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Call to Action 4/9/2016 - Witness Slips Needed


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Submitted slips to all, in order to get a witness slip submitted does it have to be listed or where can I find others to submit slips on ?

After you file a slip, it asks what do you want to do next or something like that. There is a choice to file more witness slips.


I usually have 2 pages open. One to check the bill and the other to file the witness slips.


I urge everybody to branch out into other pieces of legislature. There are a lot of bad bills that have nothing to do with guns.


What really ticks me off is when I get in touch with a legislator and ask why a bill they are sponsoring is necessary and they can not give me an answer.


I never did get an answer on what exactly the junior trapping license does. To me it looked like you can not trap by yourself until you are 19. We used to hunt fish and trap from the time we were 13. I don't remember a whole bunch of problems that necessitated legislation.

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