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Another Bruen Victory


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On 2/7/2023 at 10:31 PM, defaultdotxbe said:

And following up with a blood/urine test simply goes back to the my original point about THC concentrations in the blood not being predictive as to level of inebriation for a particular individual. 


And neither is the blood alchol level a reliable measure of impairment, just like the states have established BAC limits they could do the same type of blood "THC" limits for marijuana.


Illinois already has such a limit established



    1. If there was a tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of 5 nanograms or more in whole blood or 10 nanograms or more in an other bodily substance as defined in this Section, it shall be presumed that the person was under the influence of cannabis.
     2. If there was at that time a tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of less than 5 nanograms in whole blood or less than 10 nanograms in an other bodily substance, such facts shall not give rise to any presumption that the person was or was not under the influence of cannabis, but such fact may be considered with other competent evidence in determining whether the person was under the influence of cannabis.



I've only had to do sobriety tests twice in my life, but neither time were multiple officers present, I don't think the officer had a body camera either time, and one of them the officer even had me move to the side of his cruiser so I wasn't on the dash cam. No matter what "procedures" are in place officers will find ways to not follow them. 


The second officer and camera would generally be called once the initial observation/test shows the driver is likely intoxicated and they want more evidence that will hold up in court, if the officer doesn't see any signs of obvious impairment they have no reason to further document the non-arrest.



No matter what "procedures" are in place officers will find ways to not follow them. 


That is why you have your day in court, if your BAC comes back well below the legal limit and the officer has no body-cam video of you showing impairment and no 2nd witness to testify to your impairment, chances are there will be no conviction.

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On 2/8/2023 at 12:41 AM, Flynn said:

Illinois already has such a limit established

Yeah and that's BS too. I knew a guy who's mom was a nurse or lab tech. So he doesn't smoke for 3 days and then tests just to see what it says. He was still over the legal limit to drive but totally sober.


its kind of like the arbitrary .03%THC for hemp vs marijuana designation. Its just some number a guy threw at the wall 50+ years ago when they wrote up the regulations. Kind of like how Bill Ruger blabbed his mouth about 10 rounds is all you need and now that's the magic number that isn't really based on anything.



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"It states that a person who has used cannabis at some point, cannot posses a firearm even when they are not currently feeling the effects of that use." 


That's not what it says...

There's no "at some point" or  "even if they are not feeling" on the 4473 form.  

If it was a person who ever HAD a card and didn't renew it would be denied. 


Saying someone cannot have a firearm because they have a medical card is like saying a woman is a prostitute because she has a .... 


There is no verification that a person with a medical cannabis card ACTUALLY purchased any, so you denied based on the ability to. 

That all sounds unconstitutional there someplace but I'm not a lawyer, maybe we will arrest people because they COULD rob a bank or take away their car because they bought alcohol. 





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Wow some very "high" responses.  Just shows how badly pot affects their cognitive and reasoning abilities. They lash out in an infantile reaction of assumptions. I am very familiar with how Marijuana works lol. I was in heavy metal bands in the 80s and am no stranger to many substances. 


But as I stated before there is always a better alternative. I have watched the results of chronic pot use on friends over the decades as well as professionals that I work with since scoring their medical pot discount card.


The results are always the same, obsession with all thing pot and pot related, decreased energy, drive, motivation, cognitive capacity, work quality, work output etc. 


I am a constitutional libertarian and don't care if you drink Drano or snort Ajax. Just admit the truth that you like to get high.

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On 2/8/2023 at 10:17 AM, Sol-Invictus said:

Wow some very "high" responses.  Just shows how badly pot affects their cognitive and reasoning abilities. They lash out in an infantile reaction of assumptions. I am very familiar with how Marijuana works lol. I was in heavy metal bands in the 80s and am no stranger to many substances. 


But as I stated before there is always a better alternative. I have watched the results of chronic pot use on friends over the decades as well as professionals that I work with since scoring their medical pot discount card.


The results are always the same, obsession with all thing pot and pot related, decreased energy, drive, motivation, cognitive capacity, work quality, work output etc. 


I am a constitutional libertarian and don't care if you drink Drano or snort Ajax. Just admit the truth that you like to get high.

I guess anyone who enjoys a glass of wine must just love to be a drunk...

Refer Madness worked on some.

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On 2/8/2023 at 10:23 AM, Jeffrey said:

I guess anyone who enjoys a glass of wine must just love to be a drunk...

Refer Madness worked on some.

Occasional recreational use of a substance and chronic use are substantially different. I choose the rarely even drink anymore, preferring clarity of thought and purity of body. But you do you brother. I support whatever desires and dreams you have for your life. You will enjoy that life more if you are honest with yourself about why you chose to use substances and the detrimental impact that have on all aspects of your life. 

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On 2/8/2023 at 10:13 AM, SiliconSorcerer said:

"It states that a person who has used cannabis at some point, cannot posses a firearm even when they are not currently feeling the effects of that use." 


That's not what it says...

There's no "at some point" or  "even if they are not feeling" on the 4473 form.  

If it was a person who ever HAD a card and didn't renew it would be denied. 


Saying someone cannot have a firearm because they have a medical card is like saying a woman is a prostitute because she has a .... 


There is no verification that a person with a medical cannabis card ACTUALLY purchased any, so you denied based on the ability to. 

That all sounds unconstitutional there someplace but I'm not a lawyer, maybe we will arrest people because they COULD rob a bank or take away their car because they bought alcohol. 






You and I are essentially saying the same thing, the difference being that you relate it to a Compassionate Use of Cannabis card and I relate it to actual use.  Either way, it makes no sense.




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On 2/8/2023 at 10:17 AM, Sol-Invictus said:

The results are always the same, obsession with all thing pot and pot related, decreased energy, drive, motivation, cognitive capacity, work quality, work output etc. 


Sorry, I can't relate, as I keep saying I don't use it, but I have literally been around it my entire life.  You seem to be under this assumption that everyone that uses it abuses it and gets blasted to the point they are unable to function, that is equivalent to saying that everyone that drinks beer is a no good passed out drunk.  Maybe this was your experience but it has certainly not been mine.


You say things like "decreased energy, drive, motivation" are you not aware there are literally strains out there that give an energy boost and euphoric effect that helps many get many motivated and doing things, the exact opposite effect you claim?



Occasional recreational use of a substance and chronic use are substantially different.


Of course they are, but you seem to be pushing a narrative that those that use marijuana are all chronic users that are blasted out of their gourd abusers.  I have personally seen the entire spectrum, from blasted out druggies to people that use it very much in moderation for medical reasons or simply to wind down at the end of stressful day, grouping them all together is simply inapproriate.



Wow some very "high" responses.  Just shows how badly pot affects their cognitive and reasoning abilities. They lash out in an infantile reaction of assumptions. 


Seriously, chilish ad hominem attacks?  Seriously?  I have stated several times that I don't smoke, I have never smoked, but yet you are going to accuse people like me of "high" responsies and affected cognitive and reasoning abilities because we don't share your narrow opinion?



But as I stated before there is always a better alternative.


Just because you proclaim this to be true does not make it true, I get it you have an absolute stigma against marijuana use, but don't you think that might just bias you just a wee bit?


Also curious since you continue to proclaim there is always a better alternative, are you a medical professional and/or someone that suffers from every chronic illnesses and have found these better alternatives or is that just your biased personal opinion?

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On 2/8/2023 at 1:21 PM, Flynn said:


Sorry, I can't relate, as I keep saying I don't use it, but I have literally been around it my entire life.  You seem to be under this assumption that everyone that uses it abuses it and gets blasted to the point they are unable to function, that is equivalent to saying that everyone that drinks beer is a no good passed out drunk.  Maybe this was your experience but it has certainly not been mine.


You say things like "decreased energy, drive, motivation" are you not aware there are literally strains out there that give an energy boost and euphoric effect that helps many get many motivated and doing things, the exact opposite effect you claim?



Of course they are, but you seem to be pushing a narrative that those that use marijuana are all chronic users that are blasted out of their gourd abusers.  I have personally seen the entire spectrum, from blasted out druggies to people that use it very much in moderation for medical reasons or simply to wind down at the end of stressful day, grouping them all together is simply inapproriate.



Seriously, chilish ad hominem attacks?  Seriously?  I have stated several times that I don't smoke, I have never smoked, but yet you are going to accuse people like me of "high" responsies and affected cognitive and reasoning abilities because we don't share your narrow opinion?



Just because you proclaim this to be true does not make it true, I get it you have an absolute stigma against marijuana use, but don't you think that might just bias you just a wee bit?


Also curious since you continue to proclaim there is always a better alternative, are you a medical professional and/or someone that suffers from every chronic illnesses and have found these better alternatives or is that just your biased personal opinion?

Some people just like to find whatever excuse is expedient to drag others down. In the long run their prejudices will be irrelevant since these propaganda victims will not live forever.

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On 2/8/2023 at 2:27 PM, ITguy1686 said:

If you want to drink alcohol drink it

If you want to smoke marijuana smoke it


These are choices that should have no bearing on your right to bear arms. This is a second amendment victory. Leave it at that.


100%  Imagine if they told the 1 in 4 people prescribed mind altering drugs they were forbidden to vote!

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On 2/8/2023 at 4:34 PM, Flynn said:


100%  Imagine if they told the 1 in 4 people prescribed mind altering drugs they were forbidden to vote!


Actually I recently read that 2023 could very well be the year the FDA  potentially approve psilocybin (and other psychedelics) for medicinal use...



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On 2/8/2023 at 11:54 AM, mauserme said:


You and I are essentially saying the same thing, the difference being that you relate it to a Compassionate Use of Cannabis card and I relate it to actual use.  Either way, it makes no sense.


I'll defer you have more stars but if the Fed is banning people for the possibility of being allowed to purchase Cannabis, there's a whole lot of hurt going to happen to entire states. 

If I still had my card and the money, I would have sued their a... off, there's no record of me ever purchasing any and they denied me because of the card alone. 


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On 2/8/2023 at 3:27 PM, ITguy1686 said:

If you want to drink alcohol drink it

If you want to smoke marijuana smoke it


These are choices that should have no bearing on your right to bear arms. This is a second amendment victory. Leave it at that.




Just like it does now, marijuana will be abused by some people, enjoyed responsibly by others, and used for medical pain relief by another group.  While legalization of marijuana has societal negatives as well as positives, it's an individual choice and should have nothing to do with one's right to bear arms. 

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On 2/10/2023 at 4:41 PM, ragsbo said:

Marijuana is still illegal per federal government, so until they declare it a legal substance that anyone can use freely; I don't see how the states are getting away with this. 

The fact that the federal government doesn't have the manpower to enforce its laws without help from the states. Same goes for immigration law, and now gun control laws as more and more states decide they are through helping. 

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