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Illinois General Assembly 5/23/2024


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Yesterday in the Senate, HB4500 Unlawful Possession Weapons was passed back to the House as amended by Senate Amendment 1.  The bill will appear on the House concurrence calendar.


Also in the Senate, Senate Amendment 3 was filed on SB3527 Crim Cd- Firearm Safe Storage
The House is scheduled for 11:00 AM and the Senate for 9:30 AM.
I will be away from the forum a good deal over the next few days.
Next Days Scheduled
House:  5/25/2024
Senate: 5/25/2024
House Calendar

Senate Calendar


Senate Supplemental Calendar 1



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House Calendar

11:00 AM

HB2323 Uniform Crime Statistics Data
House Sponsor:  Didech, Cabello
Senate Sponsor:  Edly-Allen, Johnson
Status:  House Concurrence in Senate Amendment 1
Synopsis As Introduced
Amends the Illinois State Police Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Provides that the Illinois State Police shall establish a Uniform Statewide Crime Statistics Task Force within 90 days after the effective date of the amendatory Act. Provides for the appointment of the members to the Task Force by the Director of the Illinois State Police. Provides that the Task Force shall meet at least monthly to assist the Illinois State Police in the development and implementation of an integrated software system for gathering and publishing crime data from all law enforcement agencies throughout the State. Requires submission, within one year after the effective date of the amendatory Act, of a final report and recommendations to the Director of the Illinois State Police with, at a minimum, the following information: progress on the development of the integrated software system, what the expected cost would be to implement the integrated software system, and what protocols on accessing and updating the information should be implemented. Dissolves the Task Force and repeals the provisions 2 years after the effective date of the amendatory Act.
House Amendment 1 to HB2323 – Adopted
Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the provisions of the introduced bill with the following changes. Moves the provisions to the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Act from the Illinois State Police Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Provides that the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (rather than the Illinois State Police) shall establish a Uniform Statewide Crime Statistics Task Force within 120 days (rather than 90 days) after the effective date of the amendatory Act and provide administrative and technical (rather than other) support to the Task Force. Provides that the members of the Task Force shall be appointed by the Executive Director of the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (rather than the Director of the Illinois State Police), and modifies the membership of the Task Force. Requires the Task Force to meet at least quarterly (rather than monthly). Requires the Task Force to submit a report no later than 18 months after first convening (rather than one year after the effective date of the amendatory Act) to the Governor, General Assembly, and the Director of the Illinois State Police (rather than only to the Director). Modifies the requirements of the report. Further amends the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Act. Provides that the Authority may exercise any other powers that are reasonable and necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the Authority under this Act and to comply with the requirements of applicable State or federal law (rather than federal law) or regulation.
Senate Amendment 1 to HB2323 - Adopted
Provides that the Uniform Statewide Crime Statistics Task Force shall meet at least quarterly to assist in the development and implementation of certain software for certain purposes (rather than shall meet quarterly to assist the Illinois State Police in the development and implementation of certain software for certain purposes). Provides that the Task Force shall submit a final report to the Governor, General Assembly, and the Executive Director of the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (rather than the Governor, General Assembly, and the Director of the Illinois State Police).
HB4500 Unlawful Possession Weapons
House Sponsor:  Buckner, Cassidy, Avelar, Hernandez (Norma), Mayfield, Morris, Ammons, Jiménez, Williams (Jawaharial) (Added after passage:  Rosenthal, Swanson)
Senate Sponsor:  Cervantes, Porfirio, Johnson, Edly-Allen, Ventura, Collins, Aquino, Turner (Doris), Halpin, Villa, Peters, Jones III, Belt (Added after passage:  Hunter)
Status:  House Concurrence in Senate Amendment 1
Synopsis As Introduced
Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Changes the names of the offenses of unlawful use of weapons, unlawful use of weapons by felons or persons in the custody of the Department of Corrections facilities, aggravated unlawful use of a weapon, being an armed habitual criminal, unlawful use of firearm projectiles, and unlawful use of a firearm in the shape of a wireless telephone to unlawful possession of weapons, unlawful possession of weapons by felons or persons in the custody of the Department of Corrections facilities, aggravated unlawful possession of a weapon, persistent unlawful possession of a weapon, unlawful possession of firearm projectiles, and unlawful possession of a firearm in the shape of a wireless telephone. Provides that if any person before the effective date of the amendatory Act has been arrested, charged, prosecuted, convicted, or sentenced for unlawful use of weapons, unlawful use or possession of weapons by felons or persons in the custody of the Department of Corrections facilities, aggravated unlawful use of a weapon, being an armed habitual criminal, unlawful use of firearm projectiles, or unlawful use of a firearm in the shape of a wireless telephone, the changes of the names and the defendants to unlawful possession of weapons, unlawful possession of weapons by felons or persons in the custody of the Department of Corrections facilities, aggravated unlawful possession of a weapon, persistent unlawful possession of a weapon, unlawful possession of firearm projectiles, and unlawful possession of a firearm in the shape of a wireless telephone, shall retroactively be made in any criminal background records maintained by the Illinois State Police, law enforcement agencies, clerks of the circuit court, and any other State agencies providing criminal background information to the public under specified timelines. Amends various Acts to make conforming changes. Effective January 1, 2025.
House Amendement 1 to HB4500 - Adopted
In the amendatory changes to the Criminal Code of 2012, deletes provision that that if any person before the effective date of the amendatory Act has been arrested, charged, prosecuted, convicted, or sentenced for various weapons offenses the name changes to those offenses made by the amendatory Act shall retroactively be made in any criminal background records maintained by the Illinois State Police, law enforcement agencies, clerks of the circuit court, and any other State agencies providing criminal background information to the public under specified timelines.
Senate Amendment 1 to HB4500 - Adopted
Changes the name of the offense of "persistent unlawful possession of a weapon" to "unlawful possession of a firearm by a repeat felony offender".

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