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  1. But we don't have a Democracy, we have a Constiutional Republic.
  2. They seem to be ignoring Bruen (sp?) That's what I meant by not careing.
  3. Why are they complicating this? "Common Use", is all they need! Are these things in common use? WE WIN! It's up to the government to prove that they are NOT in common use.
  4. If they can find somewhere that will sell them to/in Ilinois.
  5. Might want to be careful what we wish for. I'm sure our side has done the same thing in the past. Don't have any idea when or what.
  6. Sounds like a way to make more money in the future for Mr DeVore. Could be wrong, but what do, "The Guardians of Liberty", do? I used to be a member of the, "Uncle Mistletoe Kindness Club", when I was a kid. Didn't do anything, but could still say I was a member.
  7. Was able to log on fine. On top of the page, though, it says, "Some content is currently unavailable as the new General Assembly information is set up."
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