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Lawmakers call for Illinois Constituional Convention


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Here's a piece on it from...not the law review article I read but still persuasive nonetheless. When there are "government worker retirement rights" and...no rights for retired private sector workers, all else equal, that's a creation of two classes and conferring or significant additional rights on one class, while forcing the disadvantaged class to fund those pensions, usually at the detriment of the non-protected class. The real juicy argument is that taxpayer dollars are going toward political contributions by the unions, speech and expression activities that may not, usually don't comport with the ideologies of the taxpayers. Forcing the public, through taxation, to subsidize the speech of a small group of individuals is unconstitutional. Argues ALL public pension contracts are unconstitutional under 14th Amendment Equal Protection.




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Skinny - that is an interesting sounding argument. I wonder if it would work.
I thought it was very persuasive when I read it. Did a bit of research, apparently this has been floated for a few years as a possible attack on public pension contracts. Now, I wouldn't want to be (one of the) the lawyer(s) arguing it but I'm sure some constitutional law experts could pull it off or at least set off the little light bulb inside the heads of jurists.


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