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Posts posted by pyre400

  1. This topic was created to provide answers to various Frequently Asked Questions, regarding the new carry law: Public Act 098-0063.
    All forum members are encouraged to respond to posts that may be covered by this FAQ with the following redirect: http://illinoiscarry.com/faq.html
    This will help keep everyone on the same page and alleviate a lot of the confusion and moderation overhead on the forum.

    Q2. What are the training the requirements?
    A2. a ) The law states that it will consider existing training that the applicant has taken, up to 8 of the 16 hours required. The training has yet to be determined by the Illinois state police training board.
    b ) Training for active law enforcement or current "TAN Cards" will be considered satisfactory for the required 16 hours
    . Training for retire or not currently employeed "tan cards" will be counted for 8 hrs. of training credit.
    c ) Renewal will require an additional 3 hours of training

    Q3 . Is there duty to inform? (DTI)
    A3 . DTI is only required if the officer asks.

    (h) If an officer of a law enforcement agency initiates an 3 investigative stop, including but not limited to a traffic 4 stop, of a licensee who is carrying a concealed firearm, upon 5 the request of the officer the licensee shall disclose to the 6 officer that he or she is in possession of a concealed firearm 7 under this Act, present the license upon the request of the 8 officer, and identify the location of the concealed firearm.
    New legislation requires passengers to also respond if asked.

    Q4. Is this new law "may issue"?
    A4. No, it is a "shall issue" law. There is an exception/denial process, however, which involves review by an appointed board.

    Q5. The review board sounds an awful lot like May Issue
    A5. Most applicants will not have their applications sent to the review board.
    The review board only comes into play if:

    A law enforcement agency objects to your application

    You have been arrested more than 5 times in the previous 7 years for any reason

    You have been arrested more than 3 times in the previous 7 years for gang related offences

    Q6. Can my Sheriff/Chief LEO object because he does not approve of concealed carry and/or has a grudge against me?
    A6. No. The objections made by LEO must be documented, specific to the applicant, and must demonstrate that the applicant would be a danger to public safety if given a license. The review board will determine if the preponderance of evidence shows the applicant is a danger to public safety. Decisions by the review board can be appealed in Court.

    Q7. This law offers preemption, what does that mean for other "local" ordinance and regulation of firearms?
    A7. Under the law, there are several forms of preemption:
    a ) The carrying/transporting of
    firearms under this act is an exclusive function of the state and municipalities cannot regulate the carrying of handguns for self defense.
    b ) The law also preempts any municipal regulation of handguns for ownership, possession, registration or the like. i.e - Chicago can no longer require it own specific training or Chicago Firearm Permit or registration of someone who owns a handgun so long as they have been issued a FOID card.
    c ) There is transportation preemption which means so long as you are transporting you firearm in accordance with state law, you can legally transport it anywhere through the state.
    d ) There is preemption of so called assault weapons bans. Current bans are grandfathered in. and a home rule municipality had 10 days after the law took effect to pass one if they chose. No new bans on so called assault weapons may be enacted in the state.

    Section 90. Preemption.
    The regulation, licensing, possession, registration, and
    transportation of handguns and ammunition for
    handguns by licensees are exclusive powers and
    functions of the State. Any ordinance or regulation, or portion
    thereof, enacted on or before the effective date of this Act
    that purports to impose regulations or restrictions on
    licensees or handguns and ammunition for
    handguns in a manner inconsistent with this Act shall be
    invalid in its application to licensees under this Act on the
    effective date of this Act. This Section is a denial and
    limitation of home rule powers and functions under subsection
    (h) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution.
    Sec. 13.1. Preemption.
    (a) Except as otherwise provided in the Firearm Concealed
    Carry Act and subsections (  and (c) of this Section, the The
    provisions of any ordinance enacted by any municipality which
    requires registration or imposes greater restrictions or
    limitations on the acquisition, possession and transfer of
    firearms than are imposed by this Act, are not invalidated or
    affected by this Act.

    Q8. What are the fees for obtaining a license? How much will it cost to get a license?
    A8. a ) For residents it is $150 for a license. $300 for non-residents.
    b ) Other "fees" and costs are ancillary, and not addressed by the law. Examples of such fees are training expenses, range time, and fingerprinting
    c ) Replacement of a license, or address change, will cost $75

    Q9. Is there a live fire requirement for obtaining a license?
    A9. Yes, the requirement consists of the following
    An applicant for a new license shall provide proof of
    certification by a certified instructor that the applicant
    passed a live fire exercise with a concealable firearm
    consisting of:
    (1) a minimum of 30 rounds; and
    (2) 10 rounds from a distance of 5 yards; 10 rounds from a distance of 7 yards; and 10 rounds from a distance of 10 yards at a B-27 silhouette target approved by the Department.

    Q10. How long will it take to get a license?
    A10. The approval status is supposed to be given within 90 days from the receipt of the application if fingerprints are submitted, 120 days if fingerprints are not submitted. There is an appeal process that can be followed in the event that the 90 days are exceeded, or a denial is given.

    Q11. I drove to a GFZ. What do I do?
    A11. Nothing if you don’t exit your car such as picking up your child from school. However, if you must exit your vehicle to conduct some business, You may leave your loaded firearm in a case within your locked vehicle (glove box and console count as cases), or locked container out of plain view within the vehicle. You may store your firearm in the trunk of a vehicle.

    Q12. What if I drove a motorcycle to a GFZ?
    A12. Motorcycles are vehicles too. You can store your loaded or unloaded firearm in a locked container out of plain site(ie within saddlebags) that is securely fastened to the motorcycle.

    Q13. By mistake I entered into a GFZ while carrying. What do I do?
    A13. Immediately exit the premises. No side trips. If you have a vehicle, you may lock the loaded firearm inside the vehicle, or inside a locked compartment in the vehicle, or unloaded it may be locked in the trunk and re-enter the GFZ to finish your business.

    Q14. Nuclear facilities or other places prohibited by Federal Law.
    A14. Sorry, leave your gun at home. Federal prohibition takes precedence.

    Q15. Bars and Restaurants. Whats this 50% or more sales from alcohol thing?
    A15. You are not expected to check the books of every place you go to dine. The law requires bars and restaurants above the 50% alcohol sales threshold to post accordingly. If bar or restaurant is not posted, then it is not a prohibited location.

    Q16. Does this law make all personal firearm sales, without the use of a 3rd party (FFL), illegal?
    A16. No.

    Q17. Can you still transport unloaded and encased?
    A17. Yes, the law doesn't change the current transport law for FOID card holders. If you don't have a CC license, you are by definition not a licensee under the act and thus the prohibitions cannot be applied to you. The law also preempts units of government from having stricter transportation laws than state statute.

    Q18. Does the vehicle "Safe Harbor" override my employers ban on having a firearm in my vehicle in a company parking lot?
    A18. The law allows LICENSEES to store a firearm in your vehicle despite a company policy to the contrary. However, it does not prevent them from taking some sort of action against you as an employee. If you are under a collective bargaining agreement, you should contact your union about how they plan on handling this in the grievance procedure and as a new subject of mandatory bargaining.

    Q19. Will this new law allow me to carry while driving a company truck?
    A19. No, the company policy will control that.

    Q20. Cook County Forest Preserve.
    A20. Grounds, buildings, parking lots, etc are all GFZ. However, you may still store a firearm in a vehicle as noted in Section 65, Paragraph ( b )

    Q21. What about Forest Preserves outside of Cook County.
    A21. You may lawfully carry at outdoor locations, trails, parking lots, and outdoor picnic pavilions within a Forest Preserve. Some buildings on Preserve property might possibly be posted because they serve as educational or administrative buildings. Check for signs.

    Q22. Can I carry in Illinois on an out of state license until I get an Illinois license?
    A. No.

    Q23. What effect does the Illinois CC law have on my non-resident Utah license?
    A. At present, no effect. Utah only requires that you have your home state license if your home state recognizes the Utah license. Illinois currently will not recognize any out of state licenses so you can apply for and renew a Utah license without the need to have an Illinois license.

    Q24. If there is a prohibited entity on one side of a parking lot and a non-prohibited are on the other, can I carry loaded in the parking lot to the non-prohibited entity?
    A24. Yes, the shared parking lot doesn’t preclude you from carrying. The only way you can’t carry loaded is if it is a dedicated parking lot for the prohibited entity which would have control. Then, you can carry unloaded/enclosed or leave the weapon in your car.

    Q25. Must an applicant submit fingerprints, or perform a livescan?
    A25. No. A completed application does not require fingerprints. However, there is an additional 30 days added onto the 90 day approval/denial period for applications submitted without fingerprints.

    Q26. What is considered "concealed or partially concealed"?
    A26 It means concealed from view - as in anyone looking at you or your vehicle can not tell you have a firearm on you or in your vehicle. The partially/mostly is a protection in the case of accidental exposure of the firearm.

    Q. What states will recognize the IL carry license? TBD

    --------- Questions not yet answered ------------

    Companion thread for discussion about the FAQ can be found here: http://illinoiscarry...showtopic=38462
  2. This is great news to hear everyone. I have been on the sidelines for quite sometime, and have posted very few times in the past months. A new job, getting out of school, cross-country move (now live in California for 18 months :no: , until my next move) , yadda yadda. I try my best to keep up with Illinois politics, especially those with the 2nd Amendment. One day I will make it back with family being there.


    Best of luck in the fight and I will do my best to keep this effort moving forward. Thats what it takes and the various members of IllinoisCarry have proven this.




    Hey Cam, congrats on finishing school, getting the new job, and seeing new/interesting places.


    Thanks for stopping by - enjoy your travels and exploring the country! Stop out and see the Sierra Nevada if you haven't already. Yosemite is really nice in late May.

  3. what exactly is a Fish?



    Emanuel is known for his "take-no-prisoners style" that has earned him the nickname "Rahmbo."[25] Emanuel sent a dead fish in a box to a pollster who was late delivering polling results.[20] On the night after the 1996 election, "Emanuel was so angry at the president's enemies that he stood up at a celebratory dinner with colleagues from the campaign, grabbed a steak knife and began rattling off a list of betrayers, shouting 'Dead! ... Dead! ... Dead!' and plunging the knife into the table after every name."[9]

    I've added the bold font
  4. Did anyone see what Mayor Emanuel's office released?


    “We are disappointed with the Court’s decision," said a spokesman for Mayor Rahm Emanuel. "The City is reviewing today’s opinion and will coordinate our efforts with the State to best protect the residents of Chicago and still meet constitutional RESTRICTIONS."

    Emphasis added.


    By the looks of that text, I'd say he's getting ready to send a fish to Judge Posner.

  5. It is sooo nice to have some good news for a change. The ruling is definitely some long awaited news, and I know we've earned a little celebration.


    Still, I'm sure we arent the only ones who were anticipating this ruling.

    I'm going to wait until we get into the end zone before I start to do my victory dance.




    ^ looked like it crossed the plane, but I think college rules are different.

  6. FYI - Tapatalk is working fine for me. iPhone 4s running ios5.1. Tapatalk version is V1.13.


    Interesting. I removed the taptalk java from the IPboard skin, but kept it the ipb.mobile skin. I did this when I was rebuilding the skins (to correct another problem we were having with switching skins once in the mobile.)


    I wonder if that inadvertantly corrected this issue? The impression I got from tapatalk was that they knew what the problem was, and they were going to fix it after some other fixes were completed. This update was from March. The response I posted in my previous reply was from 2 days ago - the user was expressing their interest in getting the fix for the "latest posts".

  7. Normally when I open Illinois Carry it goes to the latest posts. Now it still goes to the latest tab but no posts show up it is just blank.




    I've republished on tapatalk with the hopes that this clears things up. Can you check to see if this problem is still happening.


    Is anyone else who is using tapatalk having this problem?

  8. The forums used to open up and adjust to my screen width. I am running win 7 with my start bar on the left side of the screen. Before the upgrade I didn't need to auto hide the start bar. Is that something that is configurable? My monitor is an older crt. Not a wide screen. I'l do some exploring of options.




    Hi Eugene


    The browser may be controlling that. I wonder if clearing out the history would not correct that - note if you're very dependant on browser history to go to different URL's, you will lose that by clearing the browser cache.



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