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    Champaign, IL

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  • lilguy

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  1. Thanks will do! Patient? This is my liberty and my guns we're talking about!!!
  2. Your Renewal button was up 90 days prior? I'm 90 days out today and I don't have a Renewal button available.
  3. Good to know! I have my Arizona as well, but it would be nice to not need it someday.
  4. I've wondered if we could have a demo, non-valid type made up for Ol' Coach with his picture and name on it for his wife. Todd?
  5. I also made a Paste Bin page that will be up virtually forever. http://pastebin.com/dh9Uh6tj
  6. Found my copy (moved it to a different folder) 7thOpinion.pdf
  7. Can someone post the PDF of the ruling? This link is dead now.
  8. Okay, I haven't done a slip since I registered an account, I'm not sure how to file one from the control panel... Anyone?
  9. See those little numbers at the ends of sentences? Those are citations. Click on one and you'll be taken to the source of the quote. It's how anything on Wikipedia retains credibility, just like anything else that's put into print.
  10. The way it's worded, I'm hoping we can fight off restrictions on "special locations".
  11. My country tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died! Land of the Pilgrim's pride! From every mountain side, Let freedom ring! My native country, thee, Land of the noble free, Thy name I love. I love thy rocks and rills, Thy woods and templed hills; My heart with rapture fills Like that above. Let music swell the breeze, And ring from all the trees Sweet freedom's song. Let mortal tongues awake; Let all that breathe partake; Let rocks their silence break, The sound prolong. Our father's God to, Thee, Author of liberty, To Thee we sing. Long may our land be bright With freedom's holy light; Protect us by Thy might, Great God, our King!
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