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ICAGV Post against HB-182


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here is what the other side is saying about HB-182 to the Governor:


"I urge you to veto HB 182. This bill would change Illinois law governing the concealed carrying of handguns and threaten public safety. Since 1961, Illinois has prohibited the carrying of concealed firearms outside of an individual’s land, abode, or fixed place of business. HB 182 will allow a person to carry a concealed handgun into another person's home.


HB 182 would allow individuals to carry weapons, either openly or concealed, on the land or in the legal dwelling of another person as an “invitee” with that person's “permission.” This bill does not establish how permission would officially be granted and does not clarify whether an individual is required to disclose to the inviter that he or she is carrying a firearm. Furthermore, law enforcement would have no discretion in determining who is fit to carry concealed weapons onto other people’s property and would not know who is carrying them.


Bottom line - this is a bad law. Guns in the home increase the chances of homicide, suicide and accidents."


They are still in the panty wringing mode about what this will do:


"Tell Governor Quinn why the issue matters to you and how it affects you and your community. Add an example of a dangerous scenario that could occur if HB 182 is passed, for example:


A domestic violence offender, who is a prohibited purchaser and not allowed to have a gun, calls his friend to come over to his house with his gun to intimidate his partner.


A drug dealer selling drugs out of his home has armed bodyguards to avoid being charged with unlawful possession.


A young adult throws a house party, friends come over carrying guns, and it quickly gets out of control. "


Time to send our own calls and letters to the Governor again

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It never ceases to amaze me that people BEG to have their God given AND Constitutional Rights taken away. I think 100 years from now people will look back at this time frame and shake their heads in wonder. ..


I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, it is a typical liberal stance and attitude.. (thin skinned with no desire for individual responsibility or personal freedom.)



..Sorry to be negative, I am reflecting on past service today and have very little temperment for progressive thinking.


quick edited for spelling :Loony:

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"Borrowed" this off of another forum:


Guns are similar, for instance, to automobiles....


In the hands of the sane and responsible, they are generally harmless....


In the hands of the insane, careless or malicious, they both become deadly.


Blame the person, not the means....


Mechanical/inanimate objects have no mind of their own.

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My message to Gov. Quinn has been dispatched.


But doesn't it seem that a veto would be highly unlikely? This passed the Senate 57-0, and passed the House 90-28.


I urge all those here to let Quinn know how we feel. The impression our messages leave on him do make a difference.

Just to make a little easier:



Office of the Governor

207 State House

Springfield, IL 62706

Phone: 217-782-0244

TTY: 888-261-3336



Office of the Governor

James R. Thompson Center

100 W. Randolph, 16-100

Chicago, IL 60601

Phone: 312-814-2121


Or leave a message at their website HERE

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