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  1. I agree. It would be better to provide it privately. Cheers, Tim
  2. We could all write them a pleasant letter pointing out the discrepancies between the wildlife code, state CC law and their website, asking them to please have the wildlife code and website reflect actual law. Cheers, Tim
  3. I imagine if the AI device identifies a picture of a gun as a gun, it would be up to the human staffer at ZeroEyes to confirm it was a gun or not a gun. We have been increasingly under surveillance for a long time. Cheers, Tim
  4. The CCW app makes the research fairly easy. I check it frequently. Cheers, Tim
  5. I was an annual member for years and then became a Life Member because it made financial sense. And I got the cool leather jacket. I did not enjoy the LaPierre years. I did know the ultimate value of the NRA from an historical and future perspective. Same deal with ISRA. If you aren’t a member you do not get to say… anything. Suck it up and reenlist. Cheers, Tim
  6. Todd, Will it count if I print the docs, add my name/info and scan/email them back to you? Thanks, Tim
  7. Chicago has no additional rules or restrictions on the number of guns you can buy in a month. Cheers, Tim
  8. He’s a teacher, a football coach and spent 24 years in the MN National Guard. He’s funny, too, which sure beats weird and creepy. Apparently he is also a good target shooter and might have a beer with you after some range time. Cheers, Tim
  9. Optics Planet has been notorious for not selling legal items to Illinoisans. Some MecGar dealers play the same way with legal magazines and have so for years. Cheers, Tim
  10. Or perhaps she was doing her job, taking guns from PROHIBITED persons. Years ago I went on multi agency “raids” in Cook County to arrest felons with guns. I did not support the door to door checks of registered gun owners in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. I believe we were following teams from California. Does the right to keep and bear arms apply to criminals? Cheer, Tim
  11. I voted against Pritzger, Preckwinkle, Blagojovich and Quinn to name a few. This year I will be voting for a candidate for President. There’s been a lot of buzz in the last couple days with people smiling and asking “what do you think about Harris?”. We will see if it holds, grows or wilts. I’m guessing she gets a bump in the next couple days following the prisoner exchange today. She will get bumps every time someone says she was a DEI hire or slept her way to the job. I got my haircut today. My barber of 35 years was at the White House Picnic a couple weeks ago, after the Stephanopolis interview. I asked what he thought of Biden when he met him and shook hands… he said “he’s old… I cut hair in retirement homes. I can tell.” He’s all in for Harris after meeting her. Cheers, Tim
  12. Trump is not yet gone. “You” have allowed him to be the unelected head of the GOP for almost four years now. When he is gone, really gone, the GOP can heal and begin to choose candidates who are electable. His influence may linger in many fans for years or even decades. TDS. Cheers, Tim
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