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  1. Pursuant to the gun control act, you become eligible to purchase a firearm upon the surrender of your MMJ card or after one year of abstinence, which ever comes later. Don't know how you would prove you didn't use if you had a valid card. My understanding is that dispensaries also keep track of purchases (I don't know for sure, I don't use the stuff) so don't get caught lying under oath. Sounds like you will probably have to wait one year from the time your card expires.
  2. Do not put this into your will. Leave a separate letter for your executor that has no legal effect and will not be a matter of public record. In it you can express guidance, concerns, potential pitfalls, your opinion of Joe Biden, etc. Putting specific things into your will handcuffs the executor. In this example, what if Person X is dead, incompetent, or refuses to deal with the issue? It is then going to take a court hearing and order to get this changed.
  3. Yes, FOID is what I meant. Brain cramp. Thanks for pointing this out.
  4. As MikeW hints at, swtichblades are legal if you have a CCL. Been carrying one ever since the day Gov. Rauner signed the bill legalizing them. (I had one prior, kept in a state where legal to possess.)
  5. This explains a lot: https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/ny-ag-letitia-james-flips-nras-former-second-in-command/
  6. They violate their oath to uphold the Constitution all the time, so what would stop them from violating this?
  7. Actually, it was dismissed on causation grounds. The court stated that even if the Plaintiff had proved causation, the court would still have dismissed the complaint on public policy grounds as the alleged negligence was too remote from the injury. The actions of the killer constituted a superseding cause, alleviating the Defendants of liability. (Order at pgs 20-21.)
  8. Or if you ever get to Wisconsin, they have been legal there for the past year and a half. Lots of places to just walk in and buy one.
  9. Here is one. S30V steel too. http://www.bladehq.com/item--Smith-Wesson-Military-Police--13611
  10. I don't know if they will ship to an Illinois address, but be aware that they are still illegal to possess as of right now. I personally have acquired two recently, shipped to a Wisconsin address. They will remain in Wisconsin until legal to possess in Illinois.
  11. Fact is, they are still illegal to possess in Illinois for another 8 days or so. I have already checked out their site a month ago when I first heard of them though.
  12. Yes but they cannot send them through the US mail. They have to ship via common carrier, i.e., UPS, Fed Ex, etc.
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