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Mike Bost vs. Darren Bailey

Vern in IL

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I´m having a hard choice here.  Bost voting record is good, but Darren is certainly MAGA.  Both are strong on the 2nd Amendment. 


I feel this is a race between two ¨good guys¨ with no loser.   Bost seems Trump friendly(2024 coming up) and Darren is totally MAGA.

I do not see anything on their voting records that would not qualify them as pro freedom, pro liberty folks.

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Bost is a proven winner , who can accomplish things working with others in DC. He has done a good job and been faithful to his constituents . And is extremely pro 2A


No reason to dump him in favor of Bailey because Bailey  is more Maga.... Bailey has not proven his ability to achieve political goals or work with others to see results that benefit the voters. He might do a good job. But is that a reason to turn against Bost who is proven.





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JMHO but I always got this "go along to get along" impression with Bost. Bailey (granted he is kind of a character) seems like he has a little bit of that Matt Gaetz fire in the belly. "Working with others in DC" to achieve 2 trillion dollar a year deficits is not what I would call an achievement. 


Right now DC works for absolutely everyone on the planet except average tax paying Americans.  I want disruption and lots of it. Let it shut down if you have to, let a gubmint employee miss a paycheck like all their peasants and serfs did during covid.

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Mike Bost:  Tosses paperwork in the air and has a tantrum like no other.

Supported Bump Stock ban while in that Congressional Seat.

Supported Bump Stock ban while in that Congressional Seat.

Supported Bump Stock ban while in that Congressional Seat.

Darren Bailey: Blew up a printed copy of the Illinois Budget with his AR. 
Almost used enough Tannerite to achieve the Mike Bost airborne affect, but without the tantrum. 


Can you ever have enough Tannerite?


Full Disclosure:  I am biased.  I liked  Mike Bost but I like Darren more and I support Darren Bailey for Congress.
I do not live in the district, but I grew up there.  My heart is there.


Bump Stock Ban.
Bump Stock Ban.

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On 12/26/2023 at 2:23 PM, Dumak_from_arfcom said:

With things getting tighter because of redistricting, I want the most pro-2A candidates.   I don't want someone who gets along with the other side.  


I want the democrats destroyed, wiped out, sent to Chy-nah.  



I not only want the democrats destroyed, I want the establishment RINO Ronna McDaniels and Kevin "I'm not your grandfather's" McCarthy types wiped out too.

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On 12/26/2023 at 4:04 PM, yurimodin said:

I not only want the democrats destroyed, I want the establishment RINO Ronna McDaniels and Kevin "I'm not your grandfather's" McCarthy types wiped out too.


This but burn it all down. They're all corrupt. Start over with a strong code of ethics and government funded campaigns. 

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Bost is a clown and a RINO. He is all talk. Bailey is a doer. Bost a poser.  He won't repond to inquiries he has not filed any articles of impeachment.  He funded the new FBI Building. Vote Bailey. While Bist sat on his Bailey actually fought against Fat Boys mandates. Bailey has a record and is proven winner. Bost acts like a snake, I do not trust him at all. 

Edited by Sol-Invictus
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  • Molly B. pinned this topic
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On 12/26/2023 at 1:41 PM, mikew said:

Mike Bost:  Tosses paperwork in the air and has a tantrum like no other.

Supported Bump Stock ban while in that Congressional Seat.

Supported Bump Stock ban while in that Congressional Seat.

Supported Bump Stock ban while in that Congressional Seat.

Darren Bailey: Blew up a printed copy of the Illinois Budget with his AR. 
Almost used enough Tannerite to achieve the Mike Bost airborne affect, but without the tantrum. 


Can you ever have enough Tannerite?


Full Disclosure:  I am biased.  I liked  Mike Bost but I like Darren more and I support Darren Bailey for Congress.
I do not live in the district, but I grew up there.  My heart is there.


Bump Stock Ban.
Bump Stock Ban.


Not only did he support the bump stock ban, he urged the ATF to legislate by rule . Any elected office holder who encourages an agency to violate my Second Amendment rights cannot be trusted with the care of my Second Amendment rights. 

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On 12/26/2023 at 4:52 PM, davel501 said:


This but burn it all down. They're all corrupt. Start over with a strong code of ethics and government funded campaigns. 

“Government (taxpayer) funded campaigns” equals Higher taxes for actual taxpayers!!

Also, the politicians will NEVER Lower taxpayer funded campaign budgets!

Where exactly in the Constitution (State or Federal) the authority for the government to tax me, my children, and grandchildren to pay for political campaign costs?

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On 12/26/2023 at 10:08 PM, TomKoz said:

“Government (taxpayer) funded campaigns” equals Higher taxes for actual taxpayers!!

Also, the politicians will NEVER Lower taxpayer funded campaign budgets!

Where exactly in the Constitution (State or Federal) the authority for the government to tax me, my children, and grandchildren to pay for political campaign costs?


Yes, let's keep doing it your way. The best politicians that can be bought with legalized bribery. Let's have government tax you, your children, and grandchildren to pay for wars, vaccines, etc. that cause more problems that must be solved with not tax dollars. Yeah, your way seems way better. 

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On 12/26/2023 at 10:08 PM, TomKoz said:

“Government (taxpayer) funded campaigns” equals Higher taxes for actual taxpayers!!

Also, the politicians will NEVER Lower taxpayer funded campaign budgets!

Where exactly in the Constitution (State or Federal) the authority for the government to tax me, my children, and grandchildren to pay for political campaign costs?

Have you ever thought where does all that campaign spending goes? With the millions (billions?????) being spent on campaigns etc; shouldn't that be having a big effect on the economy etc????????? Yet it does not seem to do a thing. Guess it stays in a closed circle and never gets to the real economy

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On 2/1/2024 at 6:41 PM, ragsbo said:

Have you ever thought where does all that campaign spending goes? With the millions (billions?????) being spent on campaigns etc; shouldn't that be having a big effect on the economy etc????????? Yet it does not seem to do a thing. Guess it stays in a closed circle and never gets to the real economy

My guess is the money goes to Media and select tech companies, polling companies, printing, are what comes to mind. So not really the general public. 
Then there is the money slushing around and going to the “party” and select politicians to promote the person.


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On 2/1/2024 at 6:41 PM, ragsbo said:

Have you ever thought where does all that campaign spending goes? With the millions (billions?????) being spent on campaigns etc; shouldn't that be having a big effect on the economy etc????????? Yet it does not seem to do a thing. Guess it stays in a closed circle and never gets to the real economy

It goes to the consultant class. Just like the BAR MafiaTM they extort both sides of every legal conflict or political campaign to place their blessing on the merits of the dispute.

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On 12/26/2023 at 11:23 AM, yurimodin said:

JMHO but I always got this "go along to get along" impression with Bost. Bailey (granted he is kind of a character) seems like he has a little bit of that Matt Gaetz fire in the belly. "Working with others in DC" to achieve 2 trillion dollar a year deficits is not what I would call an achievement. 


Right now DC works for absolutely everyone on the planet except average tax paying Americans.  I want disruption and lots of it. Let it shut down if you have to, let a gubmint employee miss a paycheck like all their peasants and serfs did during covid.

The problem with Matt Gaetz-style political gamesmanship is that it looks good to the base but doesn't achieve the sort of durable, lasting victories you need to actually enact change, while making the party look stupid to the swing voters that actually decide elections (the base never decides, the swing voters do). McCarthy's selection as a compromise Speaker was because the GOP failed to win enough seats in the midterms, and selecting unelectable candidates like Majewski and Kent didn't help in that regard. Sure, it felt good to vote for the MAGA candidate in the primary, but that's a useless gesture if they can't win in the general (swing voters matter).


And then Gaetz stupidly sided against his own party (and with the opposition) to oust McCarthy which, when combined with McCarthy's pending retirement and that of other critical members of the caucus, reduces the GOP's effective lead in the House to a single seat. That doesn't bode well for 2024.


And for what? So that Gaetz can claim he's "MAGA" and fought the "RINOs"? What does that really accomplish if they lose the House and Hakeem Jeffries becomes the next Speaker? It's nothing more than a massive self-own.


That's why disruption for disruption's sake is always poor policy, and that's the problem with candidates like Bailey. The base loves a "fighter," but fighting without a long-term strategy to win over the persuadable middle and achieve lasting victories, especially when your actions result in self defeat, is dumb and counterproductive. It doesn't matter if the GOP base disagrees with that assessment, you're not a swing voter. And Bailey, like Gaetz, is big on fighting but lacks any sense of a long-term strategy.

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Sure, Cook ranks Bost's district as +24R, so the chances of any Republican losing are very, very remote, and either candidate would likely win in the general. But we don't need more Gaetz' in the House, since disruptive individuals disrupting House business for the sake of disruption doesn't accomplish actual policy wins.


The GOP desperately needs more Kemps, DeSantises, and Youngkins: People capable of competent conservative governance without the drama and showmanship. It's the House, not a clown show. Governance is serious business, and thus far we're not getting that.

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On 2/1/2024 at 5:41 PM, ragsbo said:

Have you ever thought where does all that campaign spending goes? With the millions (billions?????) being spent on campaigns etc; shouldn't that be having a big effect on the economy etc????????? Yet it does not seem to do a thing. Guess it stays in a closed circle and never gets to the real economy


That's exactly what a cronyocracy is - a closed circle.  Benefits flow there and don't leave.  


That's why most government programs never help the real economy where people are living.


Government program #34,209.200  Let's increase taxes (reduces money from the people) and funnel it to cronies.   Then the economic reports shows this extra spending as economic growth - when it really is just funneled to cronies.

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On 2/5/2024 at 10:19 PM, MrTriple said:

The GOP desperately needs more Kemps, DeSantises, and Youngkins: People capable of competent conservative governance without the drama and showmanship. It's the House, not a clown show. Governance is serious business, and thus far we're not getting that.

As Rush used to say "Great Moderates of Historyyyyyyy!!!!"


McCarthy needed to go PERIOD. $2T yearly deficits is so asinine I don't have the words to articulate it.


I would argue the real problem with some of these "fighters" is they are doing it for the headlines *cough* Jim Jordan, Lauren Bobert *cough* and not out of principle like Ron Paul. 


What we really need is a revival of Newt Gingrich's Contract With America. But we are not allowed to do that while all the communists just scream that we are racists all day.

Edited by yurimodin
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On 2/6/2024 at 10:29 AM, Molly B. said:

Bost joined Adam Kinzinger in urging the ATF to ban a firearm accessory by rule rather than by law - listen closely, he urged a government agency to infringe on the Second Amendment because the House did not have the votes to do it. 

He supports universal background checks.

Those are my issues.

You had me at "Bost joined Adam K.."

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On 2/6/2024 at 10:00 AM, yurimodin said:

As Rush used to say "Great Moderates of Historyyyyyyy!!!!"


McCarthy needed to go PERIOD. $2T yearly deficits is so asinine I don't have the words to articulate it.


I would argue the real problem with some of these "fighters" is they are doing it for the headlines *cough* Jim Jordan, Lauren Bobert *cough* and not out of principle like Ron Paul. 


What we really need is a revival of Newt Gingrich's Contract With America. But we are not allowed to do that while all the communists just scream that we are racists all day.

The deficit is a big issue, but reducing spending requires a larger majority than the GOP got. Since they didn't, compromise becomes a necessity.


The same goes for McCarthy: That's the best the GOP was gonna get given the circumstances, and waging a messy political battle to remove him hurts the GOP's prospects by making them stupid and unable to lead. In that light, many swing voters would rather have the Democrats, because at least they know how to get stuff done, no matter how harmful.


Remember: Conservatives like Rush aren't the only voting block out there, even within the wider GOP caucus. A good leader can get all of those elements to work together, but engaging in stupid and childish fights like Gaetz, MTG, and Boebert do repeatedly doesn't do anything to advance the conservative cause or conservative policy goals.


Fighting for the sake of it, without any plan for advancing long-term policy goals, is always and everywhere self-defeating and doomed to failure.

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On 2/6/2024 at 10:29 AM, Molly B. said:

Bost joined Adam Kinzinger in urging the ATF to ban a firearm accessory by rule rather than by law - listen closely, he urged a government agency to infringe on the Second Amendment because the House did not have the votes to do it. 

He supports universal background checks.

Those are my issues.


"Bost joined Donald Trump and Adam Kinzinger in urging the ATF to ban a firearm accessory by rule rather than by law - listen closely, he urged a government agency to infringe on the Second Amendment because the House did not have the votes to do it. "


There. Fixed it.

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On 2/6/2024 at 11:26 AM, davel501 said:


"Bost joined Donald Trump and Adam Kinzinger in urging the ATF to ban a firearm accessory by rule rather than by law - listen closely, he urged a government agency to infringe on the Second Amendment because the House did not have the votes to do it. "


There. Fixed it.

"If you or someone you know is suffering from TDS please call the number on your screen immediately." 


Right now Trump is the best thing we've got (granted I was a Vivek guy until he dropped out)

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On 2/6/2024 at 11:41 AM, yurimodin said:

"If you or someone you know is suffering from TDS please call the number on your screen immediately." 


Right now Trump is the best thing we've got (granted I was a Vivek guy until he dropped out)


No TDS detected. He did what he did.


I am a Vivek fan too. Trump probably is the best of all the bad options. Just the way they want to destroy him so badly while giving the Bidens a pass tells me there's something there. I knew everything I needed about Trump from watching the apprentice. He's as terrible as JB - knows nothing about leadership or business just used to getting his way through intimidating people who do.

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On 2/6/2024 at 11:26 AM, davel501 said:


"Bost joined Donald Trump and Adam Kinzinger in urging the ATF to ban a firearm accessory by rule rather than by law - listen closely, he urged a government agency to infringe on the Second Amendment because the House did not have the votes to do it. "


There. Fixed it.


On 2/6/2024 at 11:41 AM, yurimodin said:

"If you or someone you know is suffering from TDS please call the number on your screen immediately." 


Right now Trump is the best thing we've got (granted I was a Vivek guy until he dropped out)

You gotta wonder if Bost could have offered Trump some guidance instead of just following along with what he knew was wrong.

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