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Molly B.

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  1. Oral arguments set for Oct. 8, 2024. https://www.scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/garland-v-vanderstok-2/
  2. BELLEVUE, Wash. — July 16, 2024 — A three-judge panel in the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has handed down a unanimous 27-page ruling that Minnesota’s ban on concealed carry by young adults is unconstitutional under the Second Amendment, giving a victory to the Second Amendment Foundation and its partners. SAF is joined in the lawsuit, known as Worth v. Jacobson, by the Firearms Policy Coalition, Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus and four citizens, Austin Dye, Alex Anderson, Joe Knudsen and Kristin Worth, for whom the case is known. They are represented by attorneys Blair W. Nelson in Bemidji, Minn., and David H. Thompson, Peter A. Patterson and William V. Bergstrom at Cooper & Kirk in Washington, D.C. Acknowledging that the right to keep and bear arms is a natural right, Circuit Judge Duane Benton observed, “First, the right to keep and bear arms ‘is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence. The Second Amendment declares that it shall not be infringed.’” Judge Benton adds, “Importantly, the Second Amendment’s plain text does not have an age limit…. Ordinary, law-abiding 18 to 20-year-old Minnesotans are unambiguously members of the people. Because the plain text of the Second Amendment covers the plaintiffs and their conduct, it is presumptively constitutionally protected… “Minnesota has not met its burden to proffer sufficient evidence,” he concludes. “The Carry Ban…violates the Second Amendment as applied to Minnesota through the Fourteenth Amendment, and, thus, is unconstitutional.” “This is a significant victory for the rights of young adults,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “It is one more step in our crusade to win firearms freedom one lawsuit at a time.” “We are encouraged that yet another circuit court has correctly concluded that 18-20-year-olds are, in fact, part of ‘the People’ to which the Second Amendment extends,” added SAF Executive Director Adam Kraut. “This nation’s history and tradition demonstrate that the bans affecting young adults are not consistent with the right to keep and bear arms and SAF will continue to aggressively challenge these bans which create a tiered system of constitutional rights.” Worth-Opinion.pdf under 21 carry 8th circuit win.pdf
  3. https://ilhousedems.com/2024/07/15/rep-barbara-hernandez-backed-firearms-restraining-order-enforcement-grants-issued-to-local-police-departments/ AURORA, Ill. – The Illinois State Police (ISP) is issuing a third round of firearm restraining order enforcement grants-totaling $1.5 million-to law enforcement agencies across the state following a law state Rep. Barbara Hernandez, D-Aurora, fought for. “Further funding to ensure law enforcement professionals have the tools they need to enforce firearms laws is a step forward for our community,” Hernandez said. “Following the events of the 2019 Henry Pratt shootings, Aurorans personally know the tragic consequences of guns being in the wrong hands. Our system of firearms restraining orders serve a vital role in Illinois’ public safety system, and it must be strong, or else we’re inviting further tragedy.” The Aurora Police Department will receive a grant of $52,592.89 to help fund enforcement of firearm restraining orders. Such orders are designed to ensure homicidal or suicidal people don’t pose a safety threat to themselves or others. A total of $1.5 million has been issued to law enforcement agencies across the state. This is the third round of grants the Illinois State Police has issued. “Fighting for the safety of this community is an aspect of my role as lawmaker that I take extremely seriously,” Hernandez said. “Keeping weapons of war off our streets, cracking down on mass shootings and ensuring that red flag laws are effective are responsibilities that need to be prioritized. Law enforcement professionals must get the financial support they need so they can keep us safe, and I won’t compromise on that.”
  4. Another GREAT win for Liberty and Justice from being usurped by government agencies!
  5. An appeal to circuit court after a CCLRB denial must be filed within 45 days of the denial, therefore, you cannot appeal in circuit court. So I suggest you email the request to reset your CCL status so that you may reapply. Molly B.
  6. Does this mean the oral arguments will be Sept 16 or he will decide the date on that day?
  7. Oral arguments will be livestreamed at 9 a.m., Tuesday, May 21st at this link: https://www.blueroomstream.com/live/illinois-press-supreme-court
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