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About IllinoisCarry - Contact Info

IllinoisCarry is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing educational information about the lawful acquisition, possession, and carrying of firearms in Illinois as well as actively preserving, protecting, and advancing the Second Amendment Right to Carry for personal safety of self and others.

Our online discussion forum provides a central location for sharing important information pertaining to the current Firearm Owner Identification Act and the IL Firearm Concealed Carry Act. The forum also provides a central location for firearm instructors to post listings of the courses they offer. You will find our team of volunteers are on top of everything firearms related within the state of Illinois and the nation with up to the minute news and information you need to be a knowledgeable and responsible firearm owner.

Our leadership team, in partnership with the Illinois State Rifle Association, the NRA, and the Second Amendment Foundation, is on the forefront of forming and implementing policy. We are also very proud to have helped prepare and participate in numerous lawsuits challenging unfair laws, rules, and regulations that deprive honest, law-abiding citizens of their Constitutional rights. IllinoisCarry vows to continue to challenge infringements on behalf of Illinois residents and those who travel in and through our state.

So, come on in and make yourself at home, wander through the vast amount of information provided, feel free to ask questions and post your opinions. Please be aware, we do have a code of conduct we ask visitors to honor when posting, violation of the code will result in a suspension of posting privileges. With that in mind, all are welcome.

For more information and for media inquiries, please contact IllinoisCarry spokesperson Valinda Rowe (aka Molly B.) at:

Valinda Rowe

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