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Everything posted by davel501

  1. In fairness, I really don't clean or maintain my firearms. I just shoot them until they break then fix them. If she shoots like an average person, her 100 rounds per year will take a while to wear anything.
  2. How great would it be if she meant to say 19 but said 18?
  3. It's taking the "One innocent person assumption" a few steps too far. The assumption is that there is at least one innocent person being held for one reason or another. It makes a lot of sense when you are looking at the history of the death penalty and why life in prison is probably as far as we can go morally as a society. Big difference in scenarios though. Murderers stay locked up; we just don't put innocent people to death. Seems to me, the better fix here would have been to a system where the state pays legal fees, lost wages, etc. if you are acquitted. Suddenly, even the best lawyers are public defenders and bad police are a finacial liability.
  4. The majority of the violence in Chicago is tied to the drug trade. Why hasn't Chicago sued Mexico?
  5. There are quite a few towns where officers felt it prudent to spice up the drills by running around with air soft guns. They just did that for the faculty at the school my kids went to. The faculty made sure we heard their feelings about it on parent's night. It had been a few days and they were still all upset. I have heard of PDs doing it with kids in the building but don't know of any first-hand.
  6. Sometimes mine scratch at the inside of the safe door, trying to get me to let them out. Mine are indoor guns though.
  7. 11/26: defendants request for extension due. There. Fixed it for you. 😁
  8. Yep. They threw the book at him. Gave him 60 days in jail. Daley nephew Vanecko guilty in Koschman death, gets 60 days | The Killing of David Koschman (suntimes.com)
  9. If a weapon is in common use for self defense then the burden shifts to the state. It's the Bruen methodology. Sotomayor already conceded this point so I'm not sure why they're fighting it. Maybe to slow things down.
  10. I wish someone would raise these amicus briefs next time one of these states asks for an extension because they're too busy.
  11. "I had the right to remain silent but not the ability" - Tater Salad Here we're talking about your presence in court being incriminating. You can't invoke the 5th to avoid a trial.
  12. By height. The lawyer'n folk seem to prefer basing it on whether people are law abiding or not. You could argue that illegal aliens can still be crime victims that the law should protect. Even then, how do you know someone went missing that was never there?
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