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  1. This thread continues the invaluable tradition of providing a reference list of bills related to us, or possibly related to us, now in the 98th General Assembly. New bills will be added as they are filed so check back often. House Bills House Bills Under Review HB5922 Criminal Law Tech - Short title - (Passed the House as amended 4/4/2014) HA1 to HB5922 Criminal Law Tech - Provides for criminal trespass charges when notice prohibiting entry is conspicuously posted Good House Bills HJRCA24 Conamend-Right to Hunt & Fish - Provides that he people have a right to hunt and fish HB0154 Concealed Carry - Firearms - A shall issue carry bill with preemption. Establishes the sheriff as the issuing authority. HB0997 Concealed Carry - Firearms - Creates the Family and Personal Protection Act Amend 9 to HB997 - Phelps - Adopted 4/19/2013 Amend 10 to HB997 - Phelps - Technical changes. HR1001 Memorial Otis McDonald HB1008 FOID Local Reg - Denies units of local government the power to impose fees and taxes related to firearms. HB1023 FOID Preempt Loc Gov - Preempts home rule units regarding training & instruction HB1024 FOID Preemption - Preempts county regulation of firearms HB1025 Crim Cd-UUW-Firearms-Exempt - Exempts from UUW teachers meeting certain requirements while engaged in the performance of their duties HB1027 Crim Cd-Firearms Waiting - Provides that the waiting period for transfer of a firearm is waived when the transfer is in exchange for another firearm HB1050 Firearm Owners-Records - Reduces the record retention period from 10 years to 5 years HB1051 Crim Cd-Firearm Transport - Denies units of local government the power to regulate transport of firearms and accessories HB1513 Firearms-Municipal Regulation - Denies home rule regarding ordinances more restrictive than statute. Prohibits local registration. HB1526 Expired FOID Card-Liability - Provides an exemption for FOID holders who have applied for, but not received, a FOID renewal in a timely manner. HB2368 Veh Cd-ATM Vehicles/Firearms - Brings transport on an ATV under criminal code rather than wildlife code HB2574 Veteran Hunting-Competency Req - Honorably discharged veterans meet competency requirements (Passed as Amended 4/9/2013) HA1 to HB2574 Veteran Hunting-Competency Req - Adds online education requirement HB2700 FOID-Preempt Loc Gov - Denies homerule powers relating to permits & licenses HB2902 Crim Cd-Personal Firearms - Makes enforcement of federal firearm law illegal HB2915 Firearms-Municipal Regulation - Denies home rule regarding ordinances more restrictive than statute HB3649 Concealed Carry License Fees - Eliminates Background Check Fee HB3650 Concealed Carry Resiprocity HB3651 Concealed Carry Training - Reduces some training requirements and eliminates others HB3762 - FOID - 18 Years HB4233 Firearm Concealed Carry - Removes the public transportation prohibition. HB4234 Firearm Concealed Carry - Removes the sale of alcohol prohibition for special events. HB4376 Crim Cd Firearm Transport - Provides that a current FOID holder can transport a firearm in a vehicle not subject to traditional transport requirements HB4377 Archery Equipment Transport - Provides that archery equipment may be transported in a vehicle not subject to traditional transport requirements (Passed the House 3/27/2014) Amend 1 to HB4377 - Technical Changes Amend 2 to HB4377 Archery Equipment Transport - Technical Changes (Adopted) HB4507 FOID Records - Provides that ISP shall destroy records related to the dial up system within 31 days (with exceptions) HB4619 Concealed Carry Fees - Reduces nonresident license fee to $150 HB4620 Concealed Carry Presumption - Defines circumstances by which a person may comply with the duty to inform HB4654 Firearm Reg Defines - Defines "regulation" as used in the FOID and FCCA HB4682 Concealed Carry DOT Rest Area - Provides that the prohibition on carry in buildings under control of the Executive Branch does not apply to rest areas HB4686 Conealed Carry Preemption - Provides for reimbursement of legal fees plus payment of punitive damages for violations of preemption HB4712 Concealed Carry Preemption - Clarifies the legislative intent of preemption under the FCCA HB4722 Firearm Concealed Carry - Removes prohibition on carry in public parks HB4860 Crim Law Tech (Passed the House as Amended 4/10/2014) HA1 to HB4860 Crim Law Tech - Allows law enforcement to sell wepons no longer needed as evidence HB4849 Safety Tech HA1 to HB4849 Safety Tech - Allows active military ti purchase firearms & ammunition with military ID HB5428 Concealed Carry Privacy - Clarifies that the waiver of privacy applies only in relation to FCCL eligibility HB5443 FOID Defense - Provides criminal immunity from laws requiring FOID possession, when FOID renewal is applied for but not received HB5605 Hunting Carrying Handguns - Allows an FCCL holder to carry a handgun while hunting HB5725 Concealed Carry Nonresident - Removes "substantially similar" requirement HB5726 Concealed Carry Civil Immunity - Grants civil immunity to certified instructors HB5737 Concealed Carry Military ID - Allows military ID number to be used on FCCL application HB5762 FOID Repeals - Repeals the FOID Act HB5765 Concealed Carry Police Exempts police and retired police from privately posted carry prohibitions Bad House Bills HB0011 - Unemployed Protected Status Senate Amendment 2 - Transforms the Governor's Amendatory Veto to HB183 into its own bill (Postponed 7/9/2013 in the Senate/Deadline Extended to 11/7/2013) - Tabled Senate Amendment 3 was adopted in the Senate 1/29/2014 and the bill passed as amended, and the House concurred. It is no longer in our area of interest HB0132 Crim Cd Assault Weapons - A firearm ban and registration scheme. HB0159 Firearm Owners-Loss-Theft - FOID revocation for failure to report the loss or theft of a handgun. HR514 - Urge GA Explosive Law HR814 Urge GA - Explosive Law HB0825 Criminal Law - Tech - Amends the Firearm Seizure Act HA1 to HB825 Criminal Law Tech - Adds "lost or stolen" wording HB831 Criminal Law Tech HA1 to HB831 Criminal Law Tech - May issue carry (Lost 4/17/213) [/indent] HB1142 Muni/County-Unwanted Firearms - Proposes a turn in program for unwanted firearms HA1 to HB1142 Muni/County Code-Unwnated Firearms - Adds civil immunities for public entities and employees. HA2 to HB1142 Muni/County-Unwanted Firearms - No reimbursement by the state. HB1143 FOID Card Act-Private Sale - Requires FFL to transfer concealable firearms HB1144 Crim Cd-Gangs-No Firearm - Prohibits a firearm transfer to a "known" gang member HB1145 Crim Cd-Unlawful Use Weapons - Enhanced penalties for felons in possession of a firearm or aggravated UUW HB1156 Criminal Law-Tech - Makes a technical change in a section concerning exemptions to UUW and AgUUW House Amendment 1 - Acevedo - Creates the Illinois Assaut Weapons Act - Oppose House Amendment 2 - Acevedo - Bans common firearms - Oppose House Amendment 3 - Sims - Bans common firearms - Oppose House Amendment 4 - Currie - Bans common firearms - Oppose House Amendment 5 - Zalewski - Magazine ban - Oppose House Amendment 6 - Cassidy - Locked storage required - Oppose House Amendment 9 - Zalewski - Magazine ban - Oppose House Amendment 11 - Durkin - Magazine Ban - Oppose House Amendment 12 - Zalewski - Magazine ban/registration - Oppose House Amendment 13 - Phelps - Preemption regarding fees and taxes - Support HB1157 Criminal Law-Tech - Makes a technical change concerning exemptions from statutes concerning UUW and AgUUW House Amendment 1 - Created the Illninois Firearm Safety Act - Oppose House Amendment 2 - Resistration - Oppose House Amendment 3 - Menatl Health Evaluation - Oppose House Amendment 4 - Locked Storage - Oppose House Amendment 5 - Mental Health/Relatives and Acquaintances - Oppose House Amendment 6 - Lost or Stolen - Oppose House Amendment 7 - Mental Health/Increased Fees - Oppose House Amendment 8 - Health Care Reporting Required - Oppose House Amendment 9 - Cassidy - Requires locked storage - Oppose House Amendment 10 - Michell, Christian - Creates a registry of transfers - Oppose HB1189 Creates the Gun Safety and Responsibility Act - Public Act 98-0508 House Amendment 1- Tabled House Amendment 2 - Replaced by SA1 Senate Amendment 1 - Adopted HB1262 Crim Cd-UUW-Exemptions - Creates a special class by exempting real estate agents from UUW & Ag UUW HB1296 Pen Cd-No Investments in Guns - Requires Illinois pension funds to divest of gun holdings (Lost 4/18/2013) HA1 to HB1296 Pen Cd - No Investments in Guns - Changes the definition of "firearm manufacturer company" in order to protect a French manufacturer HB1346 - Mortality Review Member (Lost 5/31/2013) Senate Amendment 1 - Magazine Ban HB1453 Pub Util Marketing Senate Amendment 2 - A trailer bill to HB183 (Adopted and passed in the Senate/House concurrence vote failed.7/9/2013) HB2248 Pen Cd-No Investments In Guns HB2265 Crim Cd-Firearm Offenses - Enhanced penalties for felons and gang members HA1 to HB2265 Crim Cd-Firearm Offenses HA2 to HB2265 Crim Cd-Firearm Offenses HA3 to HB2265 Crim Cd-Firearm Offenses HA4 to HB2265 Crim Cd-Firearm Offenses - Exempts nonresidents. HB2463 Crim Cd-Unlaw Use Weapons - Enhanced penalties HA1 to HB2463 Crim Cd-Unlaw Use Weapons HB2589 FOID-Insurance - Requires insurance for willful acts HB2592 Gun Trafficling Prevention - Combines state dealers license, lost or stolen, no private sales, registration HB2597 Gun Offender Registry HB2633 Firearm Transfers-State Police - Creates a registry of transfers with the ISP HB2743 Correctional Office-Firearms - Creates a special class for carry by off duty correctional officers HB2792 FOID-Psych Exam - Requires mental health certification for FOID HB2811 FOID-Handgun Registration- Requires handgun registration with fee + transfer registry; lost or stolen HB2831 Crim Cd- Assault Wepons Ban - Bans common firearms, establishes registration. Potentially exempts the bill's sponsor HB2834 Crim Cd-Firearms - May issue carry, firearm ban, back ground checks, storage HB2873 - Hunting-Property Lines - Prohibits hunting within 50 yards of a property line without written permission )Tabled 3/8/2013) HB3044 One Gun Per Month - Prohibits multiple transfers & attempted transfers of firearms & ammo in a 30 day period HB3083 Crim Cd-Firearm Felon&Minor - Enhanced penalties HB3269 Crim Cd Firearm Protect Order House Amendment 2 - Expands prohibition on possession of a firearm by persons subject to an order of protection, to now include substantially similar orders issued by another state, possession, territory, and DC. Adds ammunition, stun guns and tasers. Removes requirement that a hearing at which the respondent has had an opportunity to participate first finds a credible threat HA1 to HB3269 - Criminal Cd Firearm Protect Order - Expands orders to other states. Removes hearing requirement HB3646 Firearm Concealed Carry - Liquor - Prohibits carry on the premises of establishments serving any liquor HB3669 - Concealed Carry School Penalty - Elevates misdemeanor to felony charges. HB3675 - Concealed Carry - Penalties - Increased penalty for carry in a prohibited place. HB3714 - Use/Occ Tax - Ammunition - Imposes a 2% surcharge on ammunition HB4290 - Certified Firearm Instructor - Establishes penalties for instructors who provide false training certification (Passed the House 3/27/2014) HB4319 Firearm Concealed Carry - Places - Adds places licensed under the Video Gaming Act as prohibited locations, including fraternal & veterans establishments, and truck stops, whether or not alcohol is served. Changes privilege to post a location as prohibited to any person lawfully in possession and control. Changes private residences to presumptively prohibited. HB4517 Concealed Carry Restaurant - Prohibits concealed carry in any restaurant HB4574 Lost & Stolen Firearms - Provides for a 5 year suspension of a FOID and FCCL for a 3rd failure to report a lost or stolen firearm HB4715 Firearms Registration - Mandates annually renewable firearm registration, requires registration by both seller and buyer when transferring ownership of a firearm, limits ammunition to registered firearms, provides for additional background checks, requires seller to verify buyer's identity HB4753 Handgun Dealer Licensing Act HB4754 Crim Cd 3D Firearms Prohibits HA1 to HB7454 - Exempts parts transferred between manufacturers (Adopted) HA2 to HB7454 - Amends the prohibition to creation of a fully functioning firearm HA3 to HB7454 - Amends the prohibition to creation of a fully functioning firearm (Failed in Committee 4/3/2014) HB4779 Firearm Concealed Carry Signs - Inverts the signage requirement to allow carry only where permission is granted HB5490 Crim Cd Fireram Waiting Period - Amends the waiting period to begin upon completion of payment HA1 to HB5490 - Caps FFL transfer fees at $10 HB5523 Crim Cd Seizure Vehicles - Adds offenses for which a vessel, vehicle, or aircraft may be seized, including firearm violations HA1 to HB5523 Crim Cd Seizure Vehicles - Changes delivery of seized property to the sheriff to allow impoundment HA2 to HB5523 Crim Cd Seizure Vehicles - HB5636 Crim Cd Aggravated Assault - Provides for enhanced penalties for assaults against certain classes HB5672 Firearm Violation - Enhanced penalties (possibly Part 1 of Representative Zalewski's newest attempt at Mandatory minimum Sentencing) HB5773 Crim Pro Min Weapons Bail - Sets minimum bail for certain firearm violations Questionable, Neutral, and Shell House Bills/Resolutions HR0005 Creates Task Force Mental Diag - Creates a task force to identify all instances where Illinois statute, code, etc relies on a "purported understanding of mental illness" and to "make recommendations of urgent legislative actions". (Lost 3/8/2013) HB0051 Safety Tech - Makes a change to the FOID Act regarding denial, revocation, and seizure. HB0052 Safety Tech - Makes a change to the FOID Act regarding the legislative declaration HJR55 - Englewood Violent Crime Task Force (Adopted by House) HA1 to HJR55 HR0091 National Right to Carry HR0155 Creates Mental Diag Task Force HR0179 Creates Mental Diag Task Force HB183 - Creates the Firearm Concealed Carry Act. - Public Act 98-0063 Senate Amend 1 - Withdrawn Senate Amendment 2 - Tabled Senate Amendment 3 - Withdrawn Senate Amendment 4 - Withdrawn Senate Amendment 5 - Adopted Senate Amendment 6 - Adopted Senate Amendment 7 - Adopted HB0746 Wildlife - Tech HB0747 Wildlife - Tech HB0801 Criminal Law - Tech - Possession of explosives or indendiary devices (Passed as Amended 4/11/2013) HA1 to HB0801 Criminal Law - Tech HA2 to HB0801 Criminal Law - Tech - Adds nurses to list of protected persons HB0807 Criminal Law - Tech - Makes a technical change concerning unlawful possession of firearms and ammunition HB0808 Criminal Law - Tech - Makes a technical change concerning defacing indentification marks on a firearm HB0809 Criminal Law - Tech - Makes a technical change concerning firearms HR814 Urge GA - Explosive Law HB0817 Criminal law - Tech HB0820 Criminal Law - Tech - Makes a technical change concerning unlawful sale or delivery of firearms HB1115 Criminal Law-Tech - Makes a change concerning possession of explosives HB1155 Criminal Law-Tech - Makes a technical change in a section concerning UUW House Amendment 1 to HB1155 - Phelps - Names the Act - Support House Amendment 2 to HB1155 - Zalewski - Establishes "gun free" zones (schools) - Oppose House Amendment 3 to HB1155 - Burke[/color - Esablishes "gun free" zones (day care) - Oppose House Amendment 4to HB1155 - Currie - Establishes "gun free" zones (state governmmt) - Oppose House Amendment 5 to HB1155 - Lang - Establishes "gun free" zones (gaming) - Oppose House Amendment 6to HB1155 - Jakobsson - Establishes "gun free" zones (health care) - Oppose House Amendment 7to HB1155 - Lang - Establishes "gun free" zones (libraries) - Oppose House Amendment 8 to HB1155 - Feigenholtz - Establishes "gun free" zones (arenas) - Oppose House Amendment 9 to HB1155 - Cassidy - Establishes "gun free" zones (amusement parks) - Oppose House Amendment 14 to HB1155 - Mell - Establishes "gun free" zones (public transportation) - Oppose House Amendment 27 to HB1155 - Phelps - HB997 language - Support House Amendment 45 - Drury - Attempts to moot the 7CA decision in Moore with indefinite implementation dates - Oppose House Amendment 46 - Drury - Doubles the cost of the FOID card - Oppose House Amendment 47 - Mitchell, Christian - Establishes a registry of transfers with the ISP - Oppose House Amendment 48 - Ford - Firearm specific training - Oppose House Amendment 49 - Arroyo - Limits carry to a single firearm - Oppose House Amendment 50 - Williams - Prohibits carry in restaurants - Oppose House Amendment 51 - Dunkin - Requires $1,000,000 insurance - Oppose House Amendment 52 - Martwick - Presumes local law enforcement objects to a carry application when no objection is raised - Oppose House Amendment 53 - Drury - attempts to moot the 7CA decision in Moore with indefinite implementation dates - Oppose HB1381 Safety Tech - Amends the FOID Act concerning notification of dispositions of certain criminal cases. HB1382 Criminal Law-Tech - Makes a technical change concerning UUW. HB1436 Criminal Law-Tech HB1437 Criminal Law-Tech HB1438 Criminal Law-Tech HB1439 Criminal Law-Tech HB1440 Criminal Law-Tech HB1580 Wanton Waste of Game Meat - Makes it illegal to wantonly waste or destroy usable meat from game animals HB1651 Wildlife-Tech - Public Act 98-0181 HA1 to HB1651 Wildlife-Tech - Taking of fur bearing mammals by shotgun HB1652 Wildlife-Tech - Public Act 98-0402 Amend 1 to HB1652 - Use of drones HB1850 Regulation-Tech - Amends the Private Detective Act HB1899 Safety-Tech - FOID notification of dispositions of certain criminal cases HB1900 Safety-Tech - FOID – Legislative Declaration HB1901 Safety-Tech - FOID notification of dispositions of certain criminal cases HB1902 Safety-Tech - FOID – Legislative Declaration HB1903 Safety-Tech - FOID notification of dispositions of certain criminal cases HB1904 Safety-Tech - FOID notification of dispositions of certain criminal cases HB1905 Safety-Tech - FOID – Legislative Declaration HB1907 Criminal Law-Tech - Use of force in defense of a dwelling HB1908 Criminal Law-Tech - Use of force in defense of a person HB1909 Criminal Law-Tech - Changes accountability for another person's conduct HB1913 Criminal Law-Tech - Makes a change concerning the definition of a felony HB1914 Criminal Law-Tech - Makes a change concerning the definition of a conviction HB1917 Criminal Law-Tech HB2159 Criminal Law-Tech HB2182 Criminal Law-Tech - RICO HB2186 Criminal Law-Tech - Firearm Tracing HB2188 Criminal Law-Tech - Gunrunning HB2191 Criminal Law-Tech - FOID – Legislative Declaration HB2309 Wildlife-Tech HB2335 - Pub Util - Alternative Gas Supp Senate Amendment 1 House Amendment 1 House Amendment 2 - Creates the Firearm Concelaed Carry Act House Amendment 3 HB2439 Criminal Law-Tech HB2440 Criminal Law-Tech HB2619 Wildlife Cd-Crossbow Age - Reduces the age for cross bow use from 62 to 65 (Passed House 3/22/2013) HB2703 Crossbow Hunt-Age 14 & Under - Allows hunters age 14 & under to use a crossbow HB2704 Apprentice Hunter License - Removes language making apprentice hunter license one time use HA1 to HB2704 Apprentice Hunter License HB2723 Private Detective-Sunset - Makes changes regarding licensure to carry a firearm (Passed 4/12/2013) HB2742 Crim Cd-Unlaw Weapons-Juv - Prohibits persons confined to a penal institution from possessing weapons HB2825 Crim Cd-Firearm Suppressor - Makes illegal possession of a suppressor for any firearm with a defaced serial number HB2840 Wildlife-Tech HB2879 Violence Prevention Task Force- Public Act 98-0194 HA1 to HB2879 Violence Prevention Task Force HA2 to HB2879 Violence Prevention Task Force HA3 to HB2879 Violence Prevention Task Force HB3118 Wildlife-Canned Hunting Ban HB3208 Tactical Medicine Provider HB3209 Safety-Tech - FOID – Legislative Declaration HB3217 Crim Cd-Firearm Offenses HB3231 Safety-Tech - Amends the FOID Act concerning of dispositions of criminal cases. HB3386 Safety-Tech - Amends the FOID Act concerning of dispositions of criminal cases. HB3647 - Crim Cd Explosives HB3684 - Employment Tech - Amends the Workplace Violence Prevention Act HB3702 - Civ Procedure-leases; Criminal Activities HB3725 Firearm Concealed Carry - Exempts FFL's from training requirements HB3770 - Crim Cd - Agg Unlaw Use Weapon - Amends an aggravating factor from a prior felony to a prior forcible felony (part of a package of several bills hoping to make Mandatory Minimum Sentencing more palatable) HB3886 Revenue Tech - Amends the Use Tax Act HB4049 Safety Tech - Amends the Nitroglycerin Transportation Act HB4050 Safety Tech - Makes a technical change to the FOID Act HB4060 - Wildlife Tech HA1 to HB4060 - Wildlife Tech - Reduces crossbow age from 62 to 55 HB4089 - Criminal Law Tech - Use of force against another person in defense of a dwelling. HA1 to HB4089 - Criminal Law Tech HB4102 - Criminal Law Tech - Makes a change concerning possession of explosives or incendiary devices HB4105 - Criminal Law Tech HB4112 - Corrections Tech HB4184 Hunting/Fishing Lic - Veterans - Reduces fees for nonresident Purple Heart recipients HB4226 Wildlife - Bobcat Hunting (Passed the House as amended 3/27/2013) HA1 to HB4226 - Changes limit to one bobcat per permit (Adopted) HB4305 Revenue Tech HB4315 Criminal Law Tech HB4316 Criminal Law Tech HB4325 Wildlife Tech HB4329 Hunting & Fishing License Fees - Waives fees for residents over age 75 - (Passed the House as amended 4/4/2014) HA1 to HB4329 Hunting & Fishing License Fees - Reduces fees for residents over age 75 HB4408 Civ Pro Doctors Disclose Info HA1 to HB4408 - Allows physicians to notify DHS of a clear and present danger pursuant to FOID HB4500 Hunting/Fishing - Disabled Vets - Provides for free hunting & fishing licenses to veterans with a 50% or more disability HB4548 Wildlife Tech HB4549 Wildlife Tech HB4550 Wildlife Tech HB4815 Safety Tech - Amends the Pyrotechnic Use Act HB4849 Safety Tech - Amends the FOID Act (legislative declaration) HB4850 Safety Tech - Amends the FOID Act (legislative declaration) HB4851 Safety Tech - Amends the FOID Act (legislative declaration) HB4852 Safety Tech - Amends the FOID Act (legislative declaration) HB4853 Safety Tech - Amends the FOID Act (legislative declaration) HB4854 Safety Tech - Amends the FOID Act (legislative declaration) HB4859 Criinal Law Tech HB4863 Criminal Law Tech HB4864 Criminal Law Tech HB4919 Health Tech - Amends the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code HB4920 Health Tech - Amends the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code HB5035 Regulation Tech - Amends the Private Detective, Private Alarm, Private Security, Fingerprint Vendor, and Locksmith Act HB5055 Safety Tech - Amends the Hazardous Materials Emergency Act HB5073 Revenue Tech - Amends the Use Tax Act HB5074 Revenue Tech - Amends the Use Tax Act HB5077 Transportation Tech - DNR jurisdiction HB5079 Wildlife Tech HB5080 Wildlife Tech HB5081 Wildlife Tech HB5085 Agriculture Tech HB5130 Criminal Law Tech - Unlawful sale or delivery of firearms. HB5137 Criminal Law Tech HB5138 WIldlife Tech HB5139 Wildlife Tech HB5153 Safety Tech HB5299 Crim Cd Weapons Exempt Rifle HB5300 Crim Cd Weapons Exempt Rifle HB5318 Safety Tech - Amends the FCCA (short title) HB5363 Reveue Tech - Use tax HB5371 Safety Tech - Amends the FOID Act legislative declaration HB5391 Safety Tech - Amends the FOID Act legislative declaration HB5406 Crim Cd Explosives - Prohibits possession of bomb making material, including gunpowder, smokeless powder, detonators and other detonating agent. (Passed the House as Amended 4/1/2014) HA1 to HB5406 - Limits prohibited explosives to TATP and HMTD (Adopted in Committee 3/24/2014) HB5456 Concealed Carry Training - Exempts active LEO and official from training. Partially exempts training completed under prior employment HB5497 Criminal Law Tech HB5514 Trapped Animal .22 Caliber - Allows trapped beaver, river otter, weasel, mink or muskrat to be killed with a .22 caliber or smaller rifle. HA1 to HB5514 - Clarifies the intent as removal of the animal from the trap HB5579 Crim Cd Firearm Suppressor HB5738 Wildlife Tech - Short title HB5758 Criminal Law Tech - Short title HB5932 Criminal Law Tech - Short title HB5977 Crim Cd UUW Tactical Paramedic - Provides exemptions for a "tactical paramedic" as defined HB5986 Concealed Carry Secure Firearm - Allows emergency services personnel to secure a firearm under certain circumstances HB6002 Safety Tech - Amends the FCCA (short title) HB6003 Safety Tech - Amends the FCCA legislative declaration HB6004 States Att & Assistant Firearms - Allows states attorney & assistant to carry in prohibited areas if trained as a peace officer .
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