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Former GFZ (gun free gone) gone?


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Was visiting a local mall in the north most central area the other day that I mostly avoid due to these signs, but only go if I absolutely had too.

Disarmed to enter and i noticed they didn't have the required IL sign or even policy signs (which can be ignored legally) up about firearms prohibited. I walked around inside to the other entrances to see if that one fell off and noticed they all lacked the same signage. My guess is since the mall was dying from people avoiding the mall that had gang activity the last 2 years. with the the signs not allowing you to go armed, it swayed some people from going. Also a good chance to sue for liability since they was no police presence to be found and only security that wasn't armed.

They did increase police presence, saw 2 officers while walking, but felt good that maybe business's are starting to wake up and find out Law abiding people aren't the problem.


I am aware that most insurance companies force business's to put these signs up, but maybe too they are realizing that it could be less impactful on them.

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On 11/19/2023 at 1:28 AM, Bubbacs said:

Just curious, but when you say ‘visiting a local mall in the north most central area’  is this a top secret mall or is it one of those ‘Malls with no name’?   Asking for a friend.


cherry valley mall if this makes anymore sense, figured it was the only mall left in north central Illinois 🤣

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On 11/19/2023 at 7:35 AM, Smallbore said:

Is it a myth or fact that insurance companies require the sign? I own a shooting range. Insurance was easy and reasonable priced. I believe these posted signs are from their stupid progressive politics.

Each insurance company sets their own policies and some insurance companies do require, or offer a discount, to post the sign.  


Regardless of why the sign is there, regardless if it is the correct sign or not, honor the intent of the sign and spend your money elsewhere. Don't support the enemy and anyone who wants you disarmed, regardless of their reason, is your enemy.  


I have gotten at least one store to remove their sign with polite pressure (and a receipt from their competitor).

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I was picking up freight (truck driver) at a company back in 2015/2016 where I was talking to a dock supervisor about carry and conceal. He was all for it and stated the boss was for it also. They called their insurance company and was told that it was cheaper to pay a lawsuit if an employee got murdered at work than if he committed a self-defense shooting that involved the death of that particular individual. So, they passed on it. Unfortunate, and not sure if that applies to certain states or not

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On 11/19/2023 at 9:04 AM, AlphaKoncepts aka CGS said:


Regardless of why the sign is there, regardless if it is the correct sign or not, honor the intent of the sign and spend your money elsewhere. Don't support the enemy and anyone who wants you disarmed, regardless of their reason, is your enemy.  


Yep. My kids know where to take the old man, and not to take, for this reason. I refuse to spend my money or time at an establishment that denies my rights. 

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On 11/18/2023 at 11:04 PM, Caveman2021 said:

I am aware that most insurance companies force business's to put these signs up, but maybe too they are realizing that it could be less impactful on them.


Seems like a mistake for insurance companies to do this. More likely to get sued for denying someone the right to self protect after being injured by a criminal.

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On 11/26/2023 at 11:42 PM, kevinmcc said:


Seems like a mistake for insurance companies to do this. More likely to get sued for denying someone the right to self protect after being injured by a criminal.

Are you aware of any such lawsuits? I have seen other claims that a business should be held liable if self-defender injures an innocent bystander. I do not see making a business responsible for either situation.


We know that there have been several over the years against gun manufacturers, governments, and even social media because someone had access to a weapon. 

The father of the Highland Park shooter is in prison because he signed for his son to get a FOID card.

Families in Maine mass shootings explore lawsuits against Army, other agencies (msn.com) 

Mother of Omaha mass shooting victim files lawsuit against Douglas County, argues shooters should have been in jail (msn.com) 


Edited by Quiet Observer
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