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Volunteers Needed to Monitor New Bills - Updated with Bill Lists


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With the end of the 99th General Assembly yesterday and the beginning of the 100th General Assembly today, old bills will be returned to committee and new bills will begin to be filed shortly. In order to continue to protect and advance our rights, we're again in need of volunteers to help watch for new firearm related legislation.

Each volunteer will be assigned one or more block(s) of bills. Simply visit the Bills and Resolutions page periodically, click on the number group(s) assigned to you, and check any that appear to effect us. Any bills that seem relevant should be posted in this thread.

Pay particular attention to bills that effect the following codes, including "shell bills" that change a single word but can be used for other purposes later. Appropriations bills can be ignored:

430 - Public Safety Code
520 - Wildlife Code
525 - Conservation Code
720 - Criminal Code

House Bills

0001 - 0200 mauserme
0201 - 0400 mauserme
0401 - 0600 tkroenlein
0601 - 0800 tkroenlein
0801 - 1000 lockman
1001 - 1200 chrisjj
1201 - 1400 Neverforget
1401 - 1600 metye7
1601 - 1800 smelf2
1801 - 2000
2001 - 2200
2201 - 2400
2401 - 2600 Xwing
2601 - 2800
2801 - 3000
3001 - 3200
3201 - 3400
3401 - 3600

Senate Bills

0001 - 0200 mauserme
0201 - 0400 mauserme
0401 - 0600 tkroenlein
0601 - 0800 tkroenlein
0801 - 1000 lockman
1001 - 1200 chrisjj
1201 - 1400 Neverforget
1401 - 1600 metye7
1601 - 1800
1801 - 2000
2001 - 2200
2201 - 2400



House Bills and Resolutions


House Bills & Resolutions Under Review or Pending Review


HB461 DHHS Development Disability


HB2591 Crim & Traffic Assessment Tech


HA1 to HB2591 Crim & Traffic Assessment Tech

HB2775 Crim Pro Conditions of Release


HA1 to HB2775 Crim Pro Conditions of Release

HB3352 FOID Replacement Card






Good House Bills & Resolutions


HB108 $Dept Mil Aff Tech


HA1 to HB108 $Dept Mil Aff Tech

HB307 Corrections Officer Carry Firearm - Tabled


HB308 Crim Cd Firearm Transport - Tabled


HB365 Firearms Military Non-Resident


HB377 Con Carry Business License


HB405 Concealed Carry Reciprocity


HB406 Hunting Carrying Handguns


HB408 Crim Cd Unlaw Firearms 700 Degrees


HB409 Correctional Officer Firearm


HB410 Crim Cd Firearms Waiting


HB413 2nd Amendment Preservation


HB492 FOID ACt Repeal


HB510 Confis of Weap Law Enforcement


HB540 Orders of Protection Firearms


HB666 Concealed Carry Ck Cty Forest


HB674 FOID Act Repeal


HB699 FOID Act Repeal


HB714 FOID Local Reg


HB715 FOID Municipal Regulation


HB717 Concealed Carry Officials


HB719 Concealed Carry Act Military ID*


HB720 FOID 18 Years


HB747 Concealed Carry Military Fee


HB749 Child Care Day Care Homes Guns


HB796 Concealed Carry License Fee


HB2480 Crim Cd Firearm Waiting Period


HB2549 FOID Card Expiration


HB2599 FOID Preempt


HB2602 Concealed Carry License Fees


HB2605 Concealed Carry Non-Resident


HB2684 Conceal Carry Public Transport


HB2785 Concealed Carry License Denial


HB2821 Crim Cd UUW Relics & Reenactor


HB2823 Wildlife Cd Firearm Exemption


HB2845 FOID 18 Years


HB2934 Concealed Carry Rest Area


HB3000 Concealed Carry License Fees


HB3034 Concealed Carry Objections


HB3178 FOID Act Repeal


HB3228 Concealed Carry Renewal


HB3229 Concealed Carry Mayor & Alderman


HB3231 Concealed Carry Parks


HB3398 Concealed Carry Non-Resident


HB3404 Concealed Carry Preempt


HB3429 FOID Local Reg


HB3625 Concealed Carry Foreign License


HB3666 Concealed Carry Fees


HB3681 Crim Cd Firearm Transport


HB3682 Concealed Carry Lic Review Bd


HB3683 Corrections Off Carry Firearm


HB3835 FOID Records


HB3878 Hunting Sales Tax Holiday




*An IllinoisCarry Initiative






Bad House Bills & Resolutions


HB258 Crim Cd Phone Replica Firearm


HB271 Crim Cd Handgun Ammo Serialize


HB280 Protection Order Issuance


HB329 Concealed Carry Prohibit Place


HB504 FOID Card Terrorist Watchlist


HB521 Lost & Stolen Firearms Penalty


HB745 Firearms Fingerprinting


HA1 to SB745 Firearms Fingerprinting

HB1810 Use Occ Tax Firearms - Tabled


HB2354 Lethal Order of Protection


HB2541 Gun Dealer Licensing


HB2720 FOID Card Act Private Sale


HB2722 Firearm Offesne Ment Hlth Eval


HB2833 Crim Cd Multip Sale of Firearm


HA1 to HB2833

HB3256 Wildlife Authorized Weapons


HB3390 FOID Revoke


HB3499 Concealed Carry Church Prohibit


HB3733 Gunrunning & Firearms Traf Fees


HB3734 Crim Cd Assalt Weapons Ban


HB3738 UUW Penalties


HB3796 FOID Preempt


HB3873 FOID Reporting Agency Determine




HR15 Replica Gun Congress Regulate - Adopted






Questionable/Neutral House Bills & Resolutions (Shell Bills Omitted)


HB203 Crim Cd Bail Release


HB487 Juv Ct Probation Firearms


HB781 Crim Cd Shortened Rifle


HB1793 Crim Cd Use of Silencers


HB2410 Deer Hunting Air Guns


HB2481 Possession & Use of Silencers


HB2822 Crim Cd UUW Relics & Reenactor


HB2945 Stun Guns & Taser No FOID


HB3338 Decertification Enforcement


HA1 to HB3338 Decertification Enforcement

HA2 to HB3338 Decertification Enforcement

HB3832 Crim Cd Agg Crim Trespass Prop


HA1 to HB3832 Crim Cd Agg Crim Trespass Prop - Neutral with adoption of HA1

HB3857 Crim Cd Cloth Conceal ID


HB3992 Cd Corr Sentencing Reduce


HA1 to HB3992 Cd Corr Sentencing Reduce



HR8 Rail Freight Firearm Laws - Adopted


HR18 Violent Crime Emergency - Adopted






Senate Bills and Resolutions

Senate Bills & Resolutions Under Review or Pending Review

SB135 Regulation Tech

SA1 to SB135 Regulation Tech

SB890 Revoked FOID Card Seizure

SB1613 Firearm Sale Waiting Period

SB1980 Crim Pro Bail Sheriff Petition

SA1 to SB1980 Crim Pro Bail Sheriff Petition


SA2 to SB1980 Crim Pro Bail Sheriff Petition

Good Senate Bills & Resolutions

SB1300 Firearm Firefighters Exception

SB1301 Concealed Carry Reciprocity

SB1302 Concealed Carry DOT Rest Area

SB1303 Conceal Carry Public Transport

SB1323 Conceal Carry Public Transport

SB1324 FOID Act Repeal

SB1387 Concealed Carry License Fee

SB1423 FOID Local Reg

SB1512 Crim Cd Firearm Waiting Period

SB1514 Crim Cd UUW Relics & Reenactor

SB1515 Crim Cd Firearms Waiting

SB1524 Concealed Carry Fee Military

SA1 to SB1524 Concealed Carry Fee Military*

SB1535 Concealed Carry New Address

SB1589 Concealed Carry Objections

SB1603 FOID 18 Years

SB1665 Wildlife Cd Firearm Exemption

SB1673 FOID Preempt

SB1674 Concealed Carry Non-Resident

SB1711 Concealed Carry Rest Area

SB1809 Correctional Officer Firearms

SA1 to SB1809

SB1868 Confis of Weapon Law Enforcement

SB1877 Concealed Carry Parks

SB2048 Firearm Card State's Attorneys

SB2054 Concealed Carry New License Fee

SB2055 Concealed Carry FL License

SB2076 FOID Preempt

*An IllinoisCarry Initiative

Bad Senate Bills & Resolutions

SB9 Revenue Various

SA1 to SB9 Gun & Hunting Club Tax - Oppose


SA2 to SB9 Gun & Hunting Club Tax - Oppose (Held in Committee)


SA3 TO SB9 - Pending

SB74 Firearms Fingerprinting

SA1 to SB74 Firearms Fingerprinting

SB194 Crim Cd Imitation Firearms

SA 1 to SB194 Firearms Fingerprinting


SA 2 to SB194 Firearms Fingerprinting

SB766 Firearms Polling Place

SB1291 Lethal Order of Protection

SB1657 Gun Dealer Licensing

SB1678 FOID Assault Weap

SB1722 Safe Neighborhoods Reform Tech (Mandatory Minimum Sentencing)

SA1 to SB1722 Safe Neighborhoods Reform Tech (Mandatory Minimum Sentencing)


SA2 to SB1722 Safe Neighborhoods Reform Tech (Mandatory Minimum Sentencing)


SA3 to SB1722 Safe Neighborhoods Reform Tech (Mandatory Minimum Sentencing)

SB1828 Firearms Fingerprints

SB1985 Wildlife Cd Lead Ammunition

Questionable/Neutral Senate Bills & Resolutions (Shell Bills Omitted)

SB50 FOID Revocation Silencer

SB1448 Veh Cd Rail Transport Firearms

SA 1 to SB1448 Veh Cd Rail Transport Firearms

SB1675 Crime Violence Research Ctr

SB1842 Crim Cd Cloth Conceal ID


0401 - 0500 Nothing relevant

0501 - 0600 Nothing relevant

0601 - 0700 See Below

SB0649; WILDLIFE-TECH [/size]http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/BillStatus.asp?DocNum=649&GAID=13&DocTypeID=SB&LegId=84612&SessionID=88&GA=99


SB0685; CONCEALED CARRY-CK CTY FOREST [/size]http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/BillStatus.asp?DocNum=685&GAID=13&DocTypeID=SB&LegId=84909&SessionID=88&GA=99

SB0686; CONCEALED CARRY-GATHERING [/size]http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/BillStatus.asp?DocNum=686&GAID=13&DocTypeID=SB&LegId=84910&SessionID=88&GA=99

SB0687; CONCEAL CARRY-PUBLIC TRANSPORT [/size]http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/BillStatus.asp?DocNum=687&GAID=13&DocTypeID=SB&LegId=84911&SessionID=88&GA=99



Not sure if that was format you were looking for.

The format is fine but hang tight for a little while. They still have the old, 99th General Assembly bills listed. When they get them updated, "100th General Assembly" will appear just to the right of the bill number.


Can I put you down for a group in each house?




I put you down for HB1001 - HB1200 and SB1001 - SB1200.


The old bills are not listed on the ILGA site any longer - still waiting for the new ones. It look like they're already up to 335 in the House.


Just a quick glance shows a few already filed that we'll keep an eye on:


HB55 Criminal Law Tech - Explosives


HB183 Criminal Law Tech - Short Title


HB184 Criminal Law Tech - Short Title


HB185 Criminal Law Tech - Short Title


HB186 Criminal Law Tech - Short Title


HB187 Criminal Law Tech - General Purpose


HB258 Crim Cd Replica Firearm


HB308 Crim Cd Firearm Transport


HB329 Concealed Carry Prohibit Place




HR8 Rail Freaight Firearm Laws


HR15 Replica Gun Congress Regulate






I think they are trying to adopt this from the pharma sector. I have worked/currently working in the pharma sector and by year end, 2017, all packaged pharma products must have serialized markings. This was implemented to decrease the amount of counterfeiting. That being said I don't know how that would ever work with individual rounds, perhaps a box/case but per round...it would be a nightmare. In addition there would be no added value.


Not only don't you know, the sponsor doesn't know and neither does the patent holder. It's a concept - mark the bullets and shells - that they hope to throw at the ISP, assuming the ISP will then somehow develop manufacturing techniques to accomplish it safely within existing production lines. Ammo Coding Systems will then reap the profits.


HB329 Concealed Carry Prohibit Place

This doesn't look good.

Love how they snuck this last sentence in:

Provides that if the property is a private residence no sign need be posted and it shall be presumed that the carrying of concealed firearms is prohibited in the residence and a violation of the Act. Effective immediately.



The opening few posts have been updated with the list of bills we're currently watching.


Though I am watching shell bills and ask that our volunteers list them when filed, I've omitted them from the public list for now. . They can be put back in later if it makes more sense to include them in the lists.


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