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My "Esteemed" State Senator Dan Kotowski


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Dan really needs to sign up for a Prancresize class to release some of the pent up frustration.


We didn't get a great bill but we got something better than some other states have and over time we can whittle away at some of the garbage.


Sincere thanks to everybody here who made this happen. I am already scheduled to be off for next years IGOLD and I will be transporting green bottles one way.

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Guess who else is having a meltdown?



186519_1066054563_134372_q.jpg Michael Pfleger Michael Pfleger updated his status: "Sadly Our Legislators in Springfield just passed a watered-down vote to allow concealed carry in Illinois and allow high capacity magazines......Obviously the bartering of votes for gambling, pension and Gay Marriage caused the selling of votes on concealed Carry.... The Model of New York and Connecticut's concealed Carry bills didn't flow to Illinois where Chicago has become the poster boy for Violence..This is a slap in the face to the Safety of our Children! Illinois legislators should be ashamed of themselves! Thanks to Sen. Jacqueline Collins and others who voted NO! To those who turned their backs on our children.....I invite you to come to the Funerals of our Babies......."


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Dan really needs to sign up for a Prancresize class to release some of the pent up frustration.


We didn't get a great bill but we got something better than some other states have and over time we can whittle away at some of the garbage.


Sincere thanks to everybody here who made this happen. I am already scheduled to be off for next years IGOLD and I will be transporting green bottles one way.

I think he did just fine its making for good youtube footage!

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Is the father insinuating that law abiding permit holders are going to shoot children?

What an offensive individual.


Notice how the anti crowd always resort to these methods?


It's pretty much the foundation of the whole anti gun movement.

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Guess who else is having a meltdown?



186519_1066054563_134372_q.jpg Michael Pfleger Michael Pfleger updated his status: "Sadly Our Legislators in Springfield just passed a watered-down vote to allow concealed carry in Illinois and allow high capacity magazines......Obviously the bartering of votes for gambling, pension and Gay Marriage caused the selling of votes on concealed Carry.... The Model of New York and Connecticut's concealed Carry bills didn't flow to Illinois where Chicago has become the poster boy for Violence..This is a slap in the face to the Safety of our Children! Illinois legislators should be ashamed of themselves! Thanks to Sen. Jacqueline Collins and others who voted NO! To those who turned their backs on our children.....I invite you to come to the Funerals of our Babies......."


..... Pfleger is a Piece of Fecal Matter!
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I didn't think it was as much a rant as we made it out to be, he was well spoken, but full of lies and half truths.

Has the 508 number been debunked? I'm certain, to the extent that the 508 is accurate, that the deaths are overwhelmingly suicides and justifiable (self-defense) homicides. I realize that debunking the statistics of the hoplophobe crowd is playing whack-a-mole - they will just invent new fraudulent numbers down the road.
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I didn't think it was as much a rant as we made it out to be, he was well spoken, but full of lies and half truths.

Has the 508 number been debunked? I'm certain, to the extent that the 508 is accurate, that the deaths are overwhelmingly suicides and justifiable (self-defense) homicides. I realize that debunking the statistics of the hoplophobe crowd is playing whack-a-mole - they will just invent new fraudulent numbers down the road.


The 508 number is nonsense. It includes all homicide by ccw holders, even if not gun related and includes suicide and justified homicide.




Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

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I think the OP meant "steamed" senator katowski.

I can read lips. Cullerton was mad and asked katowski why he only said 508, why not pick a higher number? And why didn't you bring up Newtown and sandy hook babies again. Katowski said well why didn't you tell me my fly was unzipped? And are we getting drunk with raoul in your office again tonight? And then something about ammunition feeding magazine clips and ice cream...

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I listened to "The Rant" ("Screw the gun industry!"), fake tears, quivering voice and all. Typical antigunner drivel. When you don't have facts on your side, use emotions. Was beyond thrilled when the bill failed.


BUT it only failed by a few votes, & IMO that's way too close. Whatever it takes, the pressure needs to stay on to see that guys like him are defeated and/or discredited.

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...fake tears, quivering voice and all. Typical antigunner drivel. When you don't have facts on your side, use emotions.


Sadly, that sounds like a stereotypical sitcom, where the husband loses the argument to the wife because she pulls out the waterworks crap.


Maybe that's what he was going for.

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