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Antigun forum in Wheaton, Tuesday 4-21-09


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Video 3 is still processing but here you go (I love having a killer upload speed here at work)


Anti-Gun Forum in Wheaton, IL April 21, 2009 1 of 7 -


Anti-Gun Forum in Wheaton, IL April 21, 2009 2 of 7 -


Anti-Gun Forum in Wheaton, IL April 21, 2009 3 of 7 -


Anti-Gun Forum in Wheaton, IL April 21, 2009 4 of 7 -


Anti-Gun Forum in Wheaton, IL April 21, 2009 5 of 7 -

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Video 3 is still processing but here you go (I love having a killer upload speed here at work)


Anti-Gun Forum in Wheaton, IL April 21, 2009 1 of 7 -


Anti-Gun Forum in Wheaton, IL April 21, 2009 2 of 7 -


Anti-Gun Forum in Wheaton, IL April 21, 2009 3 of 7 -


Anti-Gun Forum in Wheaton, IL April 21, 2009 4 of 7 -


Anti-Gun Forum in Wheaton, IL April 21, 2009 5 of 7 -


thanks for taking the time to do this, I look forward to watching it when I get home. From listening all I can say is the only thing that would have made it better is if Molly were there to share some thoughts.

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Oh you guys FOIDS are 10 years and you misinformed her that it was 5! That's not good....


Yeah, I winced at that myself while in the crowd. I personally have a 5 year FOID still, my wife got one a few months after me and by then it had changed to a 10 year FOID card.


Yeah a lot of people don't know that it's 10 now because they haven't had to get a new card yet.

Ditto on this. Some of us still on the 5 year plan. I missed the change by just a few months.

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i am going to the library today just to see how long it takes to get a card, the speaker last night says it takes longer to get than it takes to buy a gun. we will see if she is right


Last time I went to get a library card it took about 30 minutes.

Last time I bought a handgun, it took 3 days.

Last time I bought a longgun, it took 1+ days.


That woman goes to a wonky library...


Funny, my girlfriend and myself just got new library cards at the Joliet Public Library. It took seriously 5 mins to get both of them. Last gun I bought it took 3 days and a LOT more paperwork. I guess her idea of "easier" differs from mine.

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On the FOID was the speakers argument that one could pass the check and aquire the card and then become looney in the next 10 years? I wonder if that's what they worry about in Vermont?

I remember about 5 years ago my neighbor was locked up in a mental institution after threatening suicide. The DAY he was released the state police was at his door demanding he surrender his FOID. His guns had been confiscated the day he went in by the local P.D. Never heard the disposition of them.

Anyway, if they are that responsive to mental illness issues what makes these people think they wont be that responsive to criminal issues.

If I had actually been allowed to ask a question, I would have asked the lawyer who quoted the number on rejected gun sales "how many of those were allowed after appeal, and if they were legitimate rejections were they prosecuted?" My guess to the second part of the question would be a big fat NO.

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Here they all are, the last video will give you an idea of large of a crowd was there.



Anti-Gun Forum in Wheaton, IL April 21, 2009 1 of 7 -


Anti-Gun Forum in Wheaton, IL April 21, 2009 2 of 7 -


Anti-Gun Forum in Wheaton, IL April 21, 2009 3 of 7 -


Anti-Gun Forum in Wheaton, IL April 21, 2009 4 of 7 -


Anti-Gun Forum in Wheaton, IL April 21, 2009 5 of 7 -


Anti-Gun Forum in Wheaton, IL April 21, 2009 6 of 7 -


Anti-Gun Forum in Wheaton, IL April 21, 2009 7 of 7 -

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I really wish I could have gotten in. Its not a surprise to me that the antis took away the peoples right to participate in this event. I mean the whole purpose was to take away our freedom in the first place.


The ICHV women in the waiting room kept saying that we needed to be careful because we might offend someone. While at the same time she was saying that she had a right to express her opinions. I guess that only goes one way then because our side "offends" people with our opinions while its okay for her to express hers. So we were "silenced" even out in the waiting area.

This is what angers me the most. The League of Women Voters along with the LCAV planned, advertised and held a public forum. That's what it was described to be. A forum is a public meeting held for the open discussion or voicing of ideas and often includes audience participation. But when the public shows up and doesn't seem to agree with their message, they change the meeting's format and it becomes a public lecture, while still calling it a forum. Why? To make sure their message is heard and the public's voice is silenced!


This seems to be widely accepted in society. If a parent feels that their child being forced to say "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance is improper, it can no longer being recited in school. When creationism is taught in school and a parent complains, it is pulled from the curriculum so it will not contradict evolution. When a Christian child is discovered to be saying a "prayer" - that child is told to stop and never do it again. When having a team mascot dressed as an American Indian is found offensive to native Americans, that mascot is gone. And when a child draws a picture of a GUN, that child is expelled indefinately.


I ask you all, when does this stop? When do we find just one, good parent that believes in God and the Pledge of Allegiance and the Bill of Rights? When do we tell the schools of America that teaching gun-control is something that WE find offensive and you damn well better remove it from your liberal-based curriculum or we will sue every last member of the school board for everything they've got?


And why can't we start today?

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What a one sided dog and pony show that was. I am glad that I was not there because I could hardly watch the lies being spread to the next generation. They should be watched for being an anti Constitutional group with desires to harm the USA. Why did it take me a month of waiting for my FOID and another 3 days to get a firearm and only 5 minutes to get my library cards for the entire family. As we would say in Chicago" Deez people got nuttin". Thanks for the video great job as usual. They lie about everything and no one was allowed to call them on the lies. Very interresting and very one sided.
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[i ask you all, when does this stop? When do we find just one, good parent that believes in God and the [i]Pledge of Allegiance [/i]and the Bill of Rights? When do we tell the schools of America that teaching gun-control is something that WE find offensive and you damn well better remove it from your liberal-based curriculum or we will sue every last member of the school board for everything they've got?


And why can't we start today?


I ask my self this question every day. People of great power and influence are trying to impose their views on the world. I blame the majority of this on the media trying to influence rather than inform.


There was a time when the news was only on at 1 time - 10:00 PM. It was nothing spectacular and something you usually watched for 30 min - maybe catch the weather report. This was around the same time frame as the "Jefferson's" and "All in the Family".


Now, today, you have at least 5 channels that are just news 24 hours a day. That, in conjunction with the shameless pushing of political agenda and putting ratings and sensationalism over truth. Now people enjoy drama crap like "Desperate Housewives" and "Grey's Anatomy"... every cast must have a formula that consists of gay, male/female, black, Asian, Indian, white, Hispanic - etc


People are so over sensitized on life that they have become prisoners...


If saying God upsets your child - well tough sh!t. There's another 28 kids in the class who believe in God. Its fine that your child has an opposing view on the word, but better get that child used to being "different".


I need to take a break - sorry for being post crazy. Last nights "Forum" put me in a frenzy.

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Daily Herald Article




Haven't read it yet.



From the Dailey Herald article:

No one in the pro-gun crowd was allowed to speak during Tuesday's event



It isn't a surprise really. These folk do not respect the Second Amendment so it's perfectly understandable they don't respect the First Amendment either.

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Coming from a Secular Conservative (yes, there are such a thing, I'm living proof) one doesn't have to believe in God to support the 2nd ammendment and the constitution. Just ask Thomas Jefferson.

Alright John, thanks for standing up and saying you're not the normal firearms enthusiast. You're the perfect individual to make this case. Now, are you a parent in a heavily populated urban area that doesn't want your child growing up thinking that guns make people evil?

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Coming from a Secular Conservative (yes, there are such a thing, I'm living proof) one doesn't have to believe in God to support the 2nd ammendment [sic] and the constitution.


Huh? Obviously one does not have to believe in God to support the second amendment. One does not have to believe in God to eat potato chips, either.


Did I miss something here?


I hope this thread doesn't go tangential.

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Coming from a Secular Conservative (yes, there are such a thing, I'm living proof) one doesn't have to believe in God to support the 2nd ammendment [sic] and the constitution.


Huh? Obviously one does not have to believe in God to support the second amendment. One does not have to believe in God to eat potato chips, either.


Did I miss something here?


I hope this thread doesn't go tangential.


Sorry, didn't mean to attempt a threadjack.

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While I was running too late to make it to Muldoons, I did sneek through the door before the cutoff. While we certainly need to polish up our manners, we certainly didn't cast the first stone here.


I think the biggest win we had last night, was that we were able to mobilize short notice and out man them 9 or 10 to 1.


If we keep that up, we will be in good shape.

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