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  1. I've been mulling over this for some time, but haven't wanted to post it in the open to give them any legislative ideas. Is there any other handgun that has a basic design that's allowed the invention to manufacturer a similar widget that would do the same for other pistols? Ive wondered why Glock hasn't invented an next generation yet that disables the abilities of dropping in a switch on them. Haven't heard about HK switches, Ruger switches ETC. Yes I know of lightening link / DIAS for other things
  2. Are there any FOIA results on the firearm purchase results that the state has been collecting for the last decade or so, that throws light on numeric differences from amounts purchased and amounts registered? It would be nice to have in hand as you all know in anything moving forward in litigation, the State and county will be tossing in the PICA numbers and try to insist that such minuscule numbers on the registration will initiate the false argument of things not being in common use. Going to get real tired of seeing that argument for the next decade of litigation.
  3. Wheres the logic and past precedence on this action. Convicted felony theft, gang activity, financial fraud, political corruption, bribery, hate crime, Murder, Assault and Battery? You lose your DL? This has been done in the past? Seems like she's getting very vindictive.
  4. When will she be introducing the bill to start building the State run Gulags?
  5. I can't tell you how much better, I'm going to be sleeping tonight knowing all you evil assault gun owners have registered those scary machine guns. Isn't that what Pritzger and the Press have been calling them?
  6. Simon Property Group owns a multitude of malls and is infamous in their anti CCL polices. https://www.simon.com/mall
  7. Your going to get "Their just doing my job" from a certain percentage of them . They have pensions and family members worry about. Had a LEO run in this mode at a recent GSL meeting. The other phrase was, work with elected officials to change laws and fight them in court. Basically their way of absolving themselves and tossing the conflict back at ourselves. Tough issues to consider as its starting on the 11th month of playing legal games with Illinois court systems. And an impending deadline to make decisions on registering and handing a confiscation list pre-made for The LEOs that are going to go Full Jack Booted Thug the next time some Loon is off their antidepressants / SSRI's and goes postal. We all suspect Theres already prewritten legislation siting waiting to hit the states floor in springfield for just such an occasion.
  8. If theres a low percentage of AR's that get registered, will the state argue next court case that they're not in common possession?
  9. Wait till they find out about Todd's Imperial Walker........
  10. Seriously, Does any firearm owner in Illinois trust the legislative body anymore? If you do, I have a bridge I can sell you.
  11. This is going to be an interesting one to follow. https://nypost.com/2023/10/13/nyc-councilwoman-inna-vernikov-arrested-for-carrying-gun-at-palestine-protest/
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