Says everything families owned burned by mob. 2:12 PM · Sep 19, 2024 McGlynn said all black houses set on fire. One by one as people escaped to other housed that were burned. One man beat in head with iron pipe with noose around neck not long enough to hang, so they dragged him. 4th and Broadway, fountain of youth park, st. Louis reporter sees bodies with one guy being pulled to hang with people saying "pull for east st. Louis." Mob prevented ambulance from helping. Stopped street car and dragged Black's out and beat them. 4th and division, they found the body of a kid cremated, hiding. Others hiding in home nearby, frightened. Fire from house to house while theirs was collapsing. Horribly burned. Communty lost everything. 2:17 PM · Sep 19, 2024 McGlynn wonders if they tried to make a stand ... poorly armed. Fleeing from mob, jumping in Mississippi, off bridges for certain death. What if they had some of these weapons? Who knows. Discusses Tulsa. Black neighborhoods, very nice. Same thing happened. Mob sets upon them. Burned and killed. More recent. Aurora, CO, international gangsters wrll armed going door to door attacking. Video occurred 30 days after police called. They were on their own. Maybe little kid hiding under bed. "Mom, are bad guys gone?" Part of our history. Going to confront evil people. Gonna be called to defend self, community. With respect to what we have here today, Second Amendment has nothing to say. She's too old. Lost luster Maybe too senile? Before leaving East. St. Louis, stop by sites. Never know what's going to happen to you in your life. That's why this case is important. Doesn't question sincerity of litigants on either side. 2:22 PM · Sep 19, 2024 30 days to submit briefs. We are adjourned. 2:24 PM · Sep 19, 2024
  9. Litigants discussing other exhibits to submit. Some time setbaside for closing arguments. Start with plaintiffs. Case addresses constitutional question whether commonly owned semi-automatic firearms can be banned by Illinois. They say it doent stand constitutional muster. Says pistol grip, forward grip, collapsible stock, barrel shroud, threaded barrel, changing magazines, more rounds, useful for self defense and is not a militaristic feature. Notes state expert Tucker said changing mags leaves you vulnerable. Plaintiffs expert watt said people are on their own in self defense. Banned firearms are useful for self defense. Says such guns with features are ideal for self-defense, says no military in world issues semi-automatic only rifle. Military spec requires burst or full auto. Even Tucker said don't prohibit burst or full auto from military. 1:52 PM · Sep 19, 2024 Plaintiffs says firearms regulated by ban are commonly owned for self defense. Features are commonly owned for lawful purposes and train with defense in mind. Experts recognize use of such for self defense. As Pulaski, only Illinois resident to testify, recommended semi-automatic firearms for self defense before ban. 1:55 PM · Sep 19, 2024 Shotguns with detachable mag or mag with more than 5 rounds are common for self defense. Provided lengthy amount of docs to support. Court should find PICA unconstitutional and enter permanent injunction against Illinois from enforcing. Ends closing. 1:56 PM · Sep 19, 2024 State closing: key question was about material difference between civilian and military weapons. Experts agree that military trains with m16 and m4 on semi-automatic. Other fact in focus, both have grips, adjustable stock, flash suppressor, etc. With high rate of fire to kill enemies. Features are same, except selective fire switch. Quotes Eby. Quotes Ronkainen about innovations for AR rifles, but no changes to make safer to civilians being shot at. Says plaintiffs admit both civilian and military fire same ammo. Other facts: IL law prohibits .50 cal. Rarely sold, can hit target from a mile away. Says Watt keeps ar pistols out of traditional pistol training. No one told us they use for duck hunting. Said hearsay from Pulaski about why people buy. No evidence provided. Ronkainen said demand increased after fedreal ban Eby said he prefers ar 15 for self defense only because full auto isn't legal. Finally, state says plaintiff witness Watt didn't provide real evidence, just anecdotes from people who self select for his warrior's creed courses. 2:04 PM · Sep 19, 2024 State says banned semi-automatic guns aren't suitable for self defense. Says it fits dangerous and unusual weapons and definition between what's good for civilians and police. Uphold law. Ends closing. 2:05 PM · Sep 19, 2024
  10. Court resumes. Defense redirect of Dempsey begins. Questions on personal ownership of semi-automatic rifle. Says it was a commerative rifle from his time overseas. Says he does not use it for self defense. Asked about tech specifications knowledge. Says he was able to command troops without knowing that. No further redirect. 1:33 PM · Sep 19, 2024 McGlynn addresses Dempsey, says he expects he goes to sleep every night thinking of how to protect people. Yes. Judge says Dempsey surely understands the turmoil and anguish troops undergo. Led people into confrontation and has important experience. Ask a few questions now. 1:35 PM · Sep 19, 2024 McGlynn asks about peer opponents. What about third world? Would US be considered supioror to that? Not particularly, your honor. McGlynn says it appears Dempsey is urging for well placed rounds and that semi-automatic is not useful and with full auto it sprays all around. Yes. To have full control, must have specialized weapon? Yes. Asks about magazines needed. Must be well armed. Correct. Training about firing upon enemy, do you limit or keep firing to neutralize enemy? Wanna hit and kill enemy. Depends on how good marksman is. 1:38 PM · Sep 19, 2024 McGlynn says a lot if time spent training soldiers to be good shooters. Correct. Firearm protective line, have to hold this line or in serious trouble, lose engagement? Correct. Sometimes no other way out. McGlynn says what do we say to fellow citizen in similar position? Peer opponents or greater opponent? Recommendation? Would take 5 minutes to find weapon and keys, quicker to leave home with phone. Asked about his semi-automatic firearms, useful for self defense? No. Can't imagine scenario using such. Would recommend. Untrained shooters, other weapons I would pick, Dempsey says. 1:42 PM · Sep 19, 2024 How many invaders might change what you recommend? Haven't thought of it. What about fatigue, a shotgun? Recommends smaller shotgun. Important to train with weapons focused on accountability? Correct. I stand by that. You don't like full auto I'm confrontation is to preserve ammo and take better shots? Yes. Thank you for your service. No further questions. Dempsey dismissed. No more witnesses. 1:44 PM · Sep 19, 2024
  11. Back to Dempsey depo discussion about burst and semi-automatic comparisons where semi is batter. Plaintiffs say he's never conducted such experiment. Says he's only engaged in full auto a handful of times. Asked about hypothetical of China invasion. Would recommend civilian arms depending on manufacturer. Depo says auto fire is wasteful from rifle when machine gun is available. What if machine gun not available, Dempsey says accurate fire needed. Says machine gun not needed for suppression. Ex. 31 shown. Discusses automatic rifleman. Dempsey report says no need for automatic rifleman. If killed, burst is available, correct? No. Dempsey says those left can get automatic rifleman weapon. Says burst fire gets one round close to enemy, rest is just noise. Discusses peer opponents in Dempsey report. Says automatic rifleman is always available. But that can be lost, he acknowledges. If automatic rifleman weapon is destroyed, M4 is left, soon to be XM7 full auto rifle. Correct. Dempsey says he's on board of gun control group Everytown. Not aware of their amici in Bevis case. Nothing further from plaintiffs. Break for lunch. Back at 1:30.
  12. Ex. 32 presented. Plaintiffs ask about time of suppression and use of automatic weapons with no limitation of what weapon. Dempsey says M4 wasn't full auto at time. Plaintiff moves to strike. Overules. Ex. 33 presented. Armor and mechanized infantry document, features discussion of time of suppression for sustained rate of fire with automatic weapons. Dempsey says M4 not full auto. Plaintiff says document doesn't say a word about semi-automatic. Plaintiffs say army has now issued full auto rifles. Dempsey says he has no opinion if that's why they moved back to full auto. Ex. 31, Dempsey report about personal ownership of semi-automatic firearm, sig Sauer 516, says replica to M4 without burst function. Doesn't know materials of civilian rifles, metal treatment, trigger group materials, etc. Says he hasn't tested abuse testing. Didn't do any scientific testing to prove civilian rifle sames as M4 without burst. Plaintiffs asks about standards needed for military firearms. Ex. 36 shown. Lays out specs for military rifle needing select fire. Dempsey says not aware. Discussion of standard for civilian arms. Not aware. Discusses standards for mil spec. Not aware. Says he never helped with doctrine in depo, that changed in today's testimony. Correct. Dempsey talks about need for well aimed fire. Says he "thankfully" fired no rounds in combat in middle east. Asked about side by side testing of firing modes. Dempsey depo shown. Question asked again. Defense Objection of vagueness in depo raised. McGlynn overules. Dempsey says "answer to vague question was 'no.'"
  13. Ex. 28 shown, article about new XM7 rifle adopted by army. Rifle depicted does not have burst. No explanation why army adopted full auto if full auto isn't necessary, correct? Talks about army acquisition process. Acknowledges all other army around world issue their army's select fire. Dempsey says he would recommend semi-automatic only. Discusses colloquial term "Big Army," says he never made such suggestion to "Big Army." Plaintiff attorney Discusses H&K full auto firearm. Not familiar with it. Plaintiffs Discusses dempseys personal experience in room entry. Depo says "non contested" ... reads rest of question from depo at McGlynn's request. Dempsey says he's reviewed room entrance via video. Not in depo. Reads depo response, says "no." Acknowledged he never personally cleared a bunker. Discusses doctrine. Says Attack while on parltrol by aircraft, give wall of fire. Ex. 32 presented. Infantry Rifle Platoon and Squad. Cited in Dempsey report. Document Discusses in hostile attack from air, respond with "all available automatic weapons," doesn't disclose what weapons. Dempsey discusses final protective line. He Recommends any fire that doesn't render self combat incapable by jamming weapon. Suggests semi-automatic. Brief break. Back on record with plaintiffs' cross exam of Dempsey. Back to final protective line discussion in ex. 32. Document says "spare no ammo in repelling enemy assault," acknowledges no doctrine says "do not use burst, full auto." Dempsey says best to not use mode that could jam. Acknowledges document doesn't say anything about using only semi-automatic. Dempsey still recommended using only semi-automatic. Asked about final line of defense, Dempsey says soldier must do what they can to stay alive. Asked about Salvo and other reports, not familiar. Again, says doesn't recommend burst or auto as waste of ammo and jamming.
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