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    Jasper County

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  1. I'd bet that Abe Lincoln would have little to fight for had slaves been afforded the Constitutional freedoms guaranteed under the Constitution. And while evil men did say it was their "right to own property," that doesn't make it so. The same way that evil men today deny others the basic dignity that comes with the ability to defend themselves, and call that "progress."
  2. You need to read that decision again. Nowhere does it say that weapons in common use can be banned. When you read "certain weapons," think of a shotgun that fires anthrax coated razor blades, not a rifle that uses technology perfected in the 1800's that fires conventional metallic cartridges.
  3. There will not be an Abrams tank outside my door. That is the point you're missing about widespread civilian ownership. It will never happen.
  4. It is not the killing efficacy of civilian arms, but rather the totality of civilian arms possession, that keeps tyranny at bay. Anyone who thinks otherwise hasn't been paying attention. Let us not forget that when the dems had control of all branches of govt after Sandy Hook, Harry Reid REFUSED to call gun control for a vote. Many have opined that it was a political move. I'll offer an alternative opinion. Harry Reid knew that the American people would not bow to another Clinton style gun ban. What's Connecticut's compliance rate up to, 4%? Yes, AR15s and the like are NEEDED. I saw a statistic the other day. The .gov bureaus' now have more armed agents than the US Marine Corps. Think about that.
  5. I got my FOID and CCL address changes in under 30 and 60 days, respectively.
  6. Wait...You're in DuPage?! Total scam job. Call the...gulp...ATF...as well as ISP and report the attempted theft.
  7. There is nothing preventing children from having a FOID card.As long as their fairy godmother says so.
  8. Hallelujah! Not only a dealer in my neck of the woods, but someone I enjoy doing business with.
  9. I hope he signs it before the knife cops start rounding people up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Being that this is the end of the session and there is no serious opposition to the bill (like there was with the CC law,) I expect this will get passed to the governor and signed right quick. Read: I have a shopping cart ready to go. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. It could be that the knife rights folks understand that an issue like this is more palatable in small doses. You want maximum opposition? Tell Chicago they don't get to have a say in it...
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