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  1. the capacity is based on the largest shell the firearm is chambered for. Minis don't count. As i understand it.
  2. As stated above and the FOID card is not required or recognized in any other state.
  3. Be advised your ccl application will be stuck in the Q as it will not move until FOID has been approved.
  4. Glad I started early Tim. Thanks for the additional info.
  5. I just now renewed my CCL on line. I am CCL instructor. Simple process that took less than two minutes. Check the box that your ARE a ISP certified CCL Instructor and then asked for my CCT number and proceeded with out any requests for any other documents besides my pic. Payment completed. I Had Not expired. Hope this helps.
  6. That is the date your card was sent to printing. Your expiration date of CCL if 5 years from that date and FOID is 10 years from that date. When you renew the CCL the foid will be good for another 10 years.
  7. We have been appointed a "Force Multiplier" with ISP and that gives us the privilege of working closely with folks who have the answers. WE do a very large amount of CCL and FOID cards assistance here at our shop and the working relationship with ISP is one we value very much and try to never abuse. When one sees the commitment and hard work being done by ISP you have to respect them regardless of your feeling or thoughts on the FOID card. Remember the legislature dictated the system and they are the ones who have to make it work as best it will.

  8. FOID has to be verified for Firearm or ammo purchase. The E Card does nothing more than provide a FOID # for them to check as there is no printed EXP date on the FOID. This whole system is designed so if ISP suspends or revokes a FOID it will no longer valid and all Dealers have to check for validity on the ISP portal. This will prevent someone from purchasing Ammo with a revoked or suspended FOID. Firearm purchases already required a valid FOID check from ISP.
  9. No problem. Info came directly from ISP and they have been made aware of the possible pitfalls you mentioned. I will try to post when a new solution is offered. My thoughts only, I wold like to see new cards printed to replace those early cards with the "Y" indicator. That is my solution only and has not been mentioned by ISP. Time will tell.
  10. The early issue cards had the Y instead of CCL as an indicator. That has now been rectified so all cards going forward will have the CCL. ISP has said the cards with the Y indicator are acceptable.
  11. Even when the possession is for for criminal activities? This is not for new criminalization of gun possession. This bill is to make sure those that are convicted of gun charges serve time for there crimes. I must be missing something here.
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