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    Orrville, Ohio

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  1. is now living a busy life of a family man in Ohio, but peaks in from time to time to see how things are going in Illinois.
  2. Happy Birthday stranger!
  3. Rather it's interested gun owners, fence sitters, or even anti's lurking around, I would welcome any and all to join. Since it is free there is truly nothing to lose. Even with the anti's coming aboard. From what I have seen from my journeys and conversations/debates, many of those who favor excessive gun control are simply misinformed or have had tragic experiences in their lives that have led to their dismay towards ALL firearms. With this, I say again that i would invite all interested parties to join in on the conversations. As said above, we are a grassroots group, mostly your average Joes and Janes. Individually, we are nothing more than people devoted to a cause, but by coming together and remaining organized, we get things done. If any of the guests have read some of my own posts, you may know that I stand for educating children in the safe handling and operation of firearms. I firmly believe that every child and every adult should at least be educated on firearm safety, regardless if they like or hate firearms, and regardless of the fact that many may never use one for any purpose. But the sad reality is that the "accidents" that occur are generally due to negligence in safe handling. There are various opinions through out the members of IllinoisCarry, and all are welcome. The only thing we ask prior to voicing your opinion is that it be done in a respectful manor and that you be prepare to listen with an open mind, because someone will also put their $.02 in...but that is how we learn, we are open and willing to new ideas...and we are willing to teach from the knowledge we have gained. To those who are members, I am proud to be part of such an honorable cause fighting to regain the Civil Rights that our Founding Fathers sought for each and every American. Y'all have known where I have stood in the past and where I will continue to stand in the future so that the generations to come can enjoy the freedoms Americans were intended to have, though we ourselves may never get to experience those freedoms purely. To those Guests who are reading this, you are already interested, but have yet to join...sign up, pour a cup of coffee, pull up a chair, and join in for some good conversation. I can say from experience, you will learn something you may have never known you were interested in!
  4. Rep- 101st District, Bob Flider Sen- 51st District, Frank Watson
  5. I completely understand that, I have a Decatur address, but went to Argenta-Oreana Schools, and the neightbor 2 doors down has an Oreana address. We are in Whitmore Township (Oreana) and we are outside the jurisdiction of the Decatur Police Department, yet, we are "told" we are in Decatur. Yet the Decatur fire department won't come to our house, our neighbor managed to catch our field on fire a couple years back, and when we call 911 for the fire department, we go the run around....we finally called the Argenta-Oreana volunteer fire department and they came right out, no questions asked (which they routinely get fined for because they have to drive through a portion of Decatur's jurisdiction to get to our house, but they have a job to do and are determined to get it done). But when we received our "911 address" and was forced to change over to it in place of our Rural Route Box #, they said we were Decatur......We just have to go about things differently in my neck of the woods, I guess that's why so many people out here own guns.... And by the way, Oreana does not have a Police Department, and Argenta's PD had 2 officers the last I heard.....but I rarely, if ever, hear about crime issues. I wonder if it's because most every house is armed??? I'd say so.
  6. Now, what I find interesting, the town I am from here in Macon County is Oreana. FOID: 313 Population: 400 counting the cats, trees, and dogs (But the three legged dogs have almost as much trouble as the one eyed cats do when it comes to safely firing a gun)
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