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Our friend Mr. Goodman is an author


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He published a book about two weeks ago.


Too Many Rights and Too Many Guns: Repealing the Second Amendment to make America safer and more free https://www.amazon.com/dp/069238751X/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_RuUpvb0D797K9


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Wow. I can't say I've seen anything on Amazon with reviews that bad. Part of me actually wants to buy the thing just to see how ridiculous it is. I'm not going to though. :)



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I left a review without buying it. It was based on the title and knowledge of the author. I feel it's a fair review.

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Too many rights....too many freedoms....


Is it any wonder that real Americans equate so called "gun control" with people control. And the other word for people control is "Slavery".


Sorry, Lee. as long as I have my "freedom sticks that go Boom, I will never be your slave. Count on it.

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I will be honest, I'm thinking about buying it just to see if the falling chair completely ridiculous example he used before the House judiciary committee scenario is used somewhere in the book.


You can't fool us, you just have a parakeet cage that needs lining.



Am I mistaken in thinking that the author (author, yeah, right) was all set to debate Todd a while ago? Or am I mis-remembering?

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If you guys think the book title and premise are bad, you should hear this guy (attempt to) debate in-person.


I attended a debate he was present at a few years ago, and I will say fairly and objectively that he was totally unable to carry any argument. The ineptitude was extremely hard to watch.

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My review.


A printed coathanger abortion, without the grace.



Bought this book with the intention of absorbing alternate perspective...what tripe. I question the validity of anything written with such poorly supported research. Much of the cited study references were from completely illegitimate groups, with no evidence as to the acual demography of the pool.


The author clearly has no educational foundation in predatory violence, and no conceptional resource at solving social problems without blaming a scapegoat (guns). The entire turd WAS the authors conclusion.


A pathetic waste of time, written by a pathetic shill.


I am embarassed to admit having forced my way through it at all. I mourn the loss of that time like Lees mother probably mourns her decision not to drink heavily during her first trimester.

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Mine was not sarcastic.


i can see my wording is confusing....I meant all the positive reviews were sarcastic. One of the four positive reviews was almost real-sounding, but it is so ludicrous it MUST be a joke.


I think the sarcastic positive reviews are funny and all, but they still awarded five stars which are undeserved.

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