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NSSF v. Raoul (3:23-cv-02791) (S.D. Illinois) - PLCAA violation (HB218)


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The complaint: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.ilsd.97723/gov.uscourts.ilsd.97723.1.0.pdf




Although the statute purports to be aimed at preventing firearms from being used in such a way that endangers public safety or health, HB 218 does not regulate the use (or misuse) of firearms. Nor does it impose liability on individuals who misuse firearms to the detriment of themselves or others.  Instead, HB 218 regulates selling, manufacturing, and advertising lawful (and constitutionally protected) firearms and related products. In other words, HB 218 regulates commerce in and speech relating to arms—even when that commerce and speech takes place entirely outside of Illinois, as will often be the case.  HB 218 also removes traditional elements of tort law that ensure that judges and juries do not impose liability on private parties for constitutionally protected conduct. Making matters worse, the statute jettisons traditional proximate cause in favor of allowing state courts to impose liability on licensed industry members for the actions of third-party criminals with whom the industry members never dealt.


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NSSF v. Raoul (S.D. IL): Illinois is mad that the NSSF's lawsuit against the state's gun industry liability bill was assigned to the same judge that issued a preliminary injunction against its "assault weapon" and magazine bans, and has asked for a reassignment.


Here is the filing: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.ilsd.97723/gov.uscourts.ilsd.97723.13.0.pdf

Edited by Upholder
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In an ideal world, presuming I could read Easterbrook correctly: AR-15's are legal to own in Chicago and Cook County. Standard magazines even. No restrictions. Maybe an SBR. 

Maybe a suppressor. But no machine-guns. 


What judges like Easterbrook are realizing is that Bruen could be brought up against FOPA and challenge the 

registry ban. Perhaps even more. The progressives really are short-sighted.


Most people are happy with just semi-auto rifles and machine-guns banned. 

That's been status quo for sometime. 

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