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After the shooting and 911, then what?


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Once the police do arrive. Tell them you are the victim and point out the perp if they are still there or tell then the direction the went. Point out any evidence , eg gun , knife, crowbar etc, if necessary. Tell them if there are any witnesses and point then out. Now it's time to exercise your right to remain silent. Tell them you plan to fully cooperate and give a statement after you have spoken to a lawyer. Now call your lawyer away from any police presence. Make sure they can't hear you. You could tell them your chest hurts and wish to be transported to a hospital. Now you'll have time to calm down to collect your thoughts. In my case I'll be calling CCWsafe Emergency line.
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I was also told that it's best to complain about dizziness and chest pain and ask for ambulance in order to gather your thoughts, call attorney, and it takes a couple of sleep cycles to clearly remember in detail what happened

Ayoob says the ambulance trick is a bad idea. Lying plus wasting resources.

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I was also told that it's best to complain about dizziness and chest pain and ask for ambulance in order to gather your thoughts, call attorney, and it takes a couple of sleep cycles to clearly remember in detail what happened

Ayoob says the ambulance trick is a bad idea. Lying plus wasting resources.

Interesting but, I was told this by multiple officers. It's not lying... You're just respectfully declining to talk at this point. As far as physical symptoms you will definitely not feel normal after a high stress situation like a shooting. And I think not giving a statement when you're taken to the police station and asking to speak to a lawyer will piss off officers... But every situation is going to have a ton of variables... Maybe the police will be on your side maybe not.

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Definitely don't give "too much" info - even if asked. One of the popular ones I hear a lot about is "number of shots fired". I've heard many discuss (I think Masaad too) how you DO NOT discuss, when inevitably asked by responding officers, how many shots were fired, even how many shots YOU fired, because in a situation like that you may THINK you know, but you likey wont be accurate. Of course if you even mistakenly give inaccurate information, that's going to look VERY bad on you! (If you "lie" about one thing... who says anything else you say is true! Even if you're not lying intentionally!) You cover the utmost basic things that the responding officer(s) will need to know, and let them know (like Masaad says) that they will have your cooperation (within 24 hours) after you've spoken to "council".


I think that's one of the mistakes GZ made, talking to the police so much, like they were his "friend". Although, if I recall correctly they were actually still "on his side" (didn't and weren't going to arrest him since they felt it WAS s/d) and the only reason he got rang through the wringer was due to the "media trial" (read: "national outcry" for his arrest). I could be wrong about that, but you surely never want to say too much, especially before you've had an opportunity to speak to council first!

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Three phone calls to make after a DGU:

1. 911. Besides reporting the shooting ask for paramedics for the BG even if he's dead.

2. Your lawyer or any legal aid service you subscribe or belong to.

3. Immediate family member (wife/husband, parent, sibling). Remind them not to talk to anyone (cops, news, friends, neighbors, etc) and to not let the cops into your house without a warrant. Tell them to keep their FOID/CCL and photo ID on them so if the cops come to your house they are legally in possession of any firearms you may have.

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