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springfield shooter

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    Downstate.....still the United States of America

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  1. That was quick. It's almost like the state knew they'd lose in front of a judge that respects the Constitution.
  2. Hey Mauser, No need to convince us. The Mrs. and myself already voted for "Orange Man Bad". And are thankful that we could do so.
  3. With all due respect, why wouldn't they if that's what the Constitution requires? Take for example the sacred cow known as Roe v. Wade. Regarding governors issuing emergency orders (at least in this state)...The vast majority of counties are refusing to enforce PICA now. They surely wouldn't enforce any "emergency orders" after a favorable ruling by SCOTUS.
  4. "The semiautomatic AR-platform rifles the Act restricts are functionally identical to the M16 and M4 rifles used by the U.S. military except for the absence of a burst- or automatic-fire setting." That's like saying a prop plane is the same as a jet....except for the absence of a jet engine.
  5. I will confess that if the Democrats' convention turns into 1968 on steroids, J.B. running for VP could be pretty entertaining. The commercials about Kamala's priorities (not to mention judgement) would write themselves.
  6. Interesting. Maybe his actions thus far on 2A issues (and this one in particular) demonstrate WHY he was passed up (if he was ever even considered) for a seat on the high court. To be frank: looking in the mirror can be hard.
  7. FWIW: "Michel notes there's also a "wild card"; the Rahimi case. A decision from the High Court is expected to come down next month, and Michel says the Court could end up using that case as a vehicle to flesh out the "text, history, and tradition" test it laid out in Bruen. Michel says it's entirely possible the justices will keep the gun ban cases in conference until after Rahimi has been decided, and then grant cert, vacate the lower court decisions, and remand the Illinois and Maryland lawsuits back to the courts of appeal for further review in light of Rahimi's findings." https://bearingarms.com/camedwards/2024/05/16/2a-attorney-has-all-fingers-crossed-while-scotus-considers-taking-a-gun-ban-case-n1224937
  8. Which demonstrates how important it is to know what your county sheriff and state's attorney stand for.
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