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Indiana for example


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Ok so I want to carry in Indiana. I have an illinois CCL and a Utah non resident. Let's say I want to carry at an Indiana roadside rest area. In Indiana it is OK to do so. It's also allowed in Utah but as we all know we can't in illinois. Open carry is another example. Indiana/Utah= no problem with permit. ..illinois=NO!


So can I open carry in Indiana at a rest area?



Read the following taken from Indiana State Police FAQ


"Indiana State Police FAQ

22. I am a permit holder from another state. Where and how can I carry my handgun in Indiana?

As stated in the previous question, Indiana honors licenses issued by other states according to the terms thereof. In other words, if your home state requires the weapon be concealed, then the weapon must be concealed in Indiana. If you cannot carry on your person in your vehicle in your home state, then do not do so in Indiana. Another example is Indiana does not prohibit Indiana personal protection permit holders from carrying in an establishment that serves or sells alcohol; however, if your state restricts you from these establishments, you would not be able to carry the handgun in the establishment legally in Indiana"



So? Does illinois trump utah? Couldn't I just present my utah permit if I get stopped while open carrying at a rest area? (Not that I would)... How does this work?


Is this one of the advantages of having more than one permit? You get "additional coverage"

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Just curious, how many law enforcement officers in Indiana know the laws for other states? My assumption would be that most officers know the law for their state and probably careless what other state laws are since they are required to enforce Indiana state law.


PS-just because they don't know the law it doesn't relieve an individual for not knowing the law.

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IMO we can't lawfully carry at the rest areA in your scenario. Your resident permit would likely be the "default" and in IL both OC and rest areas are a no-no.


By the way, I've only seen one OC guy in IN and people were eyeballing him pretty hard. Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's a great idea.

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I talked to a supervisor with the Indiana State Police when I got my Utah permit. I just wanted to be sure I was on the up and up. Indiana does recognize out of state and out of country permits BUT you must carry in a manner that's compliant with the laws of the issued permit. For example: illinois is concealed or "mostly concealed" from view. So concealed in indiana.

Utah allows open carry but only if the firearm is 2 actions from firing. So you can open carry in indiana with a utah permit but only if you do not have a round in the chamber.

Indiana prohibited places still apply to you, even if they are not prohibited places in the state who issued your permit.

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Utah's laws are not applicable in another state. Illinois laws are not applicable in another state. Follow the laws of the state you are physically in and you will be okay.


Here is an example for you:


The speed limit for rural stretches of Interstate in Utah are posted 80 mph. Utah also says you are not committing the violation of reckless driving until you are 40+ over the posted limit.


In Virginia the maximum posted speed limit on the interstate is 75. The reckless driving law says you are guilty if you are either driving 20+ over the posted limit, or driving at a speed < 80 mph, whichever is lower.


Do you think a Utah resident driving 90 mph in Virginia will be issued A) a citation for speeding, or B) arrested, have the vehicle impounded, and charged with reckless driving? If you said A you are wrong. Same concept applies to firearms.


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If your gonna call me out you better support your claims.


From the Indiana State Police FAQs.

Question: Does Indiana honor handgun licenses from other states?

Answer :Yes. Indiana honors all states handgun licenses, however, not all states honor Indiana's handgun license. Indiana requires those with an out-of-state handgun license to carry it in Indiana under the same terms as required in their home state. For example: If you cannot carry your handgun concealed, or into an establishment that serves alcohol, then you cannot do so in the State of Indiana.




Anyone else care to offer good advice?


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I think after reading this thread, I'm going to become one of those "license/permit collectors" and just get as many licenses/permits as I can. So that if and when I have an interaction with a law enforcement officer (in any jurisdiction) I'll just hand him/her the WHOLE PILE of my licenses/permits to carry, saying "one of these ought to be legal for this jurisdiction..."...
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Interedting concept Indiana has there - basically is this -- "Hey Mr. Law Abiding Citizen, welcome to our state. You are welcome to carry however, we expect you to follow the laws you are familiar with. We don't expect you to have to learn a bunch more. Thank you and have a great day!"


Nice, very nice!!

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If your gonna call me out you better support your claims.


From the Indiana State Police FAQs.

Question: Does Indiana honor handgun licenses from other states?

Answer :Yes. Indiana honors all states handgun licenses, however, not all states honor Indiana's handgun license. Indiana requires those with an out-of-state handgun license to carry it in Indiana under the same terms as required in their home state. For example: If you cannot carry your handgun concealed, or into an establishment that serves alcohol, then you cannot do so in the State of Indiana.




Anyone else care to offer good advice?

Again, show us an officer that knows the laws of all 50 states. What you posted above is legit, but not practical.


Furthermore, you said


Indiana does recognize out of state and out of country permits BUT you must carry in a manner that's compliant with the laws of the issued permit.


You did not say anything about the state of residence being the one that issued the permit until after you got called out.

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If your gonna call me out you better support your claims.


From the Indiana State Police FAQs.

Question: Does Indiana honor handgun licenses from other states?

Answer :Yes. Indiana honors all states handgun licenses, however, not all states honor Indiana's handgun license. Indiana requires those with an out-of-state handgun license to carry it in Indiana under the same terms as required in their home state. For example: If you cannot carry your handgun concealed, or into an establishment that serves alcohol, then you cannot do so in the State of Indiana.




Anyone else care to offer good advice?

Again, show us an officer that knows the laws of all 50 states. What you posted above is legit, but not practical.


That's an argument to be made to the legislators though, not to someone carrying. I don't think it's unlikely at all that Indiana cops will know the basics of Illinois CCL law.

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If your gonna call me out you better support your claims.


From the Indiana State Police FAQs.

Question: Does Indiana honor handgun licenses from other states?

Answer :Yes. Indiana honors all states handgun licenses, however, not all states honor Indiana's handgun license. Indiana requires those with an out-of-state handgun license to carry it in Indiana under the same terms as required in their home state. For example: If you cannot carry your handgun concealed, or into an establishment that serves alcohol, then you cannot do so in the State of Indiana.




Anyone else care to offer good advice?

So an Illinois resident without an Illinois FCCL can't carry in Indiana at all with a Utah non-resident permit even though Indiana recognizes the Utah non-resident permit? That makes no sense.

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Everyone should read the laws and educate themselves. What does or doesn't make sense isn't always what the law says or does. If you find yourself in trouble, the guy who pointed you in that direction isn't gonna save your butt.


Carrying a weapon is a serious responsibility. You better know what your doing.

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Everyone should read the laws and educate themselves. What does or doesn't make sense isn't always what the law says or does. If you find yourself in trouble, the guy who pointed you in that direction isn't gonna save your butt.


Carrying a weapon is a serious responsibility. You better know what your doing.


Something everyone looking for advice on this forum should understand...

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I've spent...well, most of my life in the Northern part of Indiana for one reason or another. I would not have thought open carry was common but on my last range trip I saw at least 6 people come in off the street open carrying. Since I got my Utah permit last year I've carried everywhere I go in Indiana including bars, restaurants, grocery stores, and sporting good stores. I've walked right past groups of cops while carrying and I'll admit it wasn't even a good job of concealing it. I've had not one interaction with a LEO and nobody's given me the stare of death. Yes, the Utah laws were covered when I got my Utah permit but if an Indiana cop is going to arrest me in Indiana they're going to be arresting me for breaking Indiana law. I'm sure of that.
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IMO we can't lawfully carry at the rest areA in your scenario. Your resident permit would likely be the "default" and in IL both OC and rest areas are a no-no.


By the way, I've only seen one OC guy in IN and people were eyeballing him pretty hard. Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's a great idea.

I don't want to open carry. It was just for the sake of the question.


Ps... did anyone actually read my entire post? The FAQ showed up in the thread as if it was new info. It was in my op. ALSO this thread is not about can I open carry in Indiana. I'm asking if our illinois ccl preempts utah while in Indiana.




As such FOR EXAMPLE Indiana allows rest area carry....so does utah, illinois does not. I have both permits.


State Police sees me printing, asks to see license/id. I show him both. He says "oh your Ok, you have a Utah non res.. good to go" or he says "sorry bub, illinois prohibits rest area carry"


I appreciate everyone on this forum but I haven't seen one thread yet practicality that hasn't been hijacked or morph off point or turn into a debate yet. Can't I just get the question answered! Lol

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Practical doesn't keep your butt out of jail. Never assume the law is written in light of common sense. Read it and follow it. Don't make assumptions about it.


Also, my original post states indiana requires you to carry within the limits of the state that issued it. The facts support my comment on their own without further action on my part. It's written in black and white for anyone to do a little footwork and discover themselves.

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Does anyone have a link to the actual law instead of a state police faq?

Follow the link in the post you quoted and in the upper right hand corner is the link to the law.

OK, I found it. The Indiana police FAQ is wrong, here's what the law actually says:


(B) Licenses to carry handguns, issued by other states or foreign

countries, will be recognized according to the terms thereof but only

while the holders are not residents of Indiana.


So an Illinois resident carrying in Indiana with a Utah license can carry under Utah rules, not under Illinois rules. It's not your home state that matters, it's the state that issues the license.

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Practical doesn't keep your butt out of jail. Never assume the law is written in light of common sense. Read it and follow it. Don't make assumptions about it.


Also, my original post states indiana requires you to carry within the limits of the state that issued it. The facts support my comment on their own without further action on my part. It's written in black and white for anyone to do a little footwork and discover themselves.


I talked to a few different state police in different states as I was traveling south. They all told me to carry in provisions of the state that issued the license that you are carrying.

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IMO we can't lawfully carry at the rest areA in your scenario. Your resident permit would likely be the "default" and in IL both OC and rest areas are a no-no.


By the way, I've only seen one OC guy in IN and people were eyeballing him pretty hard. Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's a great idea.

I don't want to open carry. It was just for the sake of the question.


Ps... did anyone actually read my entire post? The FAQ showed up in the thread as if it was new info. It was in my op. ALSO this thread is not about can I open carry in Indiana. I'm asking if our illinois ccl preempts utah while in Indiana.




As such FOR EXAMPLE Indiana allows rest area carry....so does utah, illinois does not. I have both permits.


State Police sees me printing, asks to see license/id. I show him both. He says "oh your Ok, you have a Utah non res.. good to go" or he says "sorry bub, illinois prohibits rest area carry"


I appreciate everyone on this forum but I haven't seen one thread yet practicality that hasn't been hijacked or morph off point or turn into a debate yet. Can't I just get the question answered! Lol


Are you really going to feel better having some guy on an internet forum tell you it's ok to do something you say you don't want to do anyway?

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If your gonna call me out you better support your claims.


From the Indiana State Police FAQs.

Question: Does Indiana honor handgun licenses from other states?

Answer :Yes. Indiana honors all states handgun licenses, however, not all states honor Indiana's handgun license. Indiana requires those with an out-of-state handgun license to carry it in Indiana under the same terms as required in their home state. For example: If you cannot carry your handgun concealed, or into an establishment that serves alcohol, then you cannot do so in the State of Indiana.




Anyone else care to offer good advice?

So an Illinois resident without an Illinois FCCL can't carry in Indiana at all with a Utah non-resident permit even though Indiana recognizes the Utah non-resident permit? That makes no sense.


Not correct, you can be an illinois resident and carry in indiana with a utah non resident permit. Indiana does not have a law requiring you to be a resident of the state your permit is issued from. Indiana recognizes any carry permit. Utah might be a better choice to carry in indiana than an illinois permit. Regardless, you can carry in indiana with an illinois and/or utah permit. Just be sure to carry in a manner that is compliant with the state that the permit is issued from.

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