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Posts posted by speedbump


    If the ISRA hadn't been asleep *for five YEARS* the revelations of $28,000,000 missing from the FOID/CCL/FSF would have been a pertinent inclusion to the case, plus the outrageous scheme of expired FOID = REVOKED CCL = RETROACTIVELY REVOKED FOID!!!


    I have seen cases of expired FOID = REVOKED CCL. I have not seen any cases of expired FOID = REVOKED CCL = RETROACTIVELY REVOKED FOID. I would very much like to see the specifics if you can share in a private message.

    Will do. I'll try to get copies and email them to you.

  2. Around 85 of the 95 counties in VA are now 2a sanctuaries, and many of the 30+ municipalities. The legislature is threatening (VA HB67) to arrest any police officer who refuses to comply and enforce whatever laws are passed. County board meetings have been attended by 3,000+ citizens in some cases, and there is a great deal of anger and outrage. Some boards authorized county funds to go toward local militia training and equipment. VCDL Lobby Day looks to have 10,000-50,000 in attendance.


    Gonna get sporty.


    Im curious about the make up of the current review board. Before, all members were appointed by Rauner and had their term expire in January. Is there a new board or is the old board still acting while awaiting new appointments? Are they meeting the same as when under Rauner? Not sure anyone knows.https://www2.illinois.gov/sites/bac/SitePages/AppointmentsDetail.aspx?BCID=739

    Ordinarily, I'd suspect that the board appointments are empty, but Jeremy Margolis' bio on his law firm's site lists him as current chair of the review board. That doesn't necessarily mean that they're meeting and reviewing anything, though.

    Interesting, it appears that Jeremy is still sporting his ISP lapel in pin on his official bio pic.


    BigJim I like to stay informed, so please dont flame me.

    You have a link for the $50.00 for 5

    I think I saw today the 90 days for approval........

    Also I didnt see anything about driving to Springfield to apply in person?

    Thanks in Advance

    Edit: Found the apply at Department of State Police!

    That and more is in Rep Willis HB0096 floor amendment filed yesterday. FOID card good for 5 years. Apps apply in person at State Police facility, etc.

    Keep an eye on that one...word is they may be trying to push that through ASAP.

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