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Posts posted by starwatcher

  1. I doubt any meaningful red flag law challenge will make it to SCOTUS within the lifetime of any of the current judges(or mine). If any sympathetic red flag recipient makes it to a significant legal challenge point the state will just moot the case by granting their rights back. The only way a challenge will make it's way up is if the plaintiff is a Rahimi type character. That Rahimi 2 character will have a hard time finding a champion.

  2. On 5/20/2024 at 10:14 AM, MrTriple said:

    So apparently I wasn't aware that en banc oral arguments were already heard back in March. A recording can be found at this link:




    Might be useful to listen to in the wake of the denial of cert on the appeal.


    This is a hilarious listen.


    M16 leaves nothing of its [paper] target.

    M16 shreds the human body.



  3. I didn't watch the video but this can be very good for us in the long run. Either way this will go to SCOTUS ( whether or not they take it up will be unknown). But if it does get into SCOTUS they should rectify how this will work with US vs Miller which says the military test is the opposite, only weapons used for military purposes are protected by the 2nd. (That ruling was seriously flawed then and a ruling in the opposite today might force SCOTUS to rectify them) Which can then be used to challenge the NFA.

  4. If SCOTUS rules broadly and lower courts and states respect that ruling (hahah) how much you want to bet those red flag, order of protection cases will be handled openly like other court cases instead of like divorce/family/juvie court cases.


    Imagine making that decision, do you want to fight that red flag and have something searchable against your name or just take it discretely.


    That could really torpedo someone's job, housing, and prospective relationships searches.

  5. Let them declare the state a sensitive area, but require the government be held accountable for every crime committed within the sensitive area.


    You get robbed, the government is required to make you whole, you get assaulted the government pays for your medical bills. So on and so forth.


    If the government can find the perpetrator then the government has to go after them for reimbursement.

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