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  1. CHICAGO (CBS) — Four people were killed in a mass shooting on a CTA Blue Line train in Forest Park on Monday morning. Forest Park Police Deputy Chief Christopher Chin said all four victims were passengers on a Blue Line train as it was headed into the Forest Park terminal when they were shot shortly before 5:30 a.m. Police said three victims were found dead at the scene. A fourth victim was taken to a local hospital and pronounced dead. Chin said the victims' ages and genders were not yet available as of 11:15 a.m. Chin said the shooting appeared to be an isolated incident, and there was no threat to the community. Investigators believe there was only one shooter. Police said it did not appear the shooter knew any of the victims, who all appeared to be homeless people riding the train. Police also said it did not appear that the shooting involved a robbery, and that the attack was completely random.
  2. From CBS News. Maybe CCW should be allowed on the CTA. CHICAGO (CBS) — Four people were killed in a mass shooting on a CTA Blue Line train in Forest Park on Monday morning. Forest Park Police Deputy Chief Christopher Chin said all four victims were passengers on a Blue Line train as it was headed into the Forest Park terminal when they were shot shortly before 5:30 a.m. Police said three victims were found dead at the scene. A fourth victim was taken to a local hospital and pronounced dead. Chin said the victims' ages and genders were not yet available as of 11:15 a.m. Chin said the shooting appeared to be an isolated incident, and there was no threat to the community. Investigators believe there was only one shooter. Police said it did not appear the shooter knew any of the victims, who all appeared to be homeless people riding the train. Police also said it did not appear that the shooting involved a robbery, and that the attack was completely random.
  3. Harris backed using ‘lists’ of gun owners to send police door-to-door to seize firearms By Kerry Picket Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris once threatened to use databases of gun owners to send police to their homes to confiscate firearms. Ms. Harris described her gun control stance in August 2019 at a Democratic presidential primary forum that took place shortly after two deadly mass shootings in California and Texas. She said she was “prepared to take executive action” to implement comprehensive background checks, crack down on gun dealers and ban the import of so-called "assault weapons". Ms. Harris said she knew how to enforce tough gun laws because as California attorney general she allowed police to “knock on the doors of people” on a state list of prohibited gun owners and people deemed a danger to themselves and others. “We sent law enforcement out to take those guns because we have to deal with this on all levels.” More here: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/aug/1/kamala-harris-backed-using-lists-of-gun-owners-to-/?utm_campaign=twtnl_x&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=SocialFlow
  4. They want to blame everyone and everything except the one who is at fault. Of course he has no money and no future earnings so is this less about blame and more about wanting to use a tragedy to enrich themselves?
  5. I hope there is a good showing for this VERY important effort!!
  6. As far as J B Pritzker is concerned the law is a success. Its main purpose is so that Jelly Belly can say he "stood up to the NRA and won" to further his presidential resume. Who cares if it makes law-abiding citizens "criminals"?
  7. Here is what the Second City Cop blog has to say about it. https://secondcitycop.blogspot.com/ Tuesday, January 02, 2024 Springfield We Have a Problem As of 01 January 2024, ""assault weapons"" are banned in Illinois and you can only keep them if registered with the State Police. Same thing for certain accessories and certain caliber ammunition. The rumor that the ISP website went down due to a massive attempt by Chicago gangbangers to register all of their ""assault weapons"" appears to have been false. According to the Illinois State Police website and interested parties, compliance topped out at something less than five percent. Might be as low as half-of-one-percent, but no one really knows. The ISP has said you can still register the weapons despite the now past deadline, but what moron is going to hand the ISP proof of your disobedience of State Law? You would automatically be banned from possessing all firearms. So the lefties and democrat politicians (but we repeat ourselves) are in a bind. They passed a "law" in the dead of night, gutting an insurance bill and substituting anti-gun language in it, and pushed it through in under 72 hours without public hearing or comment, in violation of procedural safeguards. Now over 95% or more of Illinois gun owners have refused to comply and around 96 (or so) county sheriffs (out of 102 statewide) have stated they will not be enforcing anything in regard to this registry. Gun grabbers now face a couple choices: A - ignore the fact that 95% of gun owners have given them a giant middle finger, or B - selective enforcement in places like Cook County, where Dart never met a gun law he wouldn't personally perform fellatio on, or C - order all sheriffs to start door-to-door confiscation AND prosecute sheriffs who refuse. Failure to enforce a State Law means the government loses legitimacy, and who runs Illinois at this very moment? This is also a national election year with the DNC holding its convention here in Chicago. Not the look that the dems are looking for when Fata$$ is in the running to be drafted for the top slot when Mr 10%-for-the-Big-Guy steps aside. And prosecuting County Sheriffs? These are elected officials. How very Hitler-esque. We're certainly in for an interesting couple of months ahead. And not that we encourage this, but if even one percent among the estimated half-a-million owners of banned rifles violently resisted....dear lord. Labels: gun issues, state politics posted by SCC at 12:09 AM
  8. The ISP easy guide is only 340 pages long. What’s not to understand? As of right now these are the stats: I’m not sure how current it is. Number of Individuals Completing a Disclosure: 15,164 Total Disclosures: 51,978 Firearms Disclosures: 33,065 Accessory Disclosures: 18,632 Ammunition Disclosures: 281
  9. As of right now: Number of Individuals Completing a Disclosure: 15,164 Firearms Disclosures: 33,065 Accessory Disclosures: 18,632 Ammunition Disclosures: 281
  10. Below is an excellent example of the hypocracy of the Left FYI Rep Sean Casten is one of the far left rabid anti-gun zealots in the US House who never met a gun law he didn’t love. The failure of the 40+ year policy experiment he refers to the War On Drugs but it applies equally to the 50+ year old war against the Second Amendment.
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