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Everything posted by Rangerdeepv

  1. Hopefully early/mid next year. If this is not the worst ran state it is real close.
  2. https://www.thecentersquare.com/illinois/article_126593b4-e17d-11ee-97f0-87b9bc77eccd.html At least until it gets to the next highest court or the 7th circuit.
  3. He needed to go 15 years ago.............hope his health improves.
  4. This guy lays it out pretty good. He is pretty accurate on is predictions like St. ToddV.
  5. And stays the injunction on the Califinois AWB again............... https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/u-s-appeals-court-keeps-california-assault-weapons-ban-in-force/ar-AA1j1fKz
  6. This is just the beginning..................................lots of boating accidents going to happen real soon.
  7. This should be good news yet don't hold your breath.........there are lots more like this out there just waiting.
  8. True.........this is the opening salvo. There is no way Pizza the Hut and Swami Kwame are going to let this one lie.
  9. Is the devil you know better than the devil you don't? She was/is a waste of a powerful office.
  10. Not a big fan of McConnell but he did the country right by not allowing this hack know as Merrick Garland onto the bench in SCOTUS. This guy is really a full blown leftocrat bordering on extremist.
  11. The Dum0craps play the long game with these types of bills. Bait and switch, make them so ridiculous that after all the banter there is actually a bill that reads not so ridiculous, gut the original and fill with something totally unrelated to the title, blatantly violate Illinois state constitution and a whole host of other 'tricks'. Madigan did keep some of the more crazy bills off the docket but without his crooked arse in the Speaker's chair we have a rubber stamp.
  12. How long before this turd ends up in court or another class action. The hits just keep coming.............................
  13. 124 days since I lost mine...............still Under Review.
  14. Keeping more than fingers and toes crossed. Surprised they are leading the SCOTUS on this one, although it seems the ISC does not care if any of their decisions are over turned.
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