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ISRA on the dodge


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On 11/12/2021 at 9:43 PM, Felixd said:

FYI. David Lombardo will be speaking at the Downers Grove Sportsmen’s Club member’s meeting this Sunday. 

So where's Pearson?  Where's Richard Pearson in all this?  Does Pearson make public appearances?


Is he still active?  Does he just stay in Chatsworth and bumble around and create these bumper stickers?

And what about Michael Humer, the ISRA second in command?  Does anyone know what he does?  Is he being prepped to take over someday?

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On 11/11/2021 at 11:54 PM, Black Flag said:

Did anyone get their new legislative "Battleflag" yet? 

"1091" ?  

Would you put this on your car?

And I don't see a place on the paperwork telling me how to make that donation electronically.

I wonder what that cost to put together and mail out with my (our) money?  
I wonder how much extra to add the bumpersticker to the mailing?





I cut mine up into 4 pieces and mailed it back to them along with their letter. 

This was my first year to join ISRA due to being on a limited income . I wanted to upgrade to a life member .  Now they can kick rocks and they won't see another dime from me. Not until they show that they will fight tooth and nail to completely protect our 2A rights.

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On 11/12/2021 at 9:43 PM, Felixd said:

FYI. David Lombardo will be speaking at the Downers Grove Sportsmen’s Club member’s meeting this Sunday. His stated purpose is to inform the club members about what ISRA does for shooters. Don’t know what else, if anything, will be addressed. 

Did anyone go to this?

What did David say?


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