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Everything posted by defaultdotxbe

  1. Wasn't the Volcanic a lever-action? Since its not semiautomatic it wouldn't need to registered regardless of magazine size I believe.
  2. Oh yeah the choice of domain names is a whole other thing that probably should have been reviewed as well
  3. Somewhat OT but who proofread that card before printing? The first item isn't even a valid URL, the Wordpress and Ning URLs shouldn't have www in front of them (Wordpress and Ning will sanitize the link so it works though) and generally using www isn't considered best practice anymore, in fact most people of my generation would call it a "Boomer thing" to use it at all.
  4. I think it has to be a Modest Proposal, because it simply couldn't work. If we made a state out of each neighborhood in DC and then passed the proposed amendments, that would set the minimum district size for the House as the population of the smallest neighborhood. I can't find population stats for individual neighborhoods, but if we take the ward with the smallest population (Ward 7, population 77,456) and assume that population is divided equally among its 31 neighborhoods that means a House representative can represent no more than about 2500 people, which would mean the House would need to have 136,000 members to ensure equal-sized districts nationwide. It would also set a similar minimum size for their proportional Senate, assuming each state has to have at least 1 Senator it would mean a 136,000-person Senate as well.
  5. The presence of a third hole (for the auto sear pin) is how the ATF differentiates a semiautomatic AR-15 from an automatic M16. (so if you drill it, you don't want to tell anyone)
  6. I guess it would apply to someone who had a FOID, bought a gun, and then let the FOID expire. Or someone who moved from out of state with guns and never got a FOID.
  7. I already explained my position here, basically it means the mere presence of a firearm isn't sufficient evidence for the state to deduce how it got there (which pretty much should go without saying, but here I am having to say it anyway) Plus there are plenty of ways for the firearm to be there without an intentional crime being committed: Family member had a FOID and passed away. Firearm was purchased very long ago before FOID was a thing. Person moved from out of state with the gun and never got a FOID. Give me some time and I can probably think of more As for ammo, almost any state in the union will sell you ammo without needing to see your FOID
  8. Typically, if portions of a law are unconstitutional, the law is striken, and it is up to the legislators to craft a new law that is compliant. To suggest portions of the law don't pass muster, but leave it alone and just rule the defendant not guilty is crazy. The take away of their action here suggests, you do NOT need a FOID if you have firearms in your home. However, they purposely left off the part about how one would acquire a gun to bring into your home for said self-defense, and/or how you would obtain ammo as well. Clearly, they are smart enough to understand what they were doing. Essentially, this ruling was crap shows to what lengths card carrying Democrats will go to support their Anti-2A keystone. My understanding is the opposite, severability doctrine is the standard and only an inseverability clause would actually necessitate the striking of the entire law (although its sometimes done anyway, when no part of the law is found to be effectively severable) A recent example are the SCOTUS rulings on the Affordable Care Act and the Voting Rights Act, where they only struck portions of the laws As for getting the gun to your house, basically it means that prosecutors would need specific evidence of how you obtained the gun, simply possessing it isn't sufficient evidence to prove a crime
  9. Very Good Point. My interpretation is you can still be convicted for not having a FOID for anything beyond simple possession inside your home, and the case was remanded because striking the entire statute was overkill
  10. I believe he will not need one until he is 18 (or 21, as the laws seem to be trending) and old enough to own firearms in his own right (until then they are technically your guns, he just uses them) but you can get a FOID for him at any age
  11. This is probably because they pull the photo from your existing ID to put on the FOID Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  12. It's hard for others to understand, but some legislators treat all people like people and don't play tit for tat with their rights Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  13. Would be nice if someone ran against them up here in Cook county Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  14. In either case the answer to a denial of rights is not more denial of rights Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  15. Quid pro quo shouldn't be required when rights are considered. If that's the approach that you take they are no longer rights, they are little more than a courtesy extended to cronies Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  16. Plus politicians not being vindictive [redacted] is good for everyone Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  17. My mom could have been on 16 and Pregnant, if MTV had been a thing when she was pregnant with me >_> Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  18. As long as the parents are eligible for a FOID, so teen parents still need their own parents permission lol Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  19. You can get them a state ID at any age, I think I had a state ID at a 8 years old Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  20. Only if they choose to post Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  21. Its limited by statute to 10 dollars everywhere else. But, like Chicago, NYC gets special rules and can charge whatever they want
  22. Oak Forest is not listed on the ISP page for municipal regulations, and it appears they have added the post-FCCA bans http://www.isp.state.il.us/foid/ordinances.cfm
  23. there are a few posts ive noticed where someone mentions who their rep is, but they arent on the list, might want to PM them and ask if you can add them when you see them
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