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URGENT Legislative 12/31/12


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I just recieved word that Senate President John Cullerton will attempt to pass a Feinstein style Semi-auto ban and magazine ban When the Senate reconvenes for their lame duck session on the 2nd of January.


At this time we have no bill numbers, but anticipate them using house bills passed over for floor amendments which would only take a matter of hours to clear committee and be ready for a final vote.


Legislative offices are open today. You need to call your state senator and urge them to vote no on any gun bans or magazine bans.


Then call your state representative and urge them to vote no on any gun ban or magazine ban.


Call today, call Wednesday, call every day until this is defeated. More to follow as I get details.


done, and wouldnt a semi-auto ban be completely unconstitutional?

Handguns are about 50% semi autos...

The Chicago Machine has shown time and time again they would rather pass unconstitutional laws and waste our tax dollars defending then.

That allows them to keep "the moral high ground" and say see its the courts fault now ours.


Remember to contact your reps for the PAST legislative session not the new one, or just do both.

I fall in chuck Jefferson's district. I will call anyways but will fall on deaf ears.

My Senator is Christine Johnson


here office phone in DeKalb has been disconnected.


Her email bounces as "no such addressee"


I suspect a conspiracy

My Senator is Christine Johnson


here office phone in DeKalb has been disconnected.


Her email bounces as "no such addressee"


I suspect a conspiracy

Me too, what's up? The springfield number works, but no one answers.


I called both, left one message (Johnson), and talked to on secretary (Pritchard).


On it. Representative is Moffitt and Senator is LaHood so I'm not worried about a "yea" vote from either of them but they need to be made aware of my outrage over such a bill. Thanks for the heads-up Todd.


Sent from my SCH-R530U using Tapatalk 2



yep and so is my other one Walsh. I called both and left complete info on their recording for my foid card being over 45 days. No call back or any type of message i got it 65 days. They are useless on any thpe of gun issue so far maybe part of the Anti crowd ?

Wrote everyone, the only person I will probably call is Representative Lapinski. I don't know if calling Mark Kirk will go anywhere. The guy just got out of rehab for the stroke he had.


Those are your Federal reps you need to call your State Senator. If you don't know who he or she is, go here, enter your info and it will tell you


Called both my reps and Kirk. Durbin is experiencing "high call volumes"

Spoke to my one rep who also opposes a semi auto ban and favors concealed carry. Everyone else I had to talk to a machine :(


Called both my reps and Kirk. Durbin is experiencing "high call volumes"

Spoke to my one rep who also opposes a semi auto ban and favors concealed carry. Everyone else I had to talk to a machine :(


Call your "state" legislators, not the federal legislators at this time.


Wrote everyone, the only person I will probably call is Representative Lapinski. I don't know if calling Mark Kirk will go anywhere. The guy just got out of rehab for the stroke he had.


Those are your Federal reps you need to call your State Senator. If you don't know who he or she is, go here, enter your info and it will tell you


Wrote my Senators already, Kirk and Durbin.. D:


Just dying to see what views he has on the issue since I can't find anything.


Edit: Doing what you said with that link. need a few.


Steve Landek is mine.


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