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Gun violence in Illinois & the 2nd Amendment


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You keep missing the point. Guns and drugs go hand in hand guys. How blind are you people. You think you can keep your guns to yourselves? Think your safe in your little perfect lives? Perfect jobs? Families. Your happy in your warm beds? While the rest of the world dies off. Other countries are worse than ours. You think we cant fall? You think America can last forever huh. You think that e entually, if not checked, that your suburban area cant become over run by gangs and drugs one day? Your not safe my friends. It will only spread into your suburban homes. Your kids schools. Everyone knows white kids do worse drugs than blk and latino kids. We smoke weed and coke. White kids do pills, sniff paint, acid, mushrooms. Every kind of crazy exotic drug they can find. You know how many white kids come to our neighborhoods for drugs. You ignore the big problem too long, and it will soon become to big to ignore. You will lose your gun rights, if it comes down to that, and the number of killings going on in these streets. You keep sitting back waiting on a miracle to happen. Until theres nothing left. U say im in the wrong forum. I say im in the right forum. Im right where this convo should be. In the ears and eyes of those who support guns. Right here. If you love your guns. Then you better start loving drugs. Because if its not legalized, then you can kiss guns goodbye. Because i can tell you now, violence will get worse. And will spread. And you wont care until gangs move into your neighborhood. And your child is shot in a drug driveby shooting. Playing hopscotch.
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The answer isnt moving. It isnt leaving the crime and gangs behind and making a better life for me. Its about staying in the fight, and making it better there, for everyone. If i leave, im not changing the social status of the people still stuck there. Im just showing them that i made it out. You fix a problem from inside out, not outside in. As you all claim from safe behind your secure walls and computer screens. And your 70,000$ a year. Its not my goal to be rich. Its my goal to live. And live happily. Im ok being average. Average life. A wife. Kids. I have fun. We go out.we live our lives. All im saying is im not going to turn my back on the people be ause they are lost. Im going to stick it out. Even if i die. Jesus didnt preach to the rich. He didnt live among the wealthy. He stayed with the leperds. And the poor folks. He wasnt in a mansion. He was a poor man to an extent. So keep your college, and big money. I just want my freedoms. And happiness
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You ARE in the wrong forum, if your solution to violence and poverty is the legalization of drugs. The mission statement of Illinois Carry is:


(Mission Statement:

The IllinoisCarry.com forums were established to protect and advance the right to bear arms in Illinois. Simply put, our over-arching belief is that the right of law-abiding people to own and carry arms for lawful purposes shall not be infringed or diminished. This site is provided as a service to the firearms community. It is intended as a meeting place to educate visitors and members about the constitutional right to keep and bear arms and the legislative process on a state and national level; a place to offer educational opportunities in responsible firearm ownership, safety, and proficiency; a place to congregate and exchange ideas and information on Second Amendment related issues.)



In order for drugs to become legalized, the Federal Government would have to abolish the current laws on the books, or stop enforcing them altogether. The 50 States would need to do the same. We can start "loving drugs", but we don't write and enforce the laws.


Check out Marijuana.com. They have a whole community whose sole purpose is the legalization of drugs.

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Ok first of all. No one is making it seem like drugs need to be legalized overnight. Your not into drugs. Thats fine my latino friend. I get it. But your into guns. And so are criminals. They like guns too. And they like killing people with them. So you stay nieve to the facts and then we will see when your precious guns are taken away my friend. Criminals will still have them. You just wont. As the laws get stricker and stricker. Ps noone forced youbto comment my post. If you think im in the wrong forum, keep to yourself. I have others who do agree with me. So if my post offends you, read a different post.
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I just want to state again....im not seeking support for any group. Shoot, im just a guy trying to get my CCL. And move on. I do not plan to argue with people. I just state my opinion. On my own post. You can read it or not. Respond or not. Your decision. Im not here to challenge people who argue politics for a living. Bc im just a warehouse worker. Im no politician. Or activist. Im just a man who loves my guns like you. From a different background.
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We habe to stop using you once in a lifetime success stories as minorities as success stories for blks as a whole. Just because Judge Mathis madeit, doesnt mean its going to be so easy for all blks to make it. You dont know how much better schooling mathis had. You dont know, some people are just naturally smarter than average. My brother has epilepsy, but maintained a 4.0 his entire school career. Something i never could have done. And i consider myself smart. Everyones different. But one tging for sure, if the vast majority of kids in the ghettos are getting third world class schooling, then how can you expect majority of them to succeed? At least if ALL schools natiomwide had the exact level of teaching, as china or korea, then there'd be less to complain about. In my opinion.

no one said it was going to be easy for anyone and the school system is in shambles however saying it's third world isn't correct. many schools are far below US standards and their should be more of an equal paying field no matter what neighborhood you're from. I on the other hand could tell a lifetime of once in a lifetime success stories and a lifetime of failure stories. I'm just saying if my dad could do it coming from Haiti the poorest country in this hemisphere an actual 3rd world country that's been exploited over and over again from outside and within that there is a chance to make it even if you from the ghetto. it isn't gonna be easy and everyone won't make it based on their circumstances but it can be done. in fact it is being done just not at the rate it needs to be done to really change things.

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I dont need to run from my neighborhood. I need to fix it!!!

I agree you should stay in your hood and show a better way of life to those who think there is only one way to live life. Why not become an activist for the community and then show them that us black folks are responsible gun owners and 2A supporters as well. 2A wasn't initially for any minorities because we weren't even considered humans and many gun control laws that followed were deeply rooted in racist Jim Crow laws. I hope you are able to get off the board review and get your CCL so that you can legally carry and continue to set that goes example for your community. If you haven't done so yet I would check out Colion Noir on YouTube or the NRA page. He understands that all types of gun owners need to band together to fight the anti gunners who want to tell us how we are able to protect ourselves.

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Kendll, you have said, in your opinion, that you are concerned about losing our gun rights. I don't see that happening in this day and time when more and more court rulings are strengthening our right to keep and bear arms. Just a couple of years ago we couldn't carry a loaded gun for protection, a few years before that Chicagoans couldn't legally own a handgun in the city. (Thanking the good Lord for people like Otis McDonald and our friends David and Colleen Lawson). We see it from the perspective that we are winning our rights back, not losing.


Yes, so many problems in the communities you mention. We, meaning myself and IllinoisCarry have many friends who live in those communities, have the same concerns as you do. You are right to want see those problems addressed. I just want to assure you that losing our guns is not one of the battles this generation will need to fight here in Illinois.


I can't be so confident about the next generation, they are not being taught about our Constitution, our rights. They may not be as dedicated as you were about finding out about their rights and standing up for themselves.

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Ok first of all. No one is making it seem like drugs need to be legalized overnight. Your not into drugs. Thats fine my latino friend. I get it. But your into guns. And so are criminals. They like guns too. And they like killing people with them. So you stay nieve to the facts and then we will see when your precious guns are taken away my friend. Criminals will still have them. You just wont. As the laws get stricker and stricker. Ps noone forced youbto comment my post. If you think im in the wrong forum, keep to yourself. I have others who do agree with me. So if my post offends you, read a different post.


I am not usually a punctuation Nazi, but I saw so many examples of this in your writing that I thought I would point it out. This might help you down the road if you have to write something for a job or something.


When you are using a contraction for the phrase "you are", the way you write that is "you're". In the paragraph above you have "But your into guns.". That really should be "But, you're into guns.".


Yeah, picky. I know. But, proper writing is a skill that can help carry you forward if you develop it.


By the way, this has been a very interesting thread. Glad to see spirited discussions.

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I feel that the way some of you have treated this brand new member and apparent 2A supporter is shameful.


I voted for Obama in 2008, and in fact typically voted Democrat for much of my life. That has changed, more recently. Now how many of you want to call me a "lib" or give me some speech about pulling myself up by my bootstraps or tell me to abandon my home instead of staying and trying to fix it? Are people who vote or have voted Democrat irredeemable? Can their minds not be won over? Should people who live in Chicago all have left their homes instead of staying and fighting for their constitutional rights to own and bear firearms?


This young man supports the 2nd Amendment and whether or not you agree with his other viewpoints should be totally irrelevant.

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I feel that the way some of you have treated this brand new member and apparent 2A supporter is shameful.


I voted for Obama in 2008, and in fact typically voted Democrat for much of my life. That has changed, more recently. Now how many of you want to call me a "lib" or give me some speech about pulling myself up by my bootstraps or tell me to abandon my home instead of staying and trying to fix it? Are people who vote or have voted Democrat irredeemable? Can their minds not be won over? Should people who live in Chicago all have left their homes instead of staying and fighting for their constitutional rights to own and bear firearms?


This young man supports the 2nd Amendment and whether or not you agree with his other viewpoints should be totally irrelevant.


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The answer isnt moving. It isnt leaving the crime and gangs behind and making a better life for me. Its about staying in the fight, and making it better there, for everyone. If i leave, im not changing the social status of the people still stuck there. Im just showing them that i made it out. You fix a problem from inside out, not outside in. As you all claim from safe behind your secure walls and computer screens. And your 70,000$ a year. Its not my goal to be rich. Its my goal to live. And live happily. Im ok being average. Average life. A wife. Kids. I have fun. We go out.we live our lives. All im saying is im not going to turn my back on the people be ause they are lost. Im going to stick it out. Even if i die. Jesus didnt preach to the rich. He didnt live among the wealthy. He stayed with the leperds. And the poor folks. He wasnt in a mansion. He was a poor man to an extent. So keep your college, and big money. I just want my freedoms. And happiness

Sorry. None of this crap has much if anything to do with CCL or 2A for that matter. So maybe you should also stop presuming who you are talkng down to here bud. I dont make 70k . So why not quit throwing garbage out like its someone elses fault. I'm done with this troll thread.

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The answer isnt moving. It isnt leaving the crime and gangs behind and making a better life for me. Its about staying in the fight, and making it better there, for everyone. If i leave, im not changing the social status of the people still stuck there. Im just showing them that i made it out. You fix a problem from inside out, not outside in. As you all claim from safe behind your secure walls and computer screens. And your 70,000$ a year. Its not my goal to be rich. Its my goal to live. And live happily. Im ok being average. Average life. A wife. Kids. I have fun. We go out.we live our lives. All im saying is im not going to turn my back on the people be ause they are lost. Im going to stick it out. Even if i die. Jesus didnt preach to the rich. He didnt live among the wealthy. He stayed with the leperds. And the poor folks. He wasnt in a mansion. He was a poor man to an extent. So keep your college, and big money. I just want my freedoms. And happiness

Sorry. None of this crap has much if anything to do with CCL or 2A for that matter. So maybe you should also stop presuming who you are talkng down to here bud. I dont make 70k . So why not quit throwing garbage out like its someone elses fault. I'm done with this troll thread.



Wow, this is very much an "in your face" kind of response and doesn't comply with the IllinoisCarry code of conduct. How about taking a step back and replying when you've cooled down, or maybe not reply at all if you can't do it in a polite way.

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We give a certain amount of latitude to new members until they get to know us and we get to know them. It would be good for our old timers to remember this. Here is a young man who is trying to do right by his family and his community. It serves us all to try to see each other's circumstance and base our relationships on our common goal not on our differences.


For those of you who need to brush up on the IllinoisCarry Code of Conduct, you can find it here:


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The answer isnt moving. It isnt leaving the crime and gangs behind and making a better life for me. Its about staying in the fight, and making it better there, for everyone. If i leave, im not changing the social status of the people still stuck there. Im just showing them that i made it out. You fix a problem from inside out, not outside in. As you all claim from safe behind your secure walls and computer screens. And your 70,000$ a year. Its not my goal to be rich. Its my goal to live. And live happily. Im ok being average. Average life. A wife. Kids. I have fun. We go out.we live our lives. All im saying is im not going to turn my back on the people be ause they are lost. Im going to stick it out. Even if i die. Jesus didnt preach to the rich. He didnt live among the wealthy. He stayed with the leperds. And the poor folks. He wasnt in a mansion. He was a poor man to an extent. So keep your college, and big money. I just want my freedoms. And happiness




in a democratic system like ours, the hope is, and the constitution provides for, the voice of the voters to be translated into action by their representatives. if the issue is one of the political process taking something from you, or forcing you to do / not do things based on the law, then there is a remedy.


one of the easiest remedy is to contact the person representing you and to tell them your desires and your point of view and what your hopes are for their legislative actions. if that works, great. that representative helps to make laws that are in line with your views on the issues. if not, you can try to convince them to change their mind. if that doesn't work, you can gather a coalition or small group of like-minded individuals to collectively provide your thoughts on particular issues (like firearms) to your representative and 'force their hand' to represent your views. if that doesn't happen, you can always decide to vote in favor of a different representative the next time there's an election. good thing that they happen on a regular basis. keep talking writing and voting in line with your views, based on what you find important versus less so, and hopefully that will result in someone more in line with your views being elected to represent you.


the problem is that no elected official represents ALL of your views. so there might be a time to focus on some at the expense of others in your vote. these are not easy choices.


lastly, there are more difficult ways. you can fight in the courts, as we have had to do in chicago and illinois to show that the voices of our representatives were stripping innocent people of their constitutional protections. we have won a number of hard fought and incredibly important victories in this way, alas, to nearly no avail, since the politicians have not responded to the spirit of the law, only to the letter of the judicial opinions.


this is why YOUR vote is so critical on ALL issues.


ultimately, if the wave is strong enough, there's a mechanism to provide for a change in the constitution to enshrine more rights or to take others away. very difficult, but possible.


everything hinges on the activity of the PEOPLE and that THEY make their opinion, voice and vote count on the issues. if one is unwilling to use the process, you end up without a voice or opinion that matters. if you want political change with regards to your 2nd amendment 'rights' (others would say 'privilege') then it is time, as a citizen, to be PART of the process.

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A question for Kendll.


Say weed and coke are legalized. What happens then? Do the gang bangers suddenly decide to lay down their guns, go back to school, get jobs and start contributing to society? Or, due to the culture of wanting easy money, do they shift more focus onto taking what others have? More armed robberies, muggings, home invasions, etc?


Yes, drugs fuel the fire... but there will always be something that keeps the gangs going. Nothing will likely ever change that culture... at least not in our lifetimes.


People make their OWN choices. Some choose to try and better themselves, regardless of their situation... some choose to commit felonies, then try to push the blame and responsibility for their choices onto others.


If we, as society, were the problem? Then we wouldn't have let you and your father make good choices.


Your father obviously made good choices... as you said, he has his CCL. You say you're only being held back by an objection, which will likely be resolved in time... so you seem to have made good choices as well.


Welcome to IC.


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Wow i went to sleep and came back to more interesting argumentive threads. Like i said, i dont plan to make people not like me. But when you two viewpoints you cant help but have arguments.


I know my punctuation is off a lot, i just dont care to fix it. Im speed texting on a cellphone. Its really annoying. My phone changes half of my words.


I think that many of you dont understand bc you dont come from where i come from. Others dont understand, because you were never SHOT at. Or jumped by 10 gang members.you say im in a fantasy world. But your in the fantasy world my friends. Im in the real world. A violent world. Bc guns were made and brought in the picture. Before guns became more available, most criminals were fist fighting. Now they are blastin ak47s at grandmas living room. Even more reason we need our guns. Butat what point do we figure out a splution to these killings? Thats my point. I heard a lot of bashing of my ideas on violence from you who know nothing about real violence. I dont care if you fought WWII. Its "chiraq" here. In chicago. And wont get better. And here, we have kids fighting. Kids being killed. Kids being put in gangs. No matter what you feel, if that doesnt break your heart to hear its bc your selfish and only concerened with what effects you directly. Not indirectly. You wont care until one of these nogood gangmembers shoot someone you love in the face. You can write me yelling about ghetto problems are ghetto problems, i say, you give it more timeand soon our ghetto problems will make it your door. No matter where you live. As stated before, you cant get away from it.


N who cares who makes 70,000k. I dont either. Stop taking general concepts im making, and acting as if you dont get what the heck im saying. You get my point. So stop playing silly. Im simply making a point.of course not everyone is rich.




Thanks for the post, i really just feel that they will make it so hard to get your rights respected. If its hard for whites to get their cards. Imagine what blks/latinos from certain areas will go through. My whole point was that most gangmembers are not bad guys. They just ended up in bad situations. And now they are marked and can never get their 2amd respected. I know some people use guns for sport. But where i live, its a sport of who can kill who first. And i just know, im tired of having friends killed over these wars over drugs with the gangs. And if it continues, what will happen next? Whats next? More rules, gun laws, less places you can carry them, or worse. Some of these guys say im crazy for thinking how i think. Im just going off of what i see. I see news and people saying the violence is out of hand. But not in your neighborhoods, but in mine. We are the ones dieing in these streets. Us. The new generation of youth. We are dieing out here by the humdreds. Not from drug overdose, not from crack like the 80s, we are dieing from guns. That protect this illegal drug market. So ALL i wasstating in the first place, before being attacked, was legalizing drugs, would at the very lease minalmize, our violence from drugs in my city. They will have their guns, but what will the gangs fight over then?


Some of you want to jump out of your body with me, getting offe sive over me saying legalize some stupid drugs like your kids are in rehab or something. If so, thats good. Now they know drugs arent for them, and hopefully will beat it. But at the end of the day. Where are drugs goin? Its a demand from the people to have drugs in this country. All races want it. Your p***** bc i say, by legalizing the drugs thats already being sold here anyway, that crime will go down. Your p***** because im actually giving ideas, instead of trashing peoples ideas like yall on violence?? Im sorry im actually trying to help. Out of all of your trashing me messages, about where im wrong, none of you few idea trashers said anything that sounded even a ounce of commonsense to me. You hate my ideas while at the same time, not giving any solid ideas of your own. Except,tell your ghetto friends to get a job. Yea thanks alot for your intellent response mr educated man. Thats what ill tell to blk and latinos nationwide. Why dont yall just get a job??? Jajaja...


Why didnt we think of that??


So simple.


Anyway, yes Molly, i agree with you. You all have dome great fighting for these rights. I know i hanvt did anything myself to help the fight. But im glad you all did. Its why i can get my CCL now. So thankyou all who continue to fight for it. It is appreciated. I honestly dont know why i even started this profile and post though. It only brought me more headache than i thought. It sucks trying to argue a point on a small phone trying to write it out fast cause my fingers are locking up. Jaja. But i tried my best to show my p.o.v.


For colt guy, everything i said has to do with CC and 2ad. What do you think we need guns for? To protect ourselves. In my neighborhood we are scared of gangs. And the violence that drugs bring to us. And your telling me drugs and gang violence have nothing to do with what you are fighting for? But it does. One day you will understand. Mayb not.




Your right schools arent third world. I was really just speaking metaphor as for the conditions. I know they arent as bad as haiti, or mexico but the blk/latin schools are NOT up to par with all white schools. Anywhere in the Nation. The diffrence in education levels is too great. For far too long. Blks are nt taught to succeed in school. They are given the proper training. Guidance. My sons white school was10x past where his blk school level was. Why???? Thats all i want to know. Is what makes a entire race, a entire blk race, so dumb when it comes to schooling? Why is it that a entire blk race has problems with education? On a massive level? Bc all blks are lazy and just stupid? Or bc from day one they were never given proper education. Their parents werent. Grand parents werent. And now they werent. Our school system has failed. They have allowed the gangs to take over. Drugs to overrun. And kids to bc distracted by all of this. Now noone can learn in these schools. Idk. Im just already tired of the arguing. I didnt expect all of that on my first day. My fingers hurt now. Great excercise.

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My whole point was that most gangmembers are not bad guys. They just ended up in bad situations.

respectfully, this is not true. one may have a good heart and good intentions. but, when you DO bad things, that's what actually MAKES you a bad person. in the end, the decision to break the law or to hurt someone else, no matter how 'good of a person' you might be, is the defining difference between someone who actually IS a good person and someone who IS a bad person. actions define who we are, because that's what we have a choice over. we only control ourselves. a smart person once told me, "act, don't react." it took me a long time to really understand how profound that one statement was.

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A question for Kendll.Say weed and coke are legalized. What happens then? Do the gang bangers suddenly decide to lay down their guns, go back to school, get jobs and start contributing to society? Or, due to the culture of wanting easy money, do they shift more focus onto taking what others have? More armed robberies, muggings, home invasions, etc?

They'll shift to heroin, meth, whatever other drugs aren't legal, also prostitution, gambling, guns, and anything else that isn't legal but has a market. If all that dries up (ha) they'll go to protection rackets and extortion.


No matter what gets legalized there will also be a criminal black market for what isn't legal, and there will always be people willing to supply that market


The whole narrative of the "noble gang banger" who is just selling drugs to put food on the table is a crock. I'm sure there are a few who fit that profile, but the vast majority are in it for the money, power, and prestige.


Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk


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