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Illinois General Assembly 1/17/2024


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Following House and Senate sessions made very short yesterday by the urgency of adopting PICA rules more than 2 weeks after the registration "deadline", JCAR did adopt those rules and the "deadline" is now retroactively an actual deadline.  Well, sort of a deadline.  The registration portal remains open so it depends on what "deadline" means and who you ask.
The House is scheduled for 10:00 AM today and Senate for 12:00 Noon.
Next Days Scheduled
House:  1/18/2024  2/6/2024
Senate: 1/18/2024  2/6/2024


House Calendar
Senate Calendar

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House Calendar

10:00 AM

HB179 $Violence Prev Auth - Tech
House Sponsor:  Welch
Status:  Held on Second Reading
Synopsis As Introduced
Appropriates $2 from the General Revenue Fund to the Illinois Violence Prevention Authority for its FY24 ordinary and contingent expenses. Effective July 1, 2023.

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On 1/16/2024 at 7:37 PM, mauserme said:


House Calendar


10:00 AM

HB179 $Violence Prev Auth - Tech
House Sponsor:  Welch
Status:  Held on Second Reading
Synopsis As Introduced
Appropriates $2 from the General Revenue Fund to the Illinois Violence Prevention Authority for its FY24 ordinary and contingent expenses. Effective July 1, 2023.

Is $2 correct?    If so, does this mean HB179 is going to become another shell bill they stuff full of anti-2A laws?

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On 1/16/2024 at 7:37 PM, mauserme said:

Following House and Senate sessions made very short yesterday by the urgency of adopting PICA rules more than 2 weeks after the registration "deadline", JCAR did adopt those rules and the "deadline" is now retroactively an actual deadline.  Well, sort of a deadline.  The registration portal remains open so it depends on what "deadline" means and who you ask.



"However, the Republican JCAR members were successful in filing a motion to object to the rules on the same grounds. ISP must respond in writing to the Committee’s objection before it can file the regulations with the Secretary of State’s Office to be adopted."  Senator Dale Fowler

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On 1/19/2024 at 5:06 PM, Molly B. said:



"However, the Republican JCAR members were successful in filing a motion to object to the rules on the same grounds. ISP must respond in writing to the Committee’s objection before it can file the regulations with the Secretary of State’s Office to be adopted."  Senator Dale Fowler


How cool is that!



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