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  1. The $55K number I put out there I found on a site where the author said they came to that number using her current early retirement age and plugging that into the FERS pension worksheet... So they likely figured in any penalties for early retirement, or she may qualify for unreduced benefits as well... https://www.cbp.gov/node/356709/printable/print
  2. The latest I heard is that the father at some point 'legally' sold the rifle to him, so there could potentially be some liability both civil and criminal if there are any i's not dotted and t's not crossed during that sale...
  3. Rolled right into a $55K a year pension from what I have heard unless Congress shows some spine and takes action stripping her of that pension...
  4. Let's not also forget many gun owners willfully 'register' their firearms with the manufacturer for warranty reasons and/or they order directly from the manufacturer and have it shipped to an FFL for delivery, in both cases the manufacturer is going to have the owner info in a database that they will likely open right up to any law enforcement that contacts them...
  5. I get it, she is utterly ignorant and maybe I missed it but there has to be someone who has done a slow-motion video of a bump stock showing the trigger resetting and getting pulled with each bullet destroying her ill-informed and ignorant claim? This is not something that is a matter of opinion, the trigger is factually pulled with each bullet using a bump stock and her stating otherwise should be challenged at every turn as a matter of undeniable fact...
  6. That was how it was sold and how some claim it works, but in reality, it was always and still is a giant Ponzi scheme, there is no return on the money you put in, it's fully dependent on new contributions to pay out... With the computer revolution and explosion of the tech and manufacturing industry since the 80s, SS should be overflowing with money, but like everything the government touches it's a train wreck instead...
  7. It should go without saying that any Republican who votes for gun control should be primaried the next election, the voters I'm worried about are the rural Democrat voters, they seem about as unwilling as inner city Republican voters to hold their reps accountable...
  8. I'm left wondering how aggressive the 2nd Amendment side is going to be, the ATF has basically made up stuff as they have gone along for decades, now that their authority to create law by fiat is gone none of that made-up stuff technically holds and lawful authority... Basically big chunks of the Gun Control Act of 1968 is wide open to be attacked now as it's ambiguous beyond belief in many definitions... One thing I was bouncing around my head is the "readily be converted" since the ATF is no longer the authority to define "readily be converted" beyond the plain text, plain text that doesn't define it at all in the actual law, there is no actual quantitative value attached to the phrase "readily be converted" it's certainly ambiguous beyond ambiguous at this point and thus should default to being in favor of the defendant and mooted when challenged in all cases... We have also let the ATF proclaim there exists some kind of imaginary 80% part of this law, but that proclamation is now moot as well, same with the destruction of a firearm, the ATF has proclaimed it has to be done a certain way to no longer be a firearm, but that proclamation is also moot now for the same reasons... We also have the entire frame/receiver thing that isn't defined, the ATF has defined those, not the law... It's going to be an interesting right,not only for the 2nd cases but for all the cases where courts have let the alphabet agencies make laws by fiat and on a whim regardless of what the plain text of the law actually did or didn't say...
  9. I agree, but plan for the future, don't toss yourself under the bus to get something today when it will make getting something tomorrow harder... There is no reason to give any credibility to the words "assault rifle" or ""assault weapons"" they are nothing but anti-gun scary spin words nothing else... Stick to the simple talking point that single-shot firearms, semi-auto firearms and full auto firearms are mechanically different but none of them are 'assault' anything as that word describes a type of use not a type of weapon, don't play their game...
  10. The public health issue is something the anti-gunners have been drooling over for a while as a way to take away the 2nd, and Rahimi has the drooling even more now as the door wasn't shut but instead left open...
  11. Yep, that is what I'm most upset about, they muddied up the history and tradition test so bad with this ruling it's going to take decades for it to be sorted out, unless they start taking a lot more gun cases and clarify it sooner... And in the meantime all the anti-gun courts are going to say "The government has always had some kind of gun regulations against those they deemed undesirables so this new gun regulation aligns with history and tradition and is thus Constitutional and valid"
  12. I would not suggest we concede machine guns are ""assault weapons"", the argument should simply be that ""assault weapons"" are an emotion-invoking spin work and in reality a semi-auto firearm is just a semi-auto firearm regardless of appearance, attachments or looks and leave it at that, we should not concede that machine guns are ""assault weapons"", don't give them any ammo to fight getting rid of the NFA in the future with concessions that machines guns are somehow not protected arms as well just make it clear that there is a mechanical difference between full-auto and semi-auto, just like there is a difference between single action and double action mechanically...
  13. I agree, but there is a difference between putting your foot down and saying "no" vs stepping aside and saying "maybe" Thomas got it right, the rest kicked the can down the road...
  14. Since Rahimi didn't shut it down, I expect every anti-gun district court to rule the same, they will go right back to government interest bearing and the 'not unlimited' wording to justify every gun control measure...
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