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Democrat Party sends out anti-gun hit piece

Molly B.

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.357.. cool. He'd have my vote.


I was pointing out to the Quinn page, where he was talking about how Brady wants to kill everyone's dog, and I was suggesting that he should pass out dog food. Not to feed people's pets, but to feed his constituents when he finally finishes off IL's economy - should he win.


One could almost say that the dems have become pretty frantic - one might even say desperate.

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I got a common sense gun law for ya. It's a catchy little phrase with 27 words in it. rolleyes.gif



Too simple for them to understand. And it is way too "common sense".


My favorite line from the Brady bunch. "The gun laws in other parts of the country might not work here." Really genious? Doesn't look like our gun laws are working either. THAT'S BECAUSE THE ONLY PEOPLE GUN LAWS AFFECT ARE LAW ABIDING CITIZENS AND IT AFFECTS THEM IN AN ADVERSE WAY YOU MORONS!

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Here's a map of the 59th if you don't know where it is. Looks like North Suburbs to this prairie raised boy. If you live here or know somebody that lives here, get the word out. This is one of those districts that gets us one vote closer to RTC!! And, two votes closer to an ® controlled House (one fewer D, one more ®!!). We CAN make a difference!


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Another map, with zip codes and a link to Dan's website. Dan Sugrue Make a donation, walk a block or two, get this guy a vote!!


OK, I just popped for $25. I can't get there to physically help, but maybe a few bucks will help out. All you downstaters that have complained about Madigan in the House, here's your chance to take a shot at him. Send a buck or two, get on the site and volunteer to make some calls, this is a pro-gun, pro-carry candidate in the north suburbs of CHICAGO!! Get him elected!





Waukegan 60085, 60087


Gurnee 60031


Park City 60085


North Chicago 60064


Green Oaks 60048


Mettawa 60048


Vernon Hills 60061


Lake Forest 60045


Lincolnshire 60069


Riverwoods 60015


Buffalo Grove 60089


Wheeling 60090

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Glocks don't have little pan-head screws in the side of the slide.


Airsoft... or BB gun.


hmm, it's a Daisy 1700.




And the Illinois Democrat party wonders why downstaters associate Democrats with out-of-touch, anti-civil rights, borrow and tax idiots.


Nothing like reinforcing the stereotype there, guys.


And the BB gun... Nice catch, Mike.





It would be nice to figure out a way to embarrass her, publicizing the fact that her "scary gun" is a toy BB gun.


Sort of like "The REST of the story".....


They HAD to cut off the bottom of the toy's handle in the picture, because it would have shown the CO2 cylinder piercing knob.


Talk about "the gang who couldn't shoot straight"................


oh, and yeah - donation sent....

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It would be nice to figure out a way to embarrass her, publicizing the fact that her "scary gun" is a toy BB gun.


Sort of like "The REST of the story".....


They HAD to cut off the bottom of the toy's handle in the picture, because it would have shown the CO2 cylinder piercing knob.


Talk about "the gang who couldn't shoot straight"................


oh, and yeah - donation sent....


Maybe we just need to log onto her site and compliment her on her choice of firearms. But yeah, public would be better. I'll bet the "felon" is one of her campaign workers with a three day growth of beard.



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Give each and every precinct walker a copy of the hit ad, and also a copy of the BB gun ad, and ask those that they talk to if they have seen the "scary gun" ad, then show them the BB gun picture and give them a link so they can see for themselves...


Then ask if they want to send someone who can't even get something as simple as that correct, to straighten out the financial mess the state is in....

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Here is a copy of the e-mail I just sent:




Today I had the unfortunate opportunity to view your anti-firearm flyer put out against Dan Sugrue.


Frankly, it is an insult to the intelligence of any voter within your district. The "evil" gun you decry in the picture is actually a BB gun. But facts like that don't matter to a zealout like yourself. I suppose it is possible that you are simply so ignorant on the issue that you did not know the difference, though I believe you or a campaign staffer probably believed that it looked scarier than a real firearm.


Furthermore, you assert that Sugrue would be a vote in favory of Right to Carry in Illinois. That would be the same right that has been recognized by 48 states and most recently by the Supreme Court of the United States in both the Heller and MacDonald decisions. Again, facts like that just don't matter to you I suppose.


Finally you purport that we need "common sense" gun laws. I suppose you believe that criminals will suddenly change their wicked ways and follow the next gun law that we pass. The fact that criminals don't follow EXISTING gun laws is another fact that simply does not matter to you. If you really want a common sense gun law, let me suggest one that has been on the books for over 200 years.


A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State; the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


Thank you for delineating the clear difference between Dan Sugrue and yourself. I have sent a donation to his campaign.

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Here is a copy of the e-mail I just sent:




Today I had the unfortunate opportunity to view your anti-firearm flyer put out against Dan Sugrue.


Frankly, it is an insult to the intelligence of any voter within your district. The "evil" gun you decry in the picture is actually a BB gun. But facts like that don't matter to a zealout like yourself. I suppose it is possible that you are simply so ignorant on the issue that you did not know the difference, though I believe you or a campaign staffer probably believed that it looked scarier than a real firearm.


Furthermore, you assert that Sugrue would be a vote in favory of Right to Carry in Illinois. That would be the same right that has been recognized by 48 states and most recently by the Supreme Court of the United States in both the Heller and MacDonald decisions. Again, facts like that just don't matter to you I suppose.


Finally you purport that we need "common sense" gun laws. I suppose you believe that criminals will suddenly change their wicked ways and follow the next gun law that we pass. The fact that criminals don't follow EXISTING gun laws is another fact that simply does not matter to you. If you really want a common sense gun law, let me suggest one that has been on the books for over 200 years.


A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State; the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


Thank you for delineating the clear difference between Dan Sugrue and yourself. I have sent a donation to his campaign.



Excellent!! Well done!


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Im not in his district but i will send him some money. The guy in the picture is obviously not on our side. He would have never took a picture with his finger on the frikin trigger.



Yeah, I noticed that too. I wonder if that was purposely done? I suspect however that it was just out of ignorance. Anybody who thinks you can order a ma duece over the internet would have their finger on the trigger in an unready condition.

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mine was a bit more succinct:



to: SenteForStateRep@gmail.com

to: RepSente@gmail.com



Subject: Re:Sugrue hit ad - nice BB gun genius....



Re:Sugrue hit ad


nice BB gun genius....


No wonder the state's finances are in such a mess.

Terrible representative, with POOR staffing choices.







and then sent to Dan:


Subject: the gun attack ad - it's a Daisy M1700 BB gun!!!



Just a heads up, the Attack Ad mailed out showing the leering mook with the gun


That a BB gun - uses a CO2 cylinder, so it's not even a firearm!!!


it's a Daisy M1700 , easily googled....


p.s I sent in a few bucks, Skip Saviano's my state rep..


good luck...

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How's he polling?


Clearly, these folks want to protect an antigun vote, and see this guy as vulnerable.



I believe the polling has them about even. I'd say the anti gunners feel threatened enough to spend some money in the race. Our "guest-mystery" commenter mentions that race in this thread.



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