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Posts posted by Penumbra1811
Four years ago I received my Foid then my CCL after winning my appeal. I had two non violent felonies and after around 27 years of being a good citizen I got to have guns. I moved to Iowa and got my permit there too even when I really didn't need it. So my question is unfortunately I have to move back to Illinois and I'm worried about my guns and if I will be able to get my Foid card again and my CCL. My rights were restored but worried I would have to go through the whole process again. What's your insight?
It took me over a year to get mine. I called my state reps and kept emailing ISP and calling them every week. Maybe try the same thing. Mine was not as the same as yours I appealed when I got my denial letter but mine was over two non violent felonies. I got a letter from ISP one day and opened it up and my Foid card fell out. I then went on and got my CCL. Good luck. Molly B also helped.
That was a quick expiration date.
This is great I believe it's going to help many people especially me when I go to court next month.
I found him here on this site that someone mentioned. Total cost was around $3,000.00.
I was just thinking and wondering if the Director of ISP has ever been subpoenaed to court over something like this and decided to give someone there Foid card because he or she meet all requirements anyways so ISP didn't have to show up for court. I mean if you are eligible why go to court and waste time.
My attorney said subpoena and he didn't say anything about a lawsuit.
I was told today that the SA wanted the ISP Director supenoed for our court date not sure what this means.
I was denied a foid card almost three years ago and have been in appeals with the director of ISP ever since. With several calls and no responses back from them. Now I have gotten through a few times only with them saying it's being looked at. I finally have a court date in about three weeks over this and my attorney thinks this should go well. ISP won't respond with a decision and I meet all requirements and the SA has the paperwork he requested. My case is identical to Pournaras I hope everything will go through I have waited long enough, ISP and the State Of Illinois still treats me like a criminal. I was also denied a Pardon by our old Govenor Rainer. I'm not a criminal but a law abiding citizen I made mistakes and bad choices.
Molly B i sent you a private message.
I've been in appeals over one year with them and havnt heard anything but them saying it's being looked at but I call bull**** on that. They probably havnt even touched my paperwork since they signed the the delivery of the certified mail I sent them.
Message Molly she is awesome she will help.
Molly B. I still haven't heard from ISP since your inquiry with them and it's been a month. I keep checking the ISP website but still says "denied."
Been over a year for me.
Just wondering because the attorney I have wants to do that. He is basically doing it because they are taking to long on my appeal and says that I could get my Foid because of the time it's been since my non violent crime over twenty years ago. Also he said he wants to get their feathers ruffled to get them on it.
Just wondering if anyone has sued or tried to sue the ISP to get there Foid card with a felony? If so what happened?
Well after several months of calling I finally get to leave a message about my Foid being in appeals. I have tried for over five months to even get this far hopefully someone will call back. It's ridiculous we have to wait like this but they sure would take your card in a instant. I wouldn't be surprised if it took another five or six months to call me back.
I'm afraid we have a long wait ahead and it just isn't right the ISP does this.
I hired a Attorney who said he could get me my foid over twenty years has passed since a forcible felony conviction with a friend. Trouble free since then we went to court and the judge ruled against me I had only thirty days to appeal the decision. It was never done the attorney wouldn't return my calls and I left several messages with him but he didn't respond. More than less he just took my money.What happens after you send in your appeal to ISP and loose? What happens if you cant go back to court because you only had the thirty day appeal am i really screwed?
ISP has had my appeal for at least seven months I'm so frustrated with this. Last April of this year I also filed for clemency I'm sure that will take even longer.
I have also filed for a pardon just this last April I'm sure that will be years of waiting for probably a no answer especially if JB gets in office. Next August I will be 50 and still probably won't be able to get a foid after something that was done years ago.
It's been about six or seven months for my appeal and still have not heard anything. I called maybe three months ago and they said it's under review this is ridiculous I should not have to wait this long. It's been over twenty years since I was involved in a forcible felony with a friend I use to hang with. I have not been in trouble since 1992 I deserve a foid card any comments or help would be appreciated.
It will be around five months for me waiting by the time the end of this month ends. This is ridiculous!! I'm also waiting on the letter for clemency I'm sure it will even take longer.
I'm going on four months and I have called and get the same answer it's a bunch of crap!!
Back to Illinois
in Illinois FOID Application, Renewal & Appeal Process
I mailed them back my foid and ccl. Yes I will apply again then bring my guns but I will not register anything.