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  1. For clarity, I received my first FOID in 1968. My experience is that I’ve never ran into this before. I haven’t bought a gun from a dealer for four years. But, my question stands. Has this practice by the state drawn the attention of the ISRA or any other organization? Has anyone considered that a civil right delayed is a right denied.
  2. Being naive I have to ask if these delays drawn the attention of ISRA or any other organization yet? Politicians?
  3. Thanks for the quick replies. I should have considered NICS knowing that the “Chicago” effect, after eating into the soul of Illinois, has bored its way into the core of national government as well. Delay by design or incompetence? Either way it is a right denied.
  4. Have people been running into abnormal delays for FOID clearances lately? Yesterday I bought a gun from my local dealer and was confronted with a delay from ISP. I’ve never had this happen before. Today I went back to store and learned that I still have not cleared and also that eight people who bought guns yesterday at that store all received delays. Because this involves the State of Illinois I can reasonably assume someone’s brother-in-law or the politically connected IT wizard screwed it up or just forgot to go to work so I’m not jumping to a conspiracy theory. But, I have to ask if has it happened to anyone else? Anyone else experience this? Thanks.
  5. With only three justices in decent ( guess which ones ) the bump stop ban just went down. Thomas delivered the Majority Opinion with clarity. He gets it.
  6. Mauser and Molly, Thank you for your continuous service to all of us. Many of us really appreciate your persistence and dedication to our cause.
  7. If it were anything other than a Biden Justice Department one might expect conversations, while awaiting sentencing, that might include relating past indiscretions with others suspected of having conspired with the alderman to commit this or other crimes. Never seeing the grandchildren again can be a great motivator as can the penitentiary one goes to. But, with President Roomba’s DOJ, they’re most likely going to isolate Ann and make sure he goes to Club Fed. I wouldn’t look for a Trump pardon, but the potato might grant one on his last day. We must always remember that Barry Obama got his start in politics on Chicago’s south side.
  8. My presumption is that the hearings will really serve as an attempt to portray the state as concerned and listening to the public. It will make them seem fair in the eyes of the progressive left in the cities. On its face, the time will be waisted on political theater for the benefit of JaBa the Putz and his fellow travelers. It’s also another fund raising opportunity for ISRA who will never let a crisis go to waste when there is a potential to make a buck
  9. Please remember that all this has been brought to us by the negotiators at ISRA so they may retain their “seat at the table”. Thanks for a job well done! The mess you gave us, aided by no cash bond, will bring real safety and wellbeing to our lives.
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