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22 lr alert !


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I only said I was selling at a considerably higher price than what the OP indicated he paid.


In fact, I'm adding ammo to the market.


Yes, I'm doing it for profit....no gouging.


Those statements all look like the same things Democrats say when they say that a national background check is for our good. Nothing like contradicting your own statement in the same response.


As far as being presumptuous, you have no idea how old I am or what kind of background that I have.


Don't come on a forum and start running your yap about how much money you are making out of the wallets of the guys and gals that are working for a living. They are scrounging for some recreation and training and you are bragging about how saavy you are when it comes to making a profit. The boils my blood.


Its good that you did something for your parents but most of us would just take silent pride in doing the right thing. Don't try to deflect admonition by telling how you "honored thy father and mother". The World is full of people that have done things for others without so much as a thank you from the general population. That does not excuse them from


BTW, since you readily admit that you are selling at a profit, would you mind making sure that you report that as income? I'm sure that there a whole generation of people that will appreciate your contribution....it is the ones that now think that the rest of the population owes them something just because they took a breath irregardless of how much they already have.



Nice. We have somebody who likes to take something somebody says, create a contentious context out of thin air by twisting nothing into something, then start a fight when they redress your unfounded commentary. Seriously? I simply indicated I was selling ammo at a higher price, and asked the OP (and anybody else reading this thread) if the price he purchased his ammo was typical. I simply wanted to know if my prices were out of line by virtue of the fact I was unaware the market had changed from a buyer's perspective since I'm on the selling end of a somewhat volatile market. Whatever else you've taken from my initial inquiry is your own doing, and inaccurate, and quite frankly, I'll not engage in your immature attempt to expand your baseless attack against me. Go find somebody else to play with.


And for what it's worth, I never presumed to know how old you are. I have no idea. I insinuated you are "probably" younger than my ammo based on the level of maturity you displayed. Whether you're actually younger or older wasn't really the point.

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