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Everything posted by jkdkaliman101

  1. Before anyone crucifies me, I DID search for the answer before starting a new topic haha- I didn't see the exact answer I was looking for and YES, it was probably staring me right in the face and I missed it..SORRY 😜 So I took the 3 hour renewal class back in October- 10/22/23 to be exact. I submitted the paperwork and renewed the next day via the ISP portal- As of today, 2/19/24, I have two cards in my wallet. My FOID, which has an expiration date of 8/27/31 (shows 12/19/33 on my account in the ISP portal) and my CCW card with an expiration date of 3/19/24 (29 days from today)- online it says it expires on 3/19/29. Was I supposed to receive a new combo card to replace both of these? What happens after 3/19/24 if I haven't yet received a combo card? If I was supposed to receive a new card, who should I contact to get this going? TIA for any and all replies, -JKD
  2. That is the best news I have heard all day. Now lets hope my mailman is as good as yours. BTW, are you near Cook County? I'm in will county. ..joliet area... and to operator45. ..NICE!
  3. Felt the love from my mailman today :-) Now that a few of us have been through the process, our experience can/will help future applicants in knowing what to potentially expect. Applied 1/2 W/prints Went UBR on or abot 2/5 Went back UR on 2/25 Went active on 3/13 Received license on 3/17 (3 business days) GL to all that follow and are reading this.
  4. that's great! That's two of you now that have the same dates/status changes as me. ..exciting days lol
  5. Woldy2, operator. ..I've noticed a lot of approvals happening around or on the 60 day mark. If you factor the time we spent UBR (which stopped the clock) that would put us around 3/22-3/25. I'm hoping sooner though. I seen one other person already get approved after coming off UBR. Trying to stay optimistic but I'm really thinking mid next week.... time will tell
  6. What's up operator. .welcome back. Heard ya had a nice trip minus border patrol :-/ anyway I saved you a spot in the bleachers. Hopefully our team scores soon!
  7. welcome back to the UR crowd. Did the Lt. Give any indication how long before you would get approved? Or what exactly happens next? What "pile" Your app goes into. It's been two weeks since I've been back under review and I'm getting ansy. I originally applied 12/23, paid 1/2 w/prints
  8. Reported approvals coming in from a few that went from UBR to UR. The time that they were UBR seems close to the amount (but not exact) to the time that it took to get approved once placed back UR. Personally, I was UBR for around 20 days and have back UR for about 13.
  9. I've asked that question multiple times with no answer. ..GL finding out. Apparently it's a taboo question :-/
  10. Patiently waiting for the board to act on my application. Everything runs like ice cold molasses with this state. You can expect to hear nothing for at least a month. Ps I have a pretty good idea why I was flagged. I'm just waiting to find out how they vote.
  11. just found out recently that there is another man with the same name as me living in illinois albeit a different County that was convicted of a heinous And brutal murder, armed robbery and Aggrevated kidnapping. Kinda erie reading the report with my name in it!
  12. Short of a court order or court conviction that makes you a prohibited person (I don't even fully agree with the list of qualifiers that make you prohibited) there is no reason any LEO should be able to object let alone the board be able to deny... I support the entire Constitution and that Constitution does not grant LEO or a politically appointed group the power to arbitrarily interfere or deny anyone's protected rights based on 'opinions or feelings' without that persons day in court and being found by that court through due process to lose the rights... So unlike you I will not and can not support law enforcement in this matter as it will be abused, in fact by design it's pretty much abuse already, IMO... Agreed.
  13. Although your exuberance is appreciated, you really didn't add anything to the original post of this thread and actually may have included some misinformation. 1) "if your application was placed under Board Review, that could only be done by ISP or a local law enforcement agency period" Common knowledge 2) "As far as a letter being sent out to you, the ISP has up to 90 days if you had your live scan submitted or 120 days" Common knowledge 3)".........and go ahead and approve the applicant at which point the applicant will not be notified other than his status will change to "approved" I addressed that in point number three in the OP 4) " If the Board requires more info then they will contact you with instructions how to proceed further. If at the end of the 90 or 120 days you were denied, again you will have directions on how to appeal" If they require more info from the Applicant, the ISP or the objecting agency they MAY request more information or time to review if needed. Otherwise the board will make a decision within a thirty day time period (the ISP also has ten days to get an objected application to the board for review per section 87 of the FCCL) 5) "I was also told by this higher up staff that they cannot control what LEO objects to but unless they have documentation and proof that you are a clear and present danger they will not be able to get your permit denied" True that they have no control over the nature of an objection. False that they need proof that you are a "clear and present danger". They only need reasonable suspicion that you are a danger to yourself or others to file an objection. The board then decides if there is a preponderance of evidence to support that claim. Clear and present danger applies to the FOID ACT and the eligibility to receive or maintain a FOID card. 6) your last statement in which you mention your conversation with a Gat Guns staff member contradicts what the ISP manager told you. The manager "dared to prove her wrong" in her affirmation that it's unlikely an applicant would be denied. The woman in charge of the CCW class evidently thinks otherwise To add to that, "truth" is relative. You could potentially have 5 different law enforcement personal look at the same app and have differing opinions on the applicants "danger" risk. Thanks for making the effort though.
  14. this.... Oh and rat...wa'sup? You just completely did a 180 in a split second. Did you have an epiphany or see my other post that said pretty much exactly what you just said? Lol. .it was getting frustrating reading your posts "there going to take your FOID!!!" But then WHAM. .the switch flipped
  15. Molly. ..I seen your edit which contradicts my personal philosophy but I humbly accept that advice. Your insight, experience and standing with the ISP as well as this community is highly respected so I appreciate your edit and advice and will refrain from contacting the ISP.
  16. The problem is that the primary thing the reviewing officers are looking for is evidence that someone is a danger to themselves or others. If you're denied based on that evidence, the state would almost have to revoke your FOID since that's one of the disqualifying criteria. not necessarily true. An applicant could have been arrested for verbally threatening to harm someone in a road rage incident or maybe a domestic arrest neither of which resulted in a conviction for example that caused the LE officer to flag them. The board decides "yes this person could be a threat in carrying a concealed firearm" Neither of those arrests are are disqualifiers in holding a FOID though.
  17. unfortunately your assessment is correct. Your only recourse if denied is to appeal to the court for judicial review. Although it does suck that one can't defend themselves to the board before a decision is rendered, I find consultation in being able to present an appeal to a different set of ears. Yes it will incur attorney fees but I I personally feel one would have a better chance "asking daddy when mommy said no"
  18. I talked to from a very courteous, helpful and polite officer in the CCL department at the ISP. Some of the following info is redundant from other threads but I'll list for those that may have not of seen it. 1) contrary to what was stated by someone else, according to the gentleman I spoke with very few objected apps (if any) ended up there due to a miss placement by a staff member. If you have been placed under board review, it's because someone in LE put you there. 2) all objected apps get set aside and will be reviewed by the board on an "as needed" basis. Apparently there are no specific dates set aside for review, however the app must be reviewed within 30 days of it being placed aside. (The board also has the option of requesting more info or more time to review) 3) once reviewed, the boards decision will be sent back to the ISP at which time their analysts will update the applicants status in the online portal to either denied, under review again or possibly even approved depending on whether or not the system is set up to process cards. The applicant will not "just receive a letter in the mail" 4) The Board takes an applicants entire criminal history into account. There were no specifics mentioned here as to the process but my impression was that the lack of a criminal or arrest record for a period of time that exceeds the ISP's minimum requirements would be considerably favorable for an applicant that was flagged for something that happened years ago, particularly if there are no convictions. Again that was not empirically stated, it was my take away. 5) the appeal process, if denied, would be directly to the circuit court that correlates To an applicants county of residence. 6) (and as far as I'm concerned one of the most reassuring bit of info) a denial by the board to receive a CCL does NOT mean your FOID gets revoked! The only aspect of denial that would cause someone to lose their FOID is if in the objection process something was uncoveredin your history that goes directly against the list of FOID eligibility Requirements, which is highly unlikely if the individual has an FOID, out of state permit and firearm purchases through nics. Being denied a ccl is exclusive of ones eligibility to maintain their FOID standing. I wish I had more info to offer or could of asked better questions. I refrained from publishing the number/name of the person I spoke with even though It's public info out of courtesy to the officer. PM if you would like that contact info. Hope this helps some of you in the board review category. :-)
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