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Howard Roark

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    Du Page County, Illinois

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  1. This is exactly right and should be the statement spoke or written immediately after pointing out that the executive branch (ISP, governor, etc) are failing to follow the law as written. It would be preferred that the law not be inforced because it is harmful and illegal, but showing thier hypocrisy is helpful. Everybody knows that their intention is a one way rachet to total civilian disarmament, first clearing out all the scary rifles, then later, clearing out the hanguns.
  2. Thanks for the video Todd and best wishes and hope for your wife and grandson.
  3. Pritzker's comments are contradictory. In the long run (24 months) I think the law will get struck down by SCOTUS. During that time the IL legislature will probably pass some punitive measures such as annual fines per scary gun registered, mandatory training on the dangers of "assault weapons" for registered owners, mandatory psychiatric evaluation of owners of scary "assault weapons", closure of the inheritance loophole, increase first offense to felony, clarify that each item or attachment shall be a separate offense, every offense carrying a mandatory prison sentence to be served consecutively, bans on ownership by persons under 21, felony to allow a person under 21 to hold, possess, or use and ""assault weapon"", felony to use an ""assault weapon"" in an act of otherwise-lawful self defense, felony to transport an "assault weapon" in the state of IL for any purpose except to turn into law enforcement with pre-authorization required, and on and on. And loss of driver license, which we know is now in play. Although there is no victim for these possession "crimes", the people that registered will be the subject of endless harassment and bullying and loss of freedom until they finally cave or crack. Maximal pressure will exerted on both those who registered and those who did not. It could get ugly. Other than that, it's all fine. /s
  4. Seems like ISP is violating the restriction on FOIA requests relative to the registry in that they themselves are publishing counts of guns and attachments registered.
  5. If we have a run of bad luck and are not able to prevail in the courts, I think it likely that the "affidavits", the registry of banned guns, will be considered by lots of state judges to be adequate and proper cause to issue search warrants. Springfield would just simply close the "grandfather loophole". But I would expect selective enforcement based upon nothing to do with danger to the public. If you're near Chicago and had a MAGA type yard sign or have some social or political public image, ... warrant. On the other hand, we are likely to prevail. Heck, even Pritzker gave the sham law only 30% chance of being upheld and my prediction is only 10% chance of being upheld.
  6. I am quite sure your prediction is correct. Other possible enhancements to the IL Donks gun control regime could be an annual fine of $200 per registered banned gun. And a transportation ban so banned guns cannot be taken to the range. And simultaneous possession of ammo for the gun to be a felony. They will likely amend and enhance the statute to say banned guns can no longer be passed by inheritance to anyone. They will make it a felony to sell banned guns out of state. They will certainly publish the names and addresses of everyone who registers. They will make possession even in the home of mags over 10 rounds a felony like in California thus forcing people to modify and block existing mags. They will make it a felony to attempt to purchase 5.56 233 ammo unless you are law enforcement or retired Leo. They will do civil asset forfeiture to take the home owned where they find an unregistered banned gun. They will change the criminal penalty for a first offense to a mandatory 3 year prison sentence. They would enjoy total destruction of any person caught with an unregistered banned gun. Really, the sky is the limit with the gun hating Donks in Springfield.
  7. Our rights to free speech and its ancillary rights are under attack in America by self labeled progressives and other antigun politicians, just as our 2A rights. Our speech in the ISP gun affidavit is compelled and not voluntary. The ISP is attempting to compell perjury under threat of perjury. It is disgusting and shows the rot in the system.
  8. I am too. This helps us with our cases. In California the state reversed their grandfathering of banned magazines. So people had to destroy their magazines or risk criminal charges. In Illinois, magazines that are banned for new acquisition are allowed if owned before early Jan 2023. You know all this. It is crystal clear that all grandfathering provisions in the IL law are temporary and will be called a loophole by the pols and corporate media. They will close the loophole which would be confiscation, unless we prevail in the courts. Most likely a SCOTUS decision in our case specifically would be needed. If a mag and semiautomatic gun ban from a different state is selected by SCOTUS and the ban struck down, I doubt IL would abide. Only direct reversal my SCOTUS in one of our cases will make Jelly Belly slow his roll against citizens guns,mags,ammo,commerce,yada,yada.
  9. I wonder what percentage of sworn LEO in Illinois own AR15's? I'm guessing 80%. There should be no special carve outs for them. They should be fully subject to the law for all personally owned banned items.
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