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URGENT. Here we go again


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House staff has called to let us know that the Governor and Chicago Mayor will attempt a gun and magazine ban when the House reconvenes for the lame duck session.


They will reconvene on Sunday at 5pm


Go get 'em. . .


Phone calls, emails, faxes and facebook at the ready.


This is turning into a full time job!


Of course they will. If they can't get it done in the Senate, try it in the House first. Never mind that the bills will probably be even more unconstitutional and even more disregarding of every court case in the last five years.


Thanks for the update, Todd. Let's all get on the phones and emails and light them up.


This will be the third post Ive made asking why anyone was celebrating. If they have the votes to ram something through, they will vote on it and ram it through.

They are not a neutral force. They are a constant opponent of what people in Illinois want. If we get to a point where we're more than covered with the laws we have, they will still be trying to pass 1000 more. Its all they have to do. As time goes on, the laws pile up but it doesnt matter. Gotta create more unendingly.


Sent from my Motorola Electrify using Tapatalk 2




Call your Representative's local and Springfield office. Do it today, then fill up their machines tomorrow if no one's answering their phones on Saturday, then on Sunday as they should be open. The House comes into session at 5:00 p.m.


Light up the Speaker's offices too. Here's a link to his contact info with fax lines, etc. His Springfield office number in the Capitol is (217) 782-581-8000. His office in Chicago is (773) 581-8000. Start the calls now.


Call the Governor: Springfield: (217) 782-0244, Chicago: (312) 814-2121


Somebody in the Chicago area post Emannuel's office numbers. We just as well burn some lines up there too.


Sic 'em guys and gals, this crap has got to stop.




Any bill numbers to reference?


Why did I not receive an Illinoiscarry alert about this? I registered for them. Again, we should have these alerts go out IMMEDIATELY instead of waiting for people to log in here to find out.


Any bill numbers to reference?


Why did I not receive an Illinoiscarry alert about this? I registered for them. Again, we should have these alerts go out IMMEDIATELY instead of waiting for people to log in here to find out.


I agree

You gotta hand it to these unConstitutionalists. They are persistant to get something passed. Its just too bad they don't focus on the real problems our state/nation faces.

is all this some sort of leftist broadway production to influence legislators in the wake of the 7th circuit court decision? smoke screen tactics?


what a show.


Sooo, they're back.



Did you know...

  • Roaches bleed white blood?
  • The worlds largest roach lives in South America, is six inches long with a one-foot wingspan?
  • A roach can live for a week with out its head? (there are some that live a lifetime : the Mooonhose variety)
  • Roaches can swim?
  • Roaches can run up to three miles an hour? (Human equivalent is 93 miles per hour)
  • A roach mouth moves side to side?
  • Roaches can live without food for a month but will only survive a week without water?
  • Roaches can withstand temperatures as cold as 32º F?
  • Roaches can climb walls because of little claws on each foot?
  • A roach’s heart is nothing but a simple tube with valves?
  • The tube can pump blood backwards and forwards in the insect?
  • The heart can even stop moving without harming the roach?
  • A crushed roach can be applied to a stinging wound and help relieve the pain?
  • Roaches smell with their antennae?




So lets stomp em out and start relieving some pain!

Todd is the CCW bill ready to go? I suspect this is crap being flung to attempt to stave off a CCW bill from being brought forth and allowing it to be seriously concidered in Springfield. We've been thru this political stunt many times before.

ugh... Luis Arroyo down (Phoned, need to email/fax still.)...


Actually I'm having issues with the website you posted. Just giving me conflicting info.. I'm in the 3rd district and that website says Madigan is 22nd?


Should I focus on Luis Arroyo (says 3rd district.)?


just phoned my rep..kinda hard to find since the gestapo seems to have taken down the how to find your rep link....


spoke to both offices of my rep...its positive and wont say anymore


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