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20-year-old high school student on probation for carjacking shot by CCL while carjacking


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No, there are no typos in the title.

CWBChicago said:
A Chicago man who received probation in a carjacking case late last year got shot this month while trying to carjack a rideshare driver at gunpoint, prosecutors say.

Darick Benson, 20, was ordered held without bail by Judge Charles Beach on a fresh charge of discharging a firearm during an aggravated vehicular hijacking and discharging a firearm during an armed robbery, according to court records.

The rideshare driver picked up Benson and a juvenile female in the 1500 block of South Millard shortly after midnight on August 12, Assistant State's Attorney John Kyle said during Benson's bail hearing.

Benson allegedly pulled out a gun and pointed it at the driver's head from the back seat as the girl, also in the back seat, patted down his right pants pocket.

Kyle said the driver, a 26-year-old concealed carry license holder, slowed his SUV down and jumped out while it was still moving. He ran a short distance, pulled a gun from his left pants pocket, and fired three shots at his car.

Benson returned fire and tried to drive the man's vehicle, but the SUV wouldn't operate because the key fob was out of range in the driver's pocket, according to Kyle.
"We have nothing but a complaining witness' statement here," countered Emily Motin, the assistant public defender who represented Benson during the hearing. "While I acknowledge that this is a serious allegation and these are serious charges, we simply don't know -- we can't rely on the complaining witness alone to hold Mr. Benson [without bail] here."

She said he is attending high school while working at KFC. His girlfriend is expecting their child in two months.

But Judge Beach noted that the fact that Benson was shot is "tangential evidence of your proximity in time to that offense."

"The fact that you could not comply with the terms of your probation tells me that you probably cannot comply with the terms of bail," Beach continued. "Accordingly, you will be held without bail."

The article doesn't say if his 7-months-pregnant girlfriend was the female accomplice (who was also shot), so probably not.

I love the exchange with the judge.

Public defender: We have only the rideshare driver's testimony to place my client at the scene.

Judge: I think the wounds inflicted by bullets from the victim's firearm place him at the scene, too.

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On 8/26/2023 at 5:24 PM, Glock43 said:



We could have solved this with two sensible gun laws:


  • Make it illegal for a felon to own a gun.
  • Make it illegal for someone under 21 to buy a handgun.






Tell me more about how it's sensible to not allow legal adults to exercise their rights. I get violent felons but the rest is a hard sell. 

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On 8/26/2023 at 5:32 PM, davel501 said:


Tell me more about how it's sensible to not allow legal adults to exercise their rights. I get violent felons but the rest is a hard sell. 


On 8/26/2023 at 5:32 PM, davel501 said:


Tell me more about how it's sensible to not allow legal adults to exercise their rights. I get violent felons but the rest is a hard sell. 

I edited my post.  I updated the color to purple…


im just being sarcastic about the antis love for these two items and how well they seem to be working!!


I agree 100%.  -  My view of the 2nd is the same as all of their other parts of the bill of rights.

Felons who have completed their sentences have their 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th amendment rights fully protected, why is the 2nd any different?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nothing about the "criminal justice" system actually works well, but at least in this case the thug is being held in jail. For a little while, at least, the public is protected from his criminal behavior. But most likely the States Attorney will decide not to prosecute, or will allow him to plea it down to a single misdemeanor and he will be out on the streets ready to harm people again. The real solution is for the State to pay for extensive markmanship training for licensed gun owners so that incidents like this end up with no need for the courts, or jails or anything besides a pine box. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

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