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Black Flag

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Everything posted by Black Flag

  1. Didn't we see that they are subject to the same law WRT their personal firearms? hmm, what if they own their own duty weapon that has 17rd mags?
  2. The people being called the Gestapo are reading this forum. Just sayin'. We're taking them on in the courts, let's see that through.
  3. I think you are painting with too wide a brush there. And you said the G word. Not helpful. Are law abiding gun owners getting a raw, unconstitutional deal? Sure. From the Democrats? You bet. and it's in their platform and the votes go right down the party lines, including some democrats previous hailed/endorsed by a major Illinois NRA state affiliate. ISP Gestapo? I'm sure that most rank and file ISP officers are dedicated, disillusioned with this situation, and support the 2A as best they can on the job. So, no, I disagree, and this is over the top. Does it violate the code of conduct here at Illinois Carry? The hatred of gun owners and gun ownership comes from the top of the Democratic party, and in IL from the governor on down in the executive, legislative and judicial branches. The ISP director serves at the pleasure of the governor, so he's fair game for strong criticism. He takes policy direction from The Gov and pushes it downstream. You could also say something creative about the governor.
  4. Have you seen the Tactical Lever-action carbines? Wait for the trailer bill to ban those.
  5. Nah, but tell me it's not more than half... and I thought it was a stupid thing to say, out loud, on the record.
  6. https://www.dailyherald.com/news/20230711/elgin-police-chief-gangs-arent-the-only-source-of-gun-shots Contrary to the prevailing social media opinion, common Elgin residents having a heated disagreement are just as likely as gang warfare to be the source of the city's gun violence. While 2023 stats are incomplete, Elgin Police Chief Ana Lalley said last week on her radio show that recent years indicate gangs are responsible for only half of the shots fired in the city.
  7. A phased plasma rifle in the 40-watt range - sorry, I couldn't help it. Plus, I've been tinkering around the garage.
  8. From wokeness and prejudice? How many of us had already convicted the mom in the court of public opinion? Even in this thread?
  9. https://www.ar15.com/forums/hometown/Anti_gun_rep_Durkin_to_appear_at_town_hall_meeting_on_9_28_in_Lockport_at_7pm/23-464840/
  10. https://chicago.suntimes.com/2023/6/19/23763400/assault-weapons-ban-illinois-second-amendment-mass-shootings-guns-jim-durkin-op-ed I support the 2nd amendment — and an assault weapons ban I am a suburban Republican, and I support one’s right to possess a firearm, as evidenced in my support of conceal and carry. But are we at a place in time where parents will begin suiting up their kids in kevlar before going to play in the park or on their front stoop? The horrific tragedies of mass shootings, like the one in Highland Park last summer, are not the result of a musket loaded with shot and powder, but in many cases, a legally accessible military-grade weapon, such as a Smith & Wesson MP (military and police) semi-automatic rifle (AR15) with a 30-round magazine. Enthusiasts have coined this weapon as “America’s Gun” and most recently, the “Barbie for guys.” I kid you not. Do we still believe our founding fathers envisioned an AR15 or the likes as the natural evolution of the “right to bear arms?” Opinions are strong and personal. I presume my comments will be ridiculed by the opponents.
  11. https://cwbchicago.com/2023/06/chicago-man-threatend-police-with-gun-to-be-chased-prosecutors.html Only two arrests this year while he was on first time gun offender probation. -------------------------------- CHICAGO — Prosecutors on Saturday revealed stunning allegations against a man, saying he repeatedly pointed a gun at a Chicago police officer because he wanted to be chased. Perhaps as stunning as the allegations is that the officer, despite being repeatedly threatened with a firearm, didn’t even remove her gun from its holster. “Police are scared,” Malcolm Moffett-Brown allegedly taunted as he waved the gun at the cop from his driver’s seat. The incident occurred on April 4, but Chicago cops didn’t arrest Malcolm Moffett-Brown to face charges until this week, Assistant State’s Attorney Alexander Konetzki said. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Then, early last Saturday, police learned that someone was making threats while displaying a firearm at She-nannigans. Witnesses directed officers to Moffett-Brown, and the cops found a loaded handgun with an extended magazine in his waistband, according to Konetzki. He was charged with unlawful use of a weapon and went home after posting a $2,500 bail deposit. Konetzki did not explain why he was not charged with the April incident while in custody. His attorney said on Saturday that he attends truck driving school and works at a daycare center. Over the past month, Moffett-Brown has helped asylum seekers at three Chicago police stations, the attorney said. Judge Barbara Dawkins ordered Moffett-Brown to pay a $10,000 bail deposit to be released on electronic monitoring. He is charged with aggravated assault of a peace officer. Moffett-Brown is on first-time gun offender probation in DeKalb County which he received for allegedly having a gun in a backpack while he was a student at North Illinois University.
  12. Can't check without initiating a transfer, right?
  13. Are you sure on those numbers? Do you have a cite or is this info from a shopper?
  14. I'm sure you can smoke all you want, this administration is tripping over itself to entrap you on the firearms alone.
  15. https://news.google.com/stories/CAAqNggKIjBDQklTSGpvSmMzUnZjbmt0TXpZd1NoRUtEd2k4bTdQUEJ4SDBxdHlWdktBYkNpZ0FQAQ?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen
  16. He must be talking about something the left holds dear, like gender pills, or abortion-inducing medications.
  17. Nothing happened, on the conf line. Nothing happened for an hour. Therefore it was a wasted hour.
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